Chapter 107: The White Bone Wall! (Fourth!) | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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“I’ve seen that you are dishonest, you can tell the nonsense that the entrance will change!”

“Do you really think we are fools?”

Sun Honglei said solemnly.

Zhang Chen also frowned and stared at Rexi: “You can’t find the entrance, did you say that on purpose?”

“My brother is telling the truth, the entrance will really change, and all equipment will fail when it reaches that place. If it encounters stormy weather, not only will the entrance not be visible, but it will be buried in the glacier by the blizzard!”

“In our local area, no one dares to step into the Kunlun Glacier. Our brothers sacrificed their lives to lead the way for you. As for whether you can find the entrance to the Kunlun Glacier, it depends on your good fortune!”

Tubal was anxious and explained in a deep voice.

“It’s true, I’ve told you everything I need to say. If you agree, then we’ll set off in the morning. If you don’t believe me, you can ask another wise man!”

Rexi also said.

“Okay, let’s go in the morning!”

Zhang Chen thought for a moment and nodded.

After Brother Rexi left, Sun Honglei said a little depressed: “These two are liars, how did you agree to them, Zhang Chen?”

“I also think that these two guys are talking nonsense. How can the entrance be changed? Unless the Kunlun Glacier is alive, or there are real monsters and monsters inside, it is absolutely impossible for this kind of thing to happen!”

Huang Lei shook his head.

Lin Yu nodded in agreement. He is an atheist. Although his previous experience has shaken his beliefs, it is indeed too absurd that the glacier entering 463 will change it!

“It’s not impossible. Although my home is not here, I have heard of the mysterious legends of Kunlun Mountain since I was a child. Some things that seem to sound like a fantasy are really not impossible!”

Fat Di suddenly said.

“It is indeed the case. There is no wind and no waves. The rumors may not be true, but there must be a reason for them to spread so widely.”

Yaya also nodded.

“Although these two guys are unreliable, what he just said should be true, and so far we haven’t been able to find a good guide. We will act according to the circumstances tomorrow. If these two guys play tricks, they will be tied up! ”

Zhang Chen suggested.

“Yes, there are so many of us! If these two boys play tricks, not only will we not give them money, but we will also send them to the police station for questioning!”

“The initiative is in our hands, IWhat are they afraid of! ”

Huang Lei thought about it and nodded in agreement.

“That’s it, let’s go back to our own homes to find our own mothers, get a good night’s sleep, and get up tomorrow to go to Kunlun Glacier!”

Huang Bo yawned, got up and walked towards the door.

The crowd dispersed quickly.


In the early morning of the next day, Brother Rexi came to knock on the door. After packing up, everyone started to prepare to leave.

Seeing that everyone was carrying a lot of equipment, Rexi showed a little surprised expression.

“There are so many things, but the camels are suffering!”

Rexi muttered, and walked out of the town with everyone.

At the entrance of the town, everyone saw Tubal waiting with two camels.

“Don’t you have a car?”

Sun Honglei looked at the desert cliff in the distance with a surprised expression.

“No way! There’s no road in there at all, it’s full of rocks and bumps, and the car can’t get in, only rely on these guys!”

Rexi shook her head and explained.

“It’s fine without a car, but why did you bring two camels? How many of us are there?”

Sun Honglei frowned. For some reason, he felt that this Rexi was not a good bird. ,

“Yeah, could it be that you ride camels and we walk?”

Huang Lei narrowed his eyes.

“This camel is not for riding, but for checking in luggage. We are leaving now. Even at night, we may not be able to find the entrance to the Kunlun Glacier!”

“With so much equipment, I can’t carry it at all!”

Rexi waved his hands.

Only then did everyone show a stunned look.

Huang Lei also thought to himself, these two goods don’t look so unreliable!

At this time, Batur also packed everyone’s luggage and put them on the camel, and then led the camel to walk towards the wasteland cliff.

The Mongolian wood behind them gradually disappeared into the dark yellow sand.

As he walked further, Zhang Chen found that there were wilderness and cliffs everywhere, and it was covered with sand all year round, making it a barren land at all!

I can’t see any mountain trend, and there is no way to use his bonus money here.

“Rexi, how long will it take us to see the Kunlun Glacier at our current speed?”

Huang Lei asked Rexi who was walking in front of him.

“It’s hard to say, the weather in Kunlun Mountain will change as soon as it changes, don’t look at the weather is good now, maybe there will be a storm in a while!”

Rexi shook her head. (cbfc)

Huang Lei showed a depressed look. Hiking on the plateau was already very physically exhausting, and walking in such a place, the speed of physical strength was almost doubled.

Fortunately, I participated in Zhang Chen’s training camp before, otherwise he would not be able to withstand it after walking for an hour.

After turning over a cliff, the camel suddenly stopped strangely.

Batur pushed hard several times, but the camel still wouldn’t go!

Rexi noticed something was wrong and stepped forward to inquire about the situation.

“what happened?”

Batur showed a depressed look: ‘I don’t know, wow, this dead camel won’t leave if it doesn’t go! ’

Rexi looked around, her face suddenly a little ugly.

“What’s wrong?”

At this time, Zhang Chen’s voice suddenly sounded.

Rexi was taken aback. Seeing Zhang Chen, he sighed and said, “We may have taken a fork in the road! The camel doesn’t go forward, which means there is danger ahead!”

“Taking a fork in the road? Didn’t you say that you often go to Kunlun Glacier? Why can’t you even remember the way?”

Zhang Chen frowned.

“I often go, and the direction we are heading is also the direction I remember, but the strange thing is that it seems really wrong here, I have never been here!”

Rexi scratched his head, showing a look of embarrassment. He has been walking for more than two hours, and he should see the first resting point.

But there was nothing in sight.

“Rexi, are you kidding us?”

Standing in the back, Sun Honglei explained Rexi’s words clearly, and suddenly grabbed Rexi’s collar and asked.

Seeing this, Batur hurried up and shoved Sun Honglei and roared, “What is the benefit to us by lying to you? We also want to send you to the entrance of Kunlun Glacier as soon as possible, and then take the money and leave!”

Rexi also nodded.

Sun Honglei was stunned for a moment, and seemed to feel that Batur and Rexi didn’t want to lie to him on purpose, so he let go.

“I know why the camel didn’t move forward, look what it is!”

Speaking of which, Zhang Chen pointed towards the earth wall like a sand dune in the distance.

Rexi and Sun Honglei raised their eyes and saw an endless earth wall at the end of their sight!

“Why is there a wall here?”

Sun Honglei said in surprise.

“yes,It’s a bit strange indeed. Could it be the remains of the city left by the ancients? ”

Lin Yu looked at the earth wall in the distance and exclaimed.

Zhang Chen patted Rexi on the shoulder and said, “The camel doesn’t dare to walk, it must have something to do with that earthen wall, go and see what’s wrong!”


Rexi looked surprised.

“Of course it’s you! You are a guide and a native of Xinjiang. Our physical strength on the plateau is not as good as yours. Who will you go if you don’t?”

Zhang Chen asked rhetorically.

Rexi was unwilling, but he couldn’t refute Zhang Chen’s words, so he had to trot all the way towards the dirt wall.

About three minutes later, Rexi walked to the earth wall, bent down and reached out to wipe Sha Shuo on the earth wall, but suddenly!

As if seeing something terrifying, Rexi ran back in horror, and even fell a few somersaults on the ground. Zhang Chen saw his terrified expression, and his brows furrowed immediately. There are oddities on the walls!


“It’s all bones…”

“Let’s go, everyone, that’s the legendary wall of bones!”

Rexi’s frightened voice mixed with wind and sand spread into everyone’s ears! .

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