Chapter 105 The Legend of Kunlun Glacier! (Third!) | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold With Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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Inside an Iveco car.

When he was about to arrive at his destination, the silent driver Kurban suddenly said to Zhang Chen, “Mr. Zhang, I have to tell you something!”

His tone was very solemn, as if he had made a great determination.

Everyone also noticed that Kurban’s tone was wrong, and they all looked at Kurban in surprise!

Zhang Chen still closed his eyes.

“I know you are treasure hunters going to Kunlun Glacier, but we locals always regard Kunlun Glacier as a sacred place!”

“If the locals know that you are going to Kunlun Glacier, there will be a lot of trouble!”Kurban sighed and said, Zhang Chen was his savior, he knew how to repay his gratitude, and these words were really unpleasant in his heart.

The locals believe that the Kunlun Glacier lives in the gods who protect them from good weather. The treasures there belong to the gods. If they enter the Kunlun Glacier, they will provoke the wrath of the gods!


Zhang Chen nodded, how rich his previous life experience is, and this kind of thing is not uncommon.

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“Actually, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is the brothers Rexi and Batur! They are evil people!”

Kurban took a deep breath.

Everyone was a little surprised. On the train, Zhang Chen told them that the brothers were liars, but they didn’t know what Kurban meant by wicked people.

“what do you know?”

Zhang Chen opened his eyes and asked Kurban’s back.

“Mr. Zhang is my benefactor. I won’t lie to you. In fact, there are many people like you who go to Kunlun Glacier to hunt for treasure every year, but many of them never come back!”

Version Kuer said solemnly: “They are not familiar with the place, and they can’t find a guide there, so they usually choose brothers Rexi and Tubal to take them to find the entrance of Kunlun Glacier, and then give them a handsome reward. !”

“But the terrain of the Kunlun Glacier is very complicated. Even if you find the entrance and enter it, you will be eaten by the monsters inside. I have helped the brothers to pull people for seven or eight years. Although I have not seen it with my own eyes, I have heard of it more or less. Lots of rumours!”

“Anyone who has entered the Kunlun Glacier has never come out 々〃!”

“All dead?”

Huang Lei took a deep breath, it turned out that the Kunlun Glacier was so dangerous!

Kurban nodded solemnly and said, “Yes, most of them died in the Kunlun Glacier, but some of them were killed by the Rexi brothers!”

Speaking of this, he had a slightly guilty look on his face.

At the beginning, he also said all about those who wanted to enter the Kunlun Glacier, but they didn’t listen at all, and later he didn’t say anything.

But Zhang Chen saved his life, he didn’t want Zhang Chen to have an accident.

“How did you know?”

Zhang Chen squinted his eyes and asked, he knew that the Rexi brothers were not good people, but he didn’t expect them to be murderers!

Sun Honglei, Huang Bo and the others all showed shocked expressions, and felt a little uneasy in their hearts!

“I guess, sometimes I often see the belongings of those who didn’t come back on the Rexi brothers!”

Kurband Road.

“Well, I see!”

Zhang Chen nodded, but for the time being, he didn’t want to move the two brothers. To find the entrance to the Kunlun Glacier, they still needed the two brothers.

But once found, if this brother is really like Kurban, he must be punished as they should!

“Mr. Zhang, I know that you are very capable, but I still advise you not to enter the Kunlun Glacier. Even if the Rexi brothers can’t harm you, the monsters in the Kunlun Glacier will kill you!”

After Kurban stopped the car, he turned to persuade Zhang Chen.


Zhang Chen turned his head and glanced at the brightly lit town, and said.

“Well, after getting off the bus, the proprietress of the Hongchen Hotel will take you to the store, where the Rexi brothers are! But you must not tell them that we told you this, or I will lose a job to earn a living. !”

Kurband Road.

“Don’t worry, we won’t!”

Huang Lei Road.

Zhang Chen got up and got out of the car. When he was at the door, Zhang Chen patted Kurban on the shoulder and said, “Thank you for your reminder, but we must go to Kunlun Glacier!”

After speaking, Zhang Chen turned around and got out of the car.

After everyone left, Kurban clasped his hands together, chanting words as if praying to the Lord God to protect Zhang Chen and his party.

Under the leadership of the inn proprietress, Zhang Chen and his party met the Rexi brothers again.

At the same time, for the safety of the guest group and Kurban, the director team covered up the information spoken by Kurban, and notified the local police to stand by.

Once Zhang Chen has action instructions, the Rexi brothers will be arrested.

“Mr. Zhang, you rest first, tomorrow morning we will take you to find the entrance to the Kunlun Glacier, but I must tell you in advance that the entrance to the Kunlun Glacier may not be found, but as long as you reach the destination, you must give the guide fee of 200,000 yuan. I!”

In Zhang Chen’s room, everyone gathered around, and Rexiguan said to Zhang Chen.

“Brother, what do you mean? Playing with us?”

Zhang Chen didn’t speak, Sun Honglei said with a gloomy face, he was originally very fierce, and this appearance was really scary.

“If you don’t find your destination, why should we give you money?”

Huang Lei also said.

“¨. I only talk to Mr. Zhang! ”

Rexi glanced at the two of them disdainfully.

Sun Honglei was stunned for a moment, then glanced at Rexi with a sneer. The most ruthless among them was Zhang Chen, who didn’t even want to frame Zhang Chen’s door.

The corners of Huang Lei’s mouth also showed a slight arc.

“Old rules, give me a reason to convince me!”

Zhang Chen said lightly.

“It can be seen that Mr. Zhang was an expert in all corners of the world when he was in the world. He has extraordinary knowledge, but he doesn’t necessarily understand Kunlun Glacier!”

Rexi said with a solemn expression.

“Oh, talk about it!”

Zhang Chen said.

Rexi glanced at Zhang Chen and said, “The Kunlun Mountain is a sacred mountain believed by the locals, and the Kunlun Glacier is a forbidden place in the eyes of the locals. If you enter the Kunlun Glacier at will, you will be punished by the gods living in the Kunlun Glacier!”

“This is just an illusion of a fool. Do you want to use this as a negotiating capital?”

Zhang Chen said.

Rexi was stunned for a moment, and then showed a weird smile: “Mr. Zhang is really straightforward, and indeed I don’t believe in the existence of gods, otherwise I wouldn’t be a guide!”

“However, this Kunlun (Hao Zhao) Glacier is indeed very strange, its entrance is random, and you are dissatisfied with it, my brother and I said that we sent more than a dozen groups of people to enter, but only once found the entrance of Kunlun Glacier! ”

Everyone was surprised when they heard the words. When they were in the car, Kurban once told the story of the Rexi brothers, and suspected that the two brothers were murderers who murdered for money.

So after seeing the two, everyone was always on guard against them, but what they didn’t expect was that Brother Rexi told his secrets in person.

“What’s the reason?”

Zhang Chen frowned, maybe he could really get important information from Rexi’s mouth.

“You may not believe it when you say it. The entrance of Kunlun Glacier will change with the weather and time! It is more difficult to find the entrance of Kunlun Glacier in the wilderness and cliffs than climbing to the sky!”

Rexi said solemnly.

“I’ll go! Are you making it up? The entrance will change with the weather and time, how is this possible!”

Huang Bo immediately shook his head, his face full of disbelief. .

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