Chapter 104 The strongest commentary group! (Second!) | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold With Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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Seeing the wolves leave, Zhang Chen raised his head and glanced at Kurban calmly, “Is the car repaired?”

“Alright, alright!~”

Kurban nodded quickly.

Zhang Chen just got into the car, leaning on his original position and half-squinting his eyes, he closed his eyes and rested.

Kurban glanced at Zhang Chen with a fearful expression, and then he started the car tremblingly and drove towards the dark night.

Everyone in the car didn’t see Zhang Chen unlocking the lock with his fingers, otherwise their jaws would have dropped.

Although they knew that Zhang Chen’s divine power was invincible, the shock of the confrontation between steel and flesh was indescribable.

The long-silent barrage of major platforms finally has a wave of climax!

In the past week, the program team has been training and training, and there is no climax of the plot. Everyone knows that this is a live broadcast category.

It is impossible to have wonderful and shocking pictures all the time!

But just now, Zhang Chen used his eyes to scare away the wolves, and the scene of bending the composite iron gate with his two fingers made the blood in their bodies ignited again.

And they don’t seem to realize that their perspective on the show has changed a little!

At the beginning, they actually came for the star 21, thinking that Zhang Chen is just an amateur who assists the star!

But now, as long as they are watching the show, they will unconsciously be brought into Zhang Chen’s perspective!

Those celebrity guests have become a dispensable existence, so during the training camp a few days ago, Zhang Chen ordered these celebrity guests as a leader, and warned them that they would be eliminated if they could not complete the tasks he arranged.

Not only will they not feel that Zhang Chen is arrogant, but they will take it for granted!

This is Zhang Chen’s personal charm!

It is hard to imagine that a character who has never appeared in the public eye can attract tens of millions of fans in just over 30 hours!

Even when working, sleeping and studying, the subconscious will expect Zhang Chen to show a strong side!

It seems that they can also experience the thrill of shocking others!

Although it was just a small episode, it was enough to make them crazy!

“Too fall! I suspect Zhang Chen’s fingers are made of steel!”

“It’s over! I don’t see Zhang Chen for a day now, so I don’t want to eat or drink, woo woo woo…”

“It’s getting better and better. I remember that Zhang Chen had an eyeball-like bead in his hand. Will it be related to the next Kunlun Glacier expedition?”

“The brother upstairs is right, that bead is very mysterious. Although the camera only gave it less than a second, it seems to have a magic power!”

The audience of the barrage also had a hunch that the mysterious Kunlun Glacier was about to appear in front of them.Not long after Marvin came to the studio after resting for a few days, he saw that the number of people on the show had grown crazy again, and his heart was faintly excited.

And for the second tomb, their live broadcast method has also undergone some changes. At the exciting moment of the plot, they set up a commentary session by experts from the support team!

Let the audience have the best viewing experience.

Ma Wen said with earphones: “Old Fang, Daochang Ye, Mr. Shen’s broadcast equipment has been debugged, and the first commentary test will be carried out immediately. Can we start now?”

In the studio hall, under the bright lights, Professor Fang Tangyi sat in the center of the commentary platform, while Daoist Ye and Shen Ming sat on both sides.

After hearing Marvin’s voice, the three nodded and said that they could start. V

The big screen in front of them is the live broadcast.

With the addition of commentary shots, a shot of a studio hall appeared in the lower left corner of the live broadcast screen, and the three figures appeared on the screen.

“Hello everyone, I’m Fang Tangyi, a professor at Yanjing University!”

Fang Lao smiled and introduced himself to the camera.

While watching the live broadcast, I thought that the program would change, and when I was not able to figure out the situation, I suddenly heard Fang Tangyi’s self-introduction.

The barrage went crazy instantly!

Few of them knew Fang Tangyi, but there were quite a few who had heard of Fang Tangyi’s reputation!

Yanjing University professor of archaeology, national leader of Qin and Han culture, highly respected and knowledgeable, almost everyone in the country knows about it!

The program team can invite such a heavyweight person, that’s a big deal!

“Wow! Fang Laodu has appeared. It seems that the show is stable. I was worried that the show would be blocked by the relevant departments because of its large scale. Now that the archaeological master Lin Laodu is here, I don’t think anyone dares to question this show. !”

“Wow, I really want to hear Fang Lao’s explanation of tomb knowledge!”

“Looks like I’m going to take out my notebook to study!”

The barrage commented.

“Hello everyone, I am also the head of Wudang Mountain, Ye Qiuyu!”

The camera moved to Daochang Ye, and Ye Qiuyu said hello.

“I’m going! The head of Wudang has invited? It’s wonderful, wonderful!”

“I’ll take it!”

“I’m looking forward to what Ye Daochang will say when he sees Zongzi!”

The barrage exploded again.

“Hello everyone, I’m Shen Ming, a wilderness survival expert. I was invited by the program team to explain this program. I will analyze it from a professional perspective!”

Shen Ming is a little young and relatively lively in self-introduction. Although he is not as famous as Fang Tangyi and Ye Qiuyu, he has many audiences who know him.

“It’s amazing! Shen Ming has even invited me. I don’t know which of them is more capable than Zhang Chen?”

“Is it comparable? Although Shen Ming is a retired special forces soldier and has a strong ability to survive in the wild, in terms of combat effectiveness, he is not on the same level as Zhang Chen!”

“Let me give you some popular science: Shen Ming kills wolves, Zhang Chen kills dumplings, Shen Ming climbs mountains and mountains, and Zhang Chen roams the underground world! You taste, you taste carefully!”


“Dear viewers, you must have seen the picture just now. I am ashamed of Zhang Chen’s personal ability. In the face of two or less wolves, I can use tools to deal with them. If there are more than three wolves, I can only choose to escape!”

“Just now Zhang Chen used his eyes to scare away the wolves, perhaps because they smelled the danger of the underground world on Zhang Chen’s body!”

“There is also Zhang Chen’s strength to pry open the door with his fingers. According to my professional calculation, the strength of his fingers is at least 200 kilograms!”

Shen Ming first explained the scene just now.

The barrage has been played, 66666!

Especially after Shen Ming immediately admitted that he couldn’t compare with Zhang Chen at all, the audience’s expectations for Zhang Chen rose again!

But also because of Shen Ming’s magnanimity, he has attracted a lot of fans! .

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