Chapter 101 Liar Wizard! (Third!) | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold With Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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When Zhang Chen woke up, it was already dark outside the car window. He went to the toilet and felt a little hungry, so he asked the flight attendant about the location of the dining car and the opening time.

When I learned that it was time to eat now, I walked towards the dining car.

After arriving at the dining car, Zhang Chen found that Sun Honglei, Huang Bo and others had already arrived at the dining car.

After being seated, Zhang Chen ordered a fast food, smiled and asked why he didn’t take a break, anyway, it would take more than 30 hours to reach the destination.

Everyone looked at Zhang Chen in surprise, and after a while, Huang Lei asked in surprise, “No, it’s been more than 30 hours since we got in the car, you won’t be sleepy, right?”

Zhang Chen was stunned for a moment, looked at the time on his watch, and as expected, as Huang Bo said, more than 30 hours have passed!

Have you slept for so long?

Zhang Chen looked surprised. He didn’t know what was going on. He suddenly recalled that before he got into the car to sleep, he had studied the mysterious key of the system reward. The eyes on it would make people dizzy.

Is this the reason?

“Maybe too tired!”

Zhang Chen shook his head, things seemed to be getting more and more mysterious.

Everyone seemed to be dissatisfied with Zhang Chen’s perfunctory explanation, and all looked at Zhang Chen suspiciously.

“Okay, Fatty Huang, what are you surprised about? Zhang Chen has slept for more than 30 hours, and you have slept for more than 20 hours. You can laugh at a hundred steps in fifty steps. Don’t laugh at anyone!”

880 Sun Honglei joked.

“Can I do the same? Don’t forget that I have read thirty books in a week. Although they are all ancient scrolls with tens of thousands of words, they are also exhausted. I don’t know how many brain cells, okay?”

Huang Lei is a little resentfulLooking at Zhang Chen, the good guy’s usual reading volume for a year was forced by Zhang Chen to finish it in a week.

“I don’t like to listen to Fatty Huang’s words. It’s like I’m easy. Every day I practice wrestling, turning stones and rolling, my hands are getting calluses!”

Sun Honglei pouted.

“Don’t fight, you two, I’m the hardest! Climbing the rock wall every day, let alone calluses on my palms, I have calluses on my belly now!”

Huang Bo glanced at the two with a sneer.

Fat Di, Yaya and others were amused by Huang Bo saying that there were calluses all over their belly.

“Zhang Chen is also for us to enter the Kunlun Glacier safely…”

Lin Yu didn’t seem to be used to the habit of three people teasing men, and explained with a serious look.

While everyone was chatting, two middle-aged men dressed in Xinjiang suddenly came in at the door, and the two sat down beside Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen noticed that when Lin Yu mentioned the words Kunlun Glacier, the two Xinjiang people looked at everyone (cbaj) with alertness and curiosity in their eyes.

Although it was only a flash, it was still captured by Zhang Chen.

The Kunlun Glacier is extremely mysterious, because few people enter it, so many legends will spread!

However, this is all from the perspective of outsiders. If the people who live there will know more secrets about the Kunlun Glacier, they have no brains for this trip, and they don’t even know how to enter the Kunlun Glacier.

If these two people are local people who know the inside story, it would be very good to fool over and be a guide.

So Zhang Chen didn’t show anything, and let everyone gossip and reveal some information, while he paid attention to the changes in the expressions of the two Xinjiang people.

After they sat down, they started to talk in Xinjiang dialect, but every now and then they glanced at Sun Honglei and Huang Bo, who were arguing.

Later, Huang Bo and Huang Lei joined together to form the same camp again and started to attack Sun Honglei. Sun Honglei was anxious, patted the table and stood up and pointed at Huang Bo and Huang Lei: “You look down on people, don’t you?”

“Don’t forget, now I am the number one fighting force among us, apart from Zhang Chen. If you enter the Kunlun Glacier and encounter zongzi, don’t expect me to save you both!”

Sun Honglei’s voice was so loud that everyone in the dining car looked up at this noisy guy with sunglasses.

“Brother Hong Lei, keep your voice down…”

Seeing this, Fat Di pulled Sun Honglei and said that he is a Xinjiang native who knows the unique customs of ethnic minorities. If Sun Honglei said something in a hurry to trigger the taboo, he might encounter some trouble.

Sun Honglei also realized that he had just lost his temper, and sat down awkwardly.

But the two Xinjiang men sitting next to them suddenly talked a few words, then got up and walked in front of the crowd, looking at Sun Honglei.

Everyone’s expressions suddenly became solemn, Huang Bo secretly scolded Sun Honglei for being a big mouth, and said everything, now he is in trouble!

“What’s up?”

Zhang Chen knocked on the table and said calmly.

One of the slightly thinner Xinjiang men suddenly said in lame Mandarin: “I know about Kunlun Glacier, but are the zongzi you’re talking about the food on the dining car?”

Everyone looked at each other and suddenly looked surprised.

“Yes, it’s food! But there is no dining car, but Kunlun Glacier has it. Can you lead the way?”

Zhang Chen nodded slightly and asked.

“I can’t take you there!”

The two Xinjiang people shook their heads.


Zhang Chen stared calmly at the two Xinjiang men.

Hearing this, one of the men sneered, said a Xinjiang dialect, turned around and sat down at the No. 7 dining table, which was far away, and placed the sign on the dining table on the side of the dining table near the aisle.

“Fatty, what did they say?”

Huang Lei stared at Fat Di curiously and asked, he always felt that the expressions of those two people were a little weird when they said that.

Everyone’s eyes fell on Fat Di!

“Do you really want to know?”

Fat Di showed a little helpless expression.

“Why do I feel like scolding us?”

Sun Honglei said suspiciously.

“Tell me…”

Zhang Chen stirred the spoon in the water cup and said calmly.

When Fat Di saw that Zhang Chen had opened his mouth, he took a deep breath and said, “I just scold us, saying that we are not good people, but liars…”


The spoon stirring the tea in Zhang Chen’s hand suddenly stopped, showing a suspicious look.

Everyone was also stunned, and Sun Honglei’s face immediately showed a little anger: “Dare to say whether we are good people or liars, what kind of eyes!”

“It’s no wonder that people say that we, just like Hong Lei, don’t make people think that we are bandits!”

Huang Lei laughed.

“You don’t make fun of me, you feel uncomfortable, right?”

Sun Honglei glared at Huang Lei with a look of disapproval.Cool.

The three girls covered their mouths and snickered.

“It’s okay, they are also liars!”

Zhang Chen suddenly smiled.

Everyone was stunned and looked at Zhang Chen suspiciously.

Huang Lei opened his eyes wide as if thinking of something, looked at Zhang Chen in surprise and said, “You mean…”

Zhang Chen nodded slightly.

“I see!”

Huang Lei nodded.

“Oh, if you say this, I will understand, these two really are!”

Huang Bo also showed a stunned expression.

Zhang Chen got up and glanced at everyone: “I’ll go back to rest first!”

When he reached the dining table number 10, Zhang Chen knocked on the dining table and went out. .

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