Chapter 102 Two hundred thousand guide fees! (Fourth!) | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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“It’s almost there, let’s go back and rest for a while, it’s time to get off the bus in less than two hours, and then there won’t be such a comfortable environment!”

Huang Lei muttered to his feet and walked out of the dining car with his jacket.

Huang Bo Fatty and others quickly followed, leaving only Sun Honglei with a confused face.

“No? I just don’t understand, do I?”

Sun Honglei looked at the backs of everyone and muttered, his expression still very confused, but as if he was afraid that people would find out, he quickly tidied up his collar, put away his expression, and walked out of the dining car with a serious expression.

When passing by the No. 7 dining table of the two Xinjiang people, Sun Honglei stopped, turned his head to look at the two of them, pointed his finger and said, “You two are liars!”

After speaking, turn around and immediately go to the dining car.

The two Xinjiang people were a little confused, and looked at Sun Honglei’s back in surprise.

Not long after returning to the sleeper, Zhang Chen heard a knock on the door and opened it to see that it was Sun Hong~Lei.

“Zhang Chen, just now why did you say those two are liars? I think Xiaobo and Fatty Huang also made it clear, why didn’t I understand?”

Sun Honglei sneaked in, closed the door, and secretly asked Zhang Chen-.

Remember the URL m.luoqiuxzw.

Zhang Chen leaned on the sleeper, and after seeing Sun Honglei’s sincere and confused eyes, he showed a helpless smile: “Didn’t those two Xinjiang people ask us if zongzi is food?”

“I told him that dumplings are food, and they said we were liars. Doesn’t that mean they know that dumplings are not food?”

Sun Honglei looked stunned: “So that’s how it is!”

Then he said suspiciously: “But why did they ask knowingly?”

“I don’t know why, how can we know their identities? There are many people in the dining car, think about it carefully…”

Zhang Chen shook his head helplessly.

“These two people are so smart, it seems that the background is not simple! If you don’t explain to me, I really don’t understand, but Xiaobo and Huang Lei seem to understand, is it really that I am too stupid?”

Only then did Sun Honglei show a stunned expression.

Zhang Chen smiled and said: “I don’t know if Huang Lei understands it, but Huang Bo definitely doesn’t understand, he is pretending!”

“These two bad guys!”

Sun Honglei’s teeth were itchy, clenched his fists and his eyes suddenly lit up: “So they want to help us lead the way, I’m afraid that there will be too many people, so that’s why they are like this!”

“But where are we going to find those two?”

Zhang Chen glanced at his watch: “Wait a moment, they are in the No. 7 car, but for safety, I told them to meet in our No. 10 car in an hour!”

Sun Honglei looked surprised. He remembered that Zhang Chen had just said a word to the two of them. When Zhang Chen left, the two were still in the dining car. Why did they agree on a time?

Although he was suspicious, Sun Honglei did not continue to ask. He felt that if he asked again, he would really be like a fool.

About an hour later, there was a knock at the door.

Sun Honglei quickly got up from the sleeper, opened the door and saw that it was the two Xinjiang people.

He glanced at Zhang Chen in surprise, secretly thinking that his identity as a big idiot really didn’t escape!

“come in!”

Zhang Chen’s voice sounded, and two people from Xinjiang walked in.

“This is Mr., I want to know what are you doing in Kunlun Glacier?”

“As far as I know, dumplings are not delicious, but dumplings will think you are better!”

One of the Xinjiang people, who is a little thinner, speaks fluent Mandarin.

Sun Honglei looked surprised, co-authoring these two are also experts!

“You don’t have to worry about it, as long as you can take us to the Kunlun Glacier, whatever conditions are required!”

Zhang Chen glanced at the two of them lightly..

When the two heard Zhang Chen’s words, their faces suddenly relaxed. The two sat aside and said with a smile, “My name is Reli, and he is my brother Batur. I don’t know what this gentleman is called?”

“Zhang Chen!”

“Mr. Zhang, our brothers can see that you are not ordinary people, but if you want to enter the Kunlun Glacier, it is not that simple, and you will lose your life if you are not careful!”

“So, Mr. Zhang can at least give us this number!”

Heat stretches out two fingers.

“Twenty thousand, why don’t you go grab it? Letting you lead the way is not to let you accompany us in!”

Sun Honglei said immediately.

Batur frowned, showing a slightly unhappy expression, he glanced at Sun Honglei and said, “It’s not 20,000!”

Sun Honglei was startled, and immediately heaved a sigh of relief: “Two thousand is not bad!”

“It’s two hundred thousand!”

Batur thought that Sun Honglei was pretending to be stupid and suddenly became angry.

“piss off!”

・・・Please ask for flowers・・・・・

“Give it all to me, dare to say 200,000, and I’m not afraid that the wind will flash your tongue!”

Sun Honglei turned his face directly, dragged the two and rushed outside!

Tubal had a strong stature and stood in front of Sun Honglei. The two pushed and shoved, but no one could push the other!

“This is a brother, Mr. Zhang hasn’t spoken yet, why are you in a hurry!”

Rexi sat up straight, took out a cigarette from his pocket, held it in his mouth, with a determined Zhang Chen expression, he smiled and said, “Tubal and I have brought people in more than once over the years, you are not familiar with each other. It is impossible to find the entrance of Kunlun Glacier casually!”

After that, he lit the lighter and squinted at Zhang Chen.

“Put the cigarette out! I don’t like people smoking in front of me!”


Zhang Chen’s voice was still flat.

Rexi was stunned for a moment, looked at Zhang Chen for a while, and put away the cigarette.

“I can give you 200,000 yuan, but you have to tell me, why are you worth 200,000 yuan?”

Zhang Chen said lightly.

Rexi looked surprised. He and Tubal have traveled around for more than ten years, and they have seen all kinds of people. It is no exaggeration to say that any unfamiliar face, he can probably know what the other party is doing just by looking at it a few times. What’s the matter.

But Zhang Chen was the only one in front of him, he couldn’t see through, especially those ancient eyes that made people feel uneasy.

“Everyone is understanding, why don’t you open the skylight and say something bright, you went to Kunlun Glacier just to find treasures, how valuable treasures are, so I don’t need to say more?”

“Compared to the treasure, 200,000 is not much, right?”

Rexi stared at Zhang Chendao with a strange smile.


Sun Honglei was taken aback, didn’t they look for the tomb? How did it become a treasure?

Zhang Chen nodded slightly: “It’s not much, but I have a condition. You must lead us to the entrance of Kunlun Glacier, and I can give you this money!”

“Don’t worry! I understand the rules!”

Rexi got up and patted Tubal, and said with a smile: “After getting off the bus, our brotherhood will arrange a car to pick you up to go to Mengmu, and then we will meet in Mengmu!”

After that, Rexi left a number and left.


I’m sorry, I overslept last night, this is the update from yesterday, and there are six more updates to complete today! again.

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