Chapter 100 Entering the Kunlun Mountains! (Second!) | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold With Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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Everyone suddenly became a little excited. No one wanted to be a dragster, and everyone wanted to be a strong person like Zhang Chen!

What’s the point of having a bit of hardship!

“Huang Lei’s brain is relatively smart, and he needs to master ten books in the categories of organs, unofficial history, and legends within a week!”

“Otherwise, it is regarded as quitting!”

Zhang Chen glanced at Huang Leidao.


Huang Lei rolled his throat, there are three categories, ten books in each category, that is thirty books, which translates to four and a half books every day!

Although the ancient unofficial history books are all small books with tens of thousands of words, it seems to be a little stressful!

But after hearing the word “exit” if you don’t pass it!

Huang Lei nodded immediately: “Guaranteed to complete!”

Zhang Chen nodded slightly and turned his eyes to Sun Honglei: “Sun Honglei, he is tall, he needs to do strength training within a week, and master wrestling and mixed martial arts skills, he needs to reach the amateur level!”

Sun Honglei looked overjoyed, this task is not difficult, and hurriedly said: ‘It is guaranteed to be completed! ’

“Lin Yu, a doctor in archaeology, has enough knowledge! The only difference is physical fitness, so just participate in basic physical training!”

“But if the training does not meet the standard, it is regarded as quitting!”

Zhang Chen continued.

“Guaranteed to complete!”

Lin Yu breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed that his task should be the easiest among the crowd.

“Pang Di, Yaya, and Chana are three girls. They are born with weak constitutions and less courage, but girls have delicate minds, so they need to master the theoretical knowledge of survival in the wild, and can reach the point of distinguishing poisonous insects and poisonous weeds in the wild!”

“Also, take advantage of the ability to use the wild environment for wound treatment, dressing, detoxification!”

Zhang Chen glanced at the three girls and said.

“Guaranteed to complete!”

The three of Fat Di smiled, this is not too difficult.

But Zhang Chen waved his hand: “I haven’t finished speaking yet, other than that! In order to train your courage, every night from twelve to one o’clock, you need to watch a horror movie alone 〃〃!”

“Otherwise, it is regarded as quitting!”

The faces of the three girls are pale, watching horror movies alone…it’s still twelve o’clock at midnight…

“what about me?”

Huang Bo has a bad feeling.

“Don’t worry!”

Zhang Chen glanced at Huang Bo and said, “Huang Bo, there is no strength or weakness…”

Before Zhang Chen finished speaking, everyone burst into laughter, and Huang Bo also had an embarrassed look on his face.

“However, given Huang Bo’s dexterity and experience of survival in the wild, Huang Bo has to practice rock climbing skills within a week, and he has to reach the amateur level!”

“Otherwise, it is regarded as quitting!”

Zhang Chen said.

“This is easy! Guaranteed to be completed! But why do I hear the words “dexterous”, doesn’t it seem like a compliment to me?”

Huang Bo scratched his head and smiled.

“Brother Bo, you are right, Zhang Chen means that you are short!”

Sun Honglei laughed.

“Don’t say it, being short is my advantage! Zongzi likes to bite big!”

Huang Bo was not angry either, but laughed instead.

“Okay! Today’s morning exercise begins!”

Zhang Chen’s voice suddenly sounded, and everyone quickly formed a formation and ran along the periphery of the villa.


With the end of Cishan Tomb, the program’s ratings declined. Director Ma Wenlai thought that the decline would exceed 30%, but he did not expect that through the monitoring of background data in the past few days, the decline was only 100%. ten!

And there is still a faint momentum of recovery!

After thinking about it, Ma Wen realized that Zhang Chen’s high-intensity training for the guests in recent days has given the audience a great sense of anticipation!

As Zhang Chen said, luck cannot always exist, you must have enough strength to complete the tomb exploration!

They know Zhang Chen’s ability, but the ability of the guests is questioned. Although Zhang Chen’s training session will not make the guests reborn, it will definitely be much stronger than before.

Before the tombs of General Baojia and Cishan, Zhang Chen had never been so formal!

But at the next stop to Kunlun Glacier, Zhang Chen did not hesitate to offend the fans of the guests and trained them strictly, which shows that Kunlun Glacier is much more dangerous than the previous two tombs!

What the audience likes to watch is the dangerous and bizarre underground world,The sense of expectation created by Zhang Chenning naturally retained a large number of audiences!

And the training process is also very interesting, there are scenes that make the audience laugh from time to time!

For example, the lazy Sun Honglei suddenly saw an ancient black gold knife flying in front of him!

Immediately, it started to roll the stone rollers!

Fat Di, who didn’t dare to open her eyes when watching ghost movies, suddenly saw someone flashing her eyes with a flashlight, and she screamed in fright!

Huang Lei, who fell asleep while reading, was woken up by a rope that was hanging around his neck!

Huang Bo, who went to bed early, just fell asleep and the bed collapsed!

Of course, with the passage of time, the audience also saw the progress of the guests in the training!

Huang Lei can even memorize the key points of the books he has read!

Huang Bo can climb a rock wall seven or eight meters high with his bare hands without wearing a safety rope!

Sun Honglei, who has made the most progress, can knock down an ordinary security guard within 30 seconds!

Three girls, Fat Diyaya and Chana, can find practical wild fruit food in the wild every day, and can tell their names and effects.

Especially Yaya, you can even use wild herbs to configure ointments for trauma!

Near the end of the training camp, the audience watching the live broadcast once again reached a peak of 90 million!

Because they all know that everyone is going to Kunlun Glacier at noon today!

A dangerous journey full of mystery and unknown is about to begin!

The director team of Yanjing TV station specially invited Fang Lao to the show for the safety of this new gold-finding journey, and let Fang Lao serve as a back-up guest of the show team!

At the same time, the program team also invited Daoist Ye Qiuyu from Wudang Mountain!

There is also Shen Ming, a field survival expert from the retired special forces!

With such a strong support team, coupled with Zhang Chen and the rapidly progressing guest members, this (Zhao’s) journey of exploring and making money is probably going to be much smoother!


In the training camp, the program team arranged for everyone to take the train to the first destination, Kunlun Mountain!

The program team still uses the Sky Eye to shoot, and there is no staff protection for this journey across thousands of miles!

After everyone boarded the train, they began to imagine that they were about to arrive at the majestic Kunlun Mountains!

The journey lasted forty-eight hours, enough for them to recover from the exhaustion of the training camp.

Zhang Chen lay in the independent sleeper and took out the mysterious key of the system’s reward. Those eyes with a little magic made him a little confused.

At first, he suspected that it was the eyes of the Queen of Jingjue!

But thinking about it carefully, I feel that it is a bit wrong. If it is really the eyes of the exquisite queen, what is the meaning of this tomb tour guided by the system?

After thinking to no avail, Zhang Chen closed his eyes and fell asleep, ready to recharge his energy and go to Kunlun Glacier to find out! .

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