Time Traveler

Chapter 98: Mantis catches cicada oriole behind

After cleaning the battlefield, just outside the city of Los Angeles, ambushing some lonely aliens or aircraft everywhere, just shoot a few shots to transfer the ambush point, secretly destroy the enemy's living force, and score points for the future of mankind and for yourself!

The effect of sneaking a super long-distance sniper is remarkable. As long as the trace of aliens is searched for a distance of more than one thousand meters, it will directly use a super long-distance attack to fire a round of guns, and then transfer directly without looking at the shooting results. Never give aliens a chance to fight back.

More than 800 meters ahead, five aliens were hiding on the roof, sneaking around, preparing to attack a small group of human soldiers. Hiding on the roof, sticking out his head and watching, the seven or eight human soldiers groping forward in the smoke, aliens must not hunt human soldiers, Li Yunfei is also ready to hunt alien heads.

I took out the telescope and looked around carefully, and found no other ambush. I took out the heavy sniper again. Only the heavy sniper and the armor-piercing bullet can kill the aliens in one fell swoop. Ordinary bullets have been tested and cannot be extinguished with one shot. He even got a headshot, and he didn't seem to die on the spot. The heavy sniper and the armor-piercing incendiary bombs would do great damage to the alien's body. Basically, they only need to hit one shot, and they only need to hit a point in the middle of the body. , can basically kill with one shot.

"Boom! Boom! Boom..." Again, he shot at the fastest speed and turned the muzzle to shoot accurately. At a distance of about 750 meters, the opponent hid there and didn't move. It was the easiest to snipe. Five bullets were fired in one second, and it took only one second for the opponent to get headshots from the first headshot to the last one. Although the last one reacted and wanted to dodge, one hand was knocked off, and the other one fell from an unstable center of gravity. Falling to the ground, Li Yunfei fired another shot, then quickly went down the building and fled on a motorcycle. If an ambush is successful, no matter how good the sniping point is, it will simply give up, so as not to capsize in the gutter...

It seems that the mantis is behind the cicada oriole, and there are really three aircraft that are eyeing him. Maybe he has attacked too many aliens in the suburbs of this city. Those aliens also reflected and deliberately set a trap baited myself...

The most terrifying thing is that the missile launch of the three aircraft has already been warmed up. In principle, as long as you lock yourself, you can launch the missile immediately. The three aircraft are less than 300 meters away from you, and the farthest is only 700 meters away. Many meters, completely within the opponent's missile attack range.

As soon as he stepped on the motorcycle hard, the person also bounced off the motorcycle. At the moment of jumping up, he stepped on the motorcycle again and again, and while taking advantage of the force, he also tried his best to stop himself from sliding earlier. inertia.

The bonus of dynamic vision is amazing. When you see that everything is 30 times slower, your own thinking seems to be 30 times faster. It allows you to have more control over your body.

For example, although the motorcycle is moving at a speed of nearly 100 kilometers per hour, but I see that it is only moving slowly at a speed of only a few kilometers per hour, so I can easily do that series of actions.

After jumping up, the person was in the air, and he quickly raised his hand to hold the gun. The heavy sniper also appeared in his hand at the same time, adjusted the muzzle at the limit speed and aimed at the target, more than three hundred The distance of meters does not need the assistance of the intelligent aiming system at all, and it took only 0.5 seconds to directly aim at the missile launch port of the aircraft.

Pull the trigger continuously at the fastest speed, and the missile of the aircraft has also successfully flew out of the launch port. You can even see the missile flying towards you quickly through the scope. The trajectory should be locked. It should be locked. It is about 20 meters in front of him, which should be calculated by the opponent's aircraft based on the forward speed of his motorcycle.

Because of the dynamic vision 30 times faster than ordinary people, it is even possible for the bullets flying from the muzzle to fly towards the aircraft 300 meters away, which is equivalent to flying at 20 meters per second (illusion). At the same time, you can also see that the missile quickly flew towards the direction of the motorcycle. He jumped up from the motorcycle, and before landing, he fired eight shots, all of which were precise shots. At the same time, he also used the recoil of the heavy sniper to successfully stop his inertia.

From the discovery of the alien aircraft, to counterattack, to jumping to the ground, it took only two seconds in total. Three different missiles shot more, and the three waves of missiles also successfully strangled a motorcycle. Li Yunfei was just angry. The waves rolled around for a few laps, making him disgraced, but he was not injured.

The most recent one that blocked the road in front also fell after being hit by eight holes. The other two aircraft wanted to launch a second attack, but they had no chance, because they launched missiles at a heavier speed than Li Yunfei. The launch speed of the sniper is much slower.

The missile launch ports of the two aircraft have just been warmed up, and the bullets fired by Li Yunfei have already arrived. Just now, Li Yunfei was still rolling with the air waves. With the bonus of the dynamic vision, he directly adjusted the muzzle to shoot~ www.wuxiamtl.com~ If the two aircraft did not choose to preheat the launch port and ran away directly, Li Yunfei really would have nothing to do with them, but since the launch window was preheated, Li Yunfei fired two shots in a row and beat him down from the air.


A small team of soldiers who were about to come to support in the distance saw Li Yunfei jumping more than two meters from the motorcycle, and then fired eight shots in a row. After sniping down the aircraft, the even more amazing thing was that people were still rolling on the ground, and two shots directly blew up the two aircraft that were about to launch missiles.

"Sir, is that something a human can do?" A soldier couldn't help but asked the captain beside him.

"The facts are in front of us, of course, human beings can do it. Let's hurry over to reinforce, that person should be injured... uh, is he all right?" Li Yunfei had already stood up before the captain had finished speaking. He limped a little, but his speed was extremely fast, and he disappeared into the street with a few strides.

"What kind of troop is the man in the head, and the equipment on his body, how come he has never seen it before?" Another soldier also asked quite curiously.

"I don't know, it should be special equipment for some special departments!"

"Sir, what should we do now?"

"Since the infiltration has been exposed, let's go out first. If it wasn't for that person just now, we would have almost wiped out the entire army." The captain was actually very curious about that person, and felt that it was beyond the limits of human beings. It's really like the legendary superhero. You should report it when you go back. If there are superheroes on the human side, it can definitely boost morale. Personal combat power is the second most important. important.

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