Time Traveler

Chapter 97: clean up the battlefield

After Li Yunfei left the group of survivors, they also dispersed, and moved towards the defense line formed by humans more than ten kilometers away. It is amazing that this group of people evacuated safely to the rear of the defense line.

Today, I not only saw the attack of aliens, but also saw a messenger of God. It also confirmed that God really exists. This incident has a great impact on the survivors, making them less afraid of death. many.

God exists, then heaven also exists, so as long as you are a good person, you can go to heaven even if you die, then you will not have that fear of death.

After going back one by one, they are ready to pick up the guys and fight with the aliens. If one kills one, one will be counted as one, and if two are involved, they will earn. Since God is watching this war, of course, Zi must show enough. Courage, maybe he will be seen by the old man, and he can go to heaven after his death.

The fearless spirit of this group of people has since infected many people, boosted the morale of the human side, and made the victory of this war come faster. Of course, these are for later.

After the meeting, after the human defense line, I told my relatives and friends that I had seen angels, but few people believed them, they just regarded them as being frightened, and regarded a human soldier or a group of people there. Soldiers, it's just that these people were frightened and didn't find out, so the credit was given to one person, and then the soldier was regarded as an angel...

In a temporary office behind the defense line, Anna also compiled a report and sent it to her director. The report said: Angels have descended on the world, God said that we humans will win the war... I wrote a large article, and the director looked at it with a confused face.

"Miss Anna, are you sure it's not a fever, are you sure you really found the angel?" Although I have asked several times, I can't help but ask one more time. How is it possible to see a living angel? It's better to meet a Superman, Batman.

"Yes, Mr. Maier, I saw an angel, and many people saw it together. I swear in the name of God, I didn't lie!" Anna said sternly.

"What does the envoy look like? Is there a light circle on his head and a pair of wings on his back?" The director obviously didn't believe it, but it's not good to hit the other side too much, no matter what the reporter sent out, There was a major change on the beach side, and I was greatly frightened, so it was understandable.

"This, he has no wings and no aperture!"

"Then how can you be sure that the one you saw was an angel?"

"That angel said it himself!"

"Did he really say he's an angel?"

"This... He said he came with a mission, and started pointing at Tian Tian."

"What does it mean to point to the sky with a mission? Maybe that person is just a member of the Airborne Forces?"

"He can directly conjure things. I saw that man conjure up a bazooka and a motorcycle... Many people have seen it with their own eyes."

"Well, maybe that guy was a magician before he joined the army... I even saw a magician conjure a plane with my own eyes, and it was necessary for multiple people to see it together." It was exciting, so she wouldn't believe anything she said.


"Don't be Anna, you'd better go back and rest first. Maybe you're frightened and a little confused. This kind of thing is normal. I'll give you two days off. We can't publish this report. We are a news agency without it. Certain things can't be sent out, and there will be big jokes in the future."


Speaking of which, after Li Yunfei separated from the group, he also went to the battlefield and took off a few sets of well-preserved power armors. In fact, it was the body of an alien that was more appropriate. These people in appearance are really quite special.

The body has completely degenerated, the hands and feet have become quite slender, the degeneration is quite serious, and there is no strength to speak of. The thin body and a huge head, the reason why these aliens look so high is actually that machine. The body is relatively tall, and these aliens can be regarded as a perfect human-machine fusion life form.

Why are very tall human-machine fusion warriors so poor in combat effectiveness on earth? It is initially speculated that it should be a sudden change in the environment, resulting in many data not being adjusted. No recruits.

This is like an ordinary person who suddenly puts on a heavy space suit, puts it on the moon, and asks him to shoot with a rifle, the technology will become very bad.

It can also be preliminarily inferred that this group of aliens is not a real army. It is very likely that it is just a mining team of some company. It has discovered a lot of energy (special water) on the earth, so they have traveled thousands of miles and flew a lot. Years ago, the Earth's situation detected before was only a group of primitive people, so they didn't bring any decent weapons at all.

Otherwise, it is really impossible to explain, a group of people who can cross the vast universe and deep space~www.wuxiamtl.com~ came to earth and were beaten so miserably by people on earth.

To say that the most valuable thing in this group of aliens is not their weapons, but the magical energy system that directly drives everything with water. It seems that it can still be recycled, otherwise the aliens will not May cross the long cosmic starry sky to come to the earth.

Li Yunfei has already been on the battlefield, and has taken off more than 20 well-preserved energy boxes of various sizes. The smallest is only two kilograms. Which of you is the energy box that drives that individual soldier's armor.

At present, the largest one found is an energy box of more than 30 kilograms that was taken off an aircraft. These things can be run directly when filled with water. As for the running time, I have not tested it, but it should be able to run for a long time. , Otherwise, those alien spaceships would definitely not be able to come to Earth to robbery across countless light-years.

This is an extremely powerful energy technology. If it is really brought out, it should be an energy technology that is even more miraculous than nuclear fusion. There is reason to suspect that this is a BUG-like energy technology, which may directly use materials. fluctuating energy.

Of course, all of this is just my own guesswork. Maybe they just extracted the fusion technology of deuterium in seawater... But even this is very impressive for human beings. If the technology is successfully cracked...

"Forget it, don't have **** anymore, let's go and move my bricks!" He continued to look for some useful things on the battlefield. Although most of them were garbage, they might be useful.

For example, the blown up aircraft still has some ion jets that are intact. After getting them back and doing a good study, maybe a high-power ion thruster can be produced. There is no doubt about my ability to copy the copycat in China. of.

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