Time Traveler

Chapter 99: Las Vegas

Although Li Yunfei was not injured, the explosion just now happened more than ten meters away from him, and he was swept away by the air wave, and it was inevitable that he would be disgraced.

Just now because I needed to run for my life, I was in high tension and didn't feel it, but when I came to a safe place to relax, I felt uncomfortable all over.

It seems that there are too many sneak attacks today, and I have been targeted by aliens. Maybe it is better to leave the battlefield for a while to rest. Even though he was very careful, he was still in ambush. This alien doesn't seem stupid. It was because of his continuous success in stealing his heart that he became more courageous.

After playing guerrilla warfare for several hours, an accident finally happened... Maybe it can't be counted as an accident, but it was really dangerous just now.

But today's harvest is still quite big. The total number of aliens killed is close to 2,000, and the aircraft plus the last three destroyed today have been killed, forty aircraft, so after the whole day, the harvest After 73 points plus yesterday's reward, I got 93 points in two days after coming to this world. In this world, earning points is really good, at least it's much faster than the walking dead world.

However, the consumption of ammunition is also quite large. The armor-piercing ammunition is already less than 1,000. Now most of the soldiers are replaced by ordinary ammunition. There is also a heavy sniper. Because of the continuous rapid shooting, the rifling of the barrel is somewhat worn, and the accuracy has started to decrease.

The high-intensity use makes the lifespan of the barrel shorter. Only after shooting more than 3,000 rounds of bullets, the rifling of the barrel begins to be severely rubbed. Although it does not affect the use, I want to perform ultra-long-distance sniping. , a little flaw is not enough.

Maybe we should go to the human defenders to get a heavy sniper, and get more armor-piercing incendiary bombs... As for who to go, this pile of documents should still be able to fool around, just get some bullets It's not a nuclear bomb, there should be no problem...

I got a car from the side of the road, put on a set of ordinary civilian clothes, and drove towards the human defense line. Although the war is still going on, it is not as fierce as it was just now, and the alien attack has been blocked in the defense line. In addition, it has been unable to continue the attack.


Passing the level was very smooth, because now is a big event of alien invasion, as long as it is human, there is no other thing to check.

Seeing the arsenal in the distance, I really want to find some armor-piercing shells, and get a few more heavy snipers by the way, but considering that what I need most now is to have a good rest for a day or two, I still give up temporarily and let my body A full recovery to peak condition is more important.

In the face of war, you need 200% of your energy to survive on the battlefield. I was ambushed once, and I still feel a little frightened in retrospect. If I reflect a little slower, I will be completely dead. Flesh and blood can never stop the missile attack.

Now that we have been fighting for a whole day, hunting aliens seems easy, but it is actually very exhausting. It is really necessary to find a safe place to sleep well.

This group of aliens basically landed a few kilometers away from the coastline. After they landed, they needed the seawater to cool down and buffer, so they chose to land at the seaside, so the farther away from the seaside, the safer.

After passing the checkpoint, I found a no-man's land, took out the helicopter and headed for the inland area along the road, flying for hundreds of kilometers until it stopped at the famous casino city of Las Vegas.

There should be no aliens attacking here. There are still millions of US knives in the storage space that are useless, so there is no need to treat yourself badly. Go directly to a luxury hotel to open a suite and have a good rest. a bit.

The aliens and the earthlings in the coastal cities are fighting fiercely. It’s good here. It’s still a dream. There are even people who bet on who wins and who loses between humans and aliens. It’s really painful...

"Sir, do you need special services?" Seeing Li Yunfei casually taking out tens of thousands of cash to pay, the front desk also asked something meaningful. Generally speaking, people who bring so much cash are basically Gamblers, basically winning money, basically ask a few younger sisters to do something they love.

"No, I just need to take a good rest now." Li Yunfei really didn't have the heart to ask for any special service now, so he was very tired after spending a day in the day.

"Then, I wish you a good day, please keep your room card." Seeing that the gambler was not interested, the front desk no longer recommended and directly handed over the room card.


The room is really luxurious. Although the suite with thousands of dollars a day is not the best, it is quite good. Sometimes people are really strange. They obviously want to rest and are very sleepy. I couldn't fall asleep either. Even if I sat on the bed and exercised the basic internal skills for more than half an hour, I was still full of energy, but I didn't even feel sleepy at all.

It is broadcast all the time on TV. Most of the battle reports on the front line are good news. In the face of real disasters, the US imperialists are habitually reporting good news instead of bad news. At least most of the official media are reporting how brave human beings are. , how the aliens are scum.

Although there are TV stations reporting that a 'sniper god' superhero appeared in human beings, sniping aliens with very magical and extremely high efficiency, when several soldiers were interviewed, the descriptions were dancing, and it was really awesome to hear. ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ In less than three seconds, he sniped three alien aircraft, and successfully avoided the siege of the aircraft... as if he was talking about himself.

It even reported something about angels, and it seems that he was talking about himself. In this parallel world, he is really popular, but this is not a good thing. As a sniper, he should be hiding in the dark and waiting for opportunities to kill. The enemy is right, it's not fun to be famous.

But fortunately, I didn't take a picture of myself, it's just a description, but this description will be a little distorted, very different from my own image, I am obviously a yellow person, in the descriptions of those soldiers, I seem to have become a burly figure , Blonde, blue-eyed, and very handsome man. In fact, those soldiers didn't see their appearance at all. The distance was farther and the smoke was bigger, so they looked vaguely and completely guessed. As for the angel thing that reporter Anna said, not many people believe it at all...

"...If only Anna could be by my side, I don't know if I can see her in the future. If I can..." When I saw reporter Anna, I couldn't help but think of my own Anna. It's been more than ten days. I really miss her when I see her, especially in the dead of night like this, I miss her even more...

When I couldn't sleep, I continued to practice meditation. The magic stretched for more than ten meters, and several rooms next door could be clearly seen. I could see several couples sitting and doing things they liked.

It's not that I want to peep, but that I haven't grasped the specific switch of perception, so I can't 'close my eyes' and can only watch passively. Watching this live broadcast is really exciting, but the meditation technique has a very powerful effect of suppressing emotions, and it really did it. I looked at it calmly... After a long time, my consciousness gradually became blurred, and I finally fell asleep...

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