Time Traveler

Chapter 96: Airplane...

There are five aircrafts in the distance, and the number is not too large. Destroying them should not be a big problem, so as not to be found by those aircrafts, it is more passive, so it is best to start first.

The aircraft hadn't found the person hiding on the mountain for the time being, but found the wreckage of an aircraft at the foot of the mountain in the distance. The speed instantly slowed down a lot and started searching nearby.

Although the distance is still relatively long, it shouldn't be a problem to hit, but it's hard to say whether it can kill one with one shot at such a long distance.

'The distance is 1,300 meters, the moving speed is 10 meters per second, the southwest wind speed is 5 meters per second, and the height is 150 meters...' The data in the smart sight changes rapidly, eradicate these data and automatically correct the ballistic trajectory, all you have to do is Just point that crosshair at the attack point. The aircraft searched slowly along the vicinity of the crashed aircraft, and slowly searched towards the hillside, at a very slow speed.

When the aircraft approached a distance of about 1,000 meters, Li Yunfei finally stopped waiting.

"Boom! Boom! Boom..." He fired 5 rounds of bullets in one breath, and the shooting was completed in almost one second, and they were all accurate shots.

The power of the armor-piercing incendiary bomb was really good. In the two rounds of shooting, three aircraft were hit at the vital parts. Two of them rolled directly to the ground, and the other two dispersed in an instant. Li Yunfei attacked the damaged aircraft again. Two shots were made, and one was taken away again. The other two also successfully locked Li Yunfei's position.

The two aircraft were also ready to fire in an instant, but unfortunately their missile launch preparation time was a fatal injury, requiring more than one second of warm-up time, of course Li Yunfei would not give the other party time to prepare.

Now that the distance is less than 700 meters, the bullet from the sniper rifle arrives in less than a second, and it is another two rounds of shooting. The enemy's missile launch was interrupted abruptly, and one of them was directly beaten down. Seeing that there was no chance to launch the missile, the other aircraft simply gave up launching the missile and rushed directly in the direction of Li Yunfei, ready to come and die together. , which is a bit unexpected.

The slightly damaged aircraft suddenly accelerated and charged directly at a speed of more than 100 meters per second. The best three rounds in the magazine successfully hit the target, and even hit the engine, destroying the maneuverability of the aircraft. However, the aircraft was still rushing in the direction where he was at an extremely fast and moderate pace.

With only a distance of more than 300 meters, he slammed into himself at a speed of more than 100 meters per second. There was no room for thinking about this situation, and he couldn't care about hiding secrets. The heavy sniper disappeared instantly and appeared again at the same time. Got a bazooka.

The rockets have been installed and debugged. This is a habit. All weapons stored in the storage space are adjusted to be activated at any time, so they can be used directly when they are taken out.

With the extreme dynamic visual aid, it took only a few tenths of a second to complete the aiming and instant launch. The distance of less than 300 meters lost power. The aircraft that hit in a straight line was accurately hit, and the fast rushing aircraft was hit. The aircraft, the distance has reached within 200 meters...

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, and the missile in the aircraft was successfully detonated and buried. It finally exploded in the air. In fact, Li Yunfei was already flying in pieces and fell to the ground from 70 to 80 meters away. Violently, Li Yunfei also had to fall to the ground...

After a long time, everyone got up one by one, and everyone stared at Li Yunfei's bazooka in a stunned manner, as if they had seen the legendary god.

Everyone really raised this superhero to another level, like a **** or an angel. If there was no bazooka just now, more than half of the hundreds of people hiding here would have been killed.

Suddenly, the power of gratitude has soared by more than 500 points. This can be regarded as an unexpected gain. Although I don't know why it is used, the original purpose has been achieved.

"Well, the earth is being invaded. He already knows that I am here with a mission... This time we humans will definitely win the war." Li Yunfei calmly put away the bazooka, pointed to the sky, and said a few words by the way. , and then very calmly turned and left.

"Lord Angel, wait, are you free to be interviewed by our TV station?" The reporter was also in a hurry and grabbed Li Yunfei's hand. He saw a real angel today. How small?

It is said that this beautiful reporter's hair is messy and there are a lot of leaves hanging on it, and her face seems to be smoked by gunpowder, black and white, UU reading www. uukanshu.com Li Yunfei almost laughed out loud, but he lost his composure in this way, so he tried his best to keep his appearance as calm as possible.

"Well, of course I don't have time. I still have a task at hand, so the interview will be omitted... You'd better leave here early and retreat to the inland area for more than ten kilometers, then there will be a human defense line, as long as you get there, you will be safe. Okay...Miss reporter, see you by fate!" Li Yunfei didn't deny anything about angels or gods, but just said that he had a mission. He also reached out and took a few of them for her, and the leaves were fluttering in the wind, lest he couldn't help but laugh.

The reporter hesitated for a while and finally let it go. He was Lord Angel. Those who had a mission were here to carry out God's mission. If he was still obsessed with Lord Angel who wanted to interview and delaying God's mission, he might really be able to do it in the future. go to hell.

Everyone looked at Li Yunfei with fanatical eyes. Nine out of ten people in the United States believed in God. Although most of them only believed in name, they saw a real miracle today. became a true believer.

Li Yunfei didn't say much. After leaving the crowd, he directly took out a mountain bike, and it disappeared in a blink of an eye. Anyway, he was regarded as an angel, so he didn't care what to hide. What can he do when he sees it? Well, if you say it, no one will necessarily believe it. Even if you believe it, so what? Are you helping the aliens to deal with you? And he is still wearing a warrior suit, his face is painted with ink, and no one can recognize himself...

To be honest, even if someone recognizes him, it’s no big deal. He is obviously on the side of mankind. Before the war is over, no matter how ambitious politicians are, they won’t want to deal with him until the war is over. , I had already patted my **** and left...

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