Time Traveler

Chapter 95: Super hero?

What's even worse is the level of shooting. There is absolutely no precision in dealing with targets that are 200 meters away. Just after chasing and shooting for more than a few minutes, hundreds of people fell on the human side, and most of them are still there. Run around.

Li Yunfei was not in a hurry about the less than 200 aliens who shot at him like recruits. Now these aliens are moving from left to right, and it is entirely by luck that they want to kill at ultra-long distances. , so instead of shooting at extreme speed, they can shoot after estimating their movement patterns. Occasionally, one can still be knocked down. The charging aliens fall down on average in one or two seconds, with a hit probability of as high as three. Nearly 100 have already fallen within the distance of a kilometer.

To be honest, this group of aliens is definitely not suitable for playing on the ground, and they should have little experience.

When there were still 400 meters away, there were only 10 aliens left, but their aircraft finally came to support, but there was only one, and the group of aliens stopped charging and lay on the ground...

Li Yunfei calmly put on a new magazine, and it was another series of rapid fires. Barrett's theoretical shooting technique was as high as 0.2 seconds, and Li Yunfei showed his highest rate of fire...

This group of aliens naively thought that they could not hit them by lying on the ground. In fact, it was easier to kill them by lying still than by running. It was almost a headshot with a gun. It only took two seconds. All were annihilated.

The aircraft was still more than 700 meters away. Finally, he found Li Yunfei who was constantly firing. Although there was a silencer and a flash suppressor, the large-caliber heavy sniper still made a lot of noise.

When the enemy was discovered, the aircraft was also ready to fire instantly, and the weapon outlet quickly warmed up to warm up. Of course, Li Yunfei knew that it was a sign of launching a missile attack. Ran out to change position.

I thought that this kind of aircraft would be very fork, and the heavy sniper at a distance of more than 700 meters would not necessarily be able to break their armor. It was just a little accident that the aircraft was blown up by the volley.

Fortunately, the armor-piercing projectile hit the missile that was about to be launched, so the missile was detonated and the aircraft also suffered, but anyway, I took a shot and packed an aircraft, which felt quite good.

He put on a new magazine again, looked around and saw that there were no new enemies, and quickly took out the empty magazines to refill.

Back in the world of The Walking Dead, there were only two M82 heavy snipers in collection, only 3,500 special armor-piercing incendiary rounds, and as many as 30 large magazines with a capacity of 20 rounds.

I thought that my collections should have little chance to be used. Collections are just hobbies, but in just a few minutes, more than 500 rounds of ammunition were consumed.

This time, I actually consumed 26 magazines in one go. Fortunately, I deliberately collected more magazines, otherwise there would not be enough magazines.

If this is really going to be a protracted battle, the armor-piercing ammunition that I have saved is really not enough. Although I can use ordinary ammunition, its power against aliens will be greatly reduced, and it is difficult to destroy it with one shot...


From a distance, I saw hundreds of people approaching the hillside, all of them who escaped death. I just saw the scene where the alien invaders died on the way, and I thought there was a large-scale human garrison on the hillside. Well, that's why I came here to seek asylum.

However, when they came to the slope, they found a person, wearing a kind of equipment that was not aware of it, and was leisurely cleaning the chamber of an anti-equipment heavy sniper... Seeing this situation, everyone's heart suddenly popped up. A word 'superheroes', yes, those superheroes like in the movies.

One person and one gun have eliminated hundreds of terrifying alien invaders. Such people are much more powerful than the superheroes in many movies. Such people are definitely superheroes among human beings.

Although I was almost killed by alien invaders just now, I was completely in shock, but now I am not alive, and I have found a superhero, everyone is still very excited...

The most exciting should be a beautiful reporter in the crowd. She originally came to the beach to do some very boring life investigations, and suddenly encountered the incident of the 'meteorite' hitting the earth, and then encountered the alien invasion of the earth, I also saw the brutal slaughter of human beings by aliens, and even saw my interview car being smashed to pieces by alien stray bullets.

At that time, she was completely frightened. The alien robot more than three meters high was just 20 meters away from her. She even saw the machine gun turn around and prepare to shoot at the muzzle. She was completely desperate. I can't even move, and I don't know how to dodge...

But suddenly the alien's body exploded a big hole for no reason, and then fell to the ground. Then the aliens were killed continuously. The group of aliens also discovered the people who attacked them and rushed to the distant hillside, but before they reached it, all the people died, and a plane came. The alien spaceship (aircraft) was also shot and exploded in the air, and the whole thing was done by one person. This is really incredible. Now I have seen superheroes that can only exist in movies. It was a magical day, just so exciting...


Speaking of which, Li Yunfei didn't choose to leave early. In fact, there are some reasons. Just now, he was considered to have saved these six or seven hundred people, but the stingy system didn't even give himself a point reward for saving people. It's too stingy to not even have a little gratitude.

Maybe sometimes you really have to fight for the benefits yourself. According to previous experiments, I know how to brush off the rules of gratitude and willingness~www.wuxiamtl.com~ It is necessary to let the rescued people know that I saved them, Then there will be a certain possibility of feeling grateful, and it will be possible for oneself to obtain that wish.

As for the use of that wish, who cares, since the data exists, it will definitely be useful in the future, so it is very necessary for me to let this group of people know that I saved them, so I can still get a little gratitude Willingness. If you do good deeds, don’t leave your name. If it’s not good, of course you don’t leave your name. If it’s beneficial, what’s the point of leaving your name? What’s the point of letting everyone know that you’ve done good deeds?

"Sir, are you alone here?" The beautiful reporter finally asked first.

"Yes, is something wrong?" Although she didn't say how beautiful she was, a woman in a professional suit always stood out among a large group of people wearing swimming trunks and bikinis, so she couldn't help but take a few more glances.

"Sir, I'm a reporter, Anna..."

"Uh, your name is Anna too?" He was stunned when he heard Anna's name suddenly.

"Yes, Anna Akana, what's the problem?"

"No problem, it's just a coincidence that I have a very good friend named Anna!"

"There are millions of people named Anna, so it's not unusual to have the same name!"

"Well, that's true!"

"Excuse me……"

"...Don't talk, everyone get down on the ground!" Li Yunfei had been observing the situation around him, and suddenly noticed that there was an alien aircraft coming in the distance, he quickly gave an order, and at the same time, he quickly set up the heavy sniper, everyone also Everyone who was frightened fell on the ground, and instantly became quiet, and the atmosphere seemed very solemn. In fact, even if you speak loudly, an alien spacecraft more than a thousand meters away will not be able to find it.

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