Time Traveler

Chapter 94: long-range sniper

Li Yunfei waited on that hillside for a full night, nothing happened, nor did he hear any special news reports, as if his worries were completely unnecessary.

Although I am still a little worried about what kind of alien attack it is, but if it is really an alien attack, I will do what I can do. There is no good way.

According to reports, the first batch of meteorites has already entered the fall mode, and it may take more than an hour to fall to the earth. Li Yunfei also put on the earth warrior suit and equipped everything that should be prepared. I took out a 300-fold telescope, looked at the sky, and checked the situation everywhere, but I really couldn't see anything. After all, it was just a civilian version of the telescope.

I don't know if my luck will be bad, and there will be a meteorite hitting the hillside, but then again, if my luck is really that bad, I'll be smashed wherever I hide.

The hillside is about 2 kilometers away from the beach. You can't see anything in the sky, but you can see the situation on the beach clearly. Maybe because of the weekend, there are many beautiful women sunbathing on the beach.

The weather was quite sultry, especially when he was wearing that thick earth warrior suit, which made him look even more sultry.

Before the matter of the meteorite landing on the earth is completely clear, we must not let our guard down. Ordinary people don't seem to pay much attention to this meteorite attack. People on the beach are still leisurely basking in the sun and touching sunscreen...


A fire suddenly appeared in the sky and smashed towards the sea in the distance. A loud noise was heard after more than ten seconds. People on the beach were also a little dazed. stand up.

It was not until a huge wave of more than two meters high was seen from a distance, and a monster more than two or three meters high appeared on the huge wave. It was not until then that many people began to turn around and run away, but it seems a little bit to run now. Too late, those monsters opened fire directly...

Li Yunfei can be considered to see the appearance of those monsters clearly. This time it is indeed the incident of aliens invading the earth. It can be considered that he is certain what kind of parallel world he came from.

This group of aliens really came across the starry sky to grab things from the earth. The things they grabbed are a bit painful. This group of boring guys came to earth to grab water. They really got water in their heads...

Well, according to the introduction of the film and television, only the water on the earth is the same as the water on the planet where the group of aliens is located. It has a special waveform, and only the water with this waveform can be used by the group of aliens. This can be used as the source of power for their spacecraft, or even for their own survival. There may be water in this form on other planets, but it is difficult to find. This group of aliens has been looking for a long time to find the earth. There is this water on it. God knows why this happens.


When he saw the group of aliens he was going to deal with, Li Yunfei was also a lot more settled. It's not a lie that this group of scumbag aliens was rated as the weakest alien.

Although it is equipped with power armor, it can easily be penetrated by a rifle. Although flying in the deep space of the universe is powerful, the performance of those aircraft after entering the atmosphere is not much better than that of fighter jets. Although they can cross the starry sky and come to the earth, their control center does not even have an energy shield and can be easily destroyed by the earth's missiles.

The technology of firearms is simply lousy, and the accuracy is far inferior to ordinary firearms of earthlings. Those unmanned aerial vehicles can be beaten down with a single rocket...

Of course, the firepower of this group of aliens is still very fierce, especially when they can pull meteorites over and use them as cannonballs, which is really awesome, but the attack speed is really not good, such as launching missiles, there are obvious signs , you can easily be seen by the other party, and then you can avoid it as long as you reflect faster.

The system finally gave some information tips: one point for every 30 alien soldiers killed, 1 point for destroying 10 unmanned aerial vehicles, and 10 points for destroying a control center. The number is unlimited. Win the war and return...

The system is still so stingy, one point is given for eliminating 30 aliens, but it also reflects that these alien soldiers are really weak.

But even if they are weak, they can't be careless. The more than 200 aliens in the distance are still chasing and killing more than 1,000 humans. Now the distance between myself and the group of aliens is about 2 kilometers, and no larger-scale aliens have appeared around. This should be just the vanguard, maybe I can annihilate it myself.

The aliens are large, more than three meters tall, very arrogant, no one is on guard around them, but chases and kills humans on the beach, maybe they are new to the body and are not used to their bodies, so those aliens walk very fast. It's weird, and most of the time, it's standing there and shooting humans fleeing everywhere, which gives Li Yunfei the possibility of successful sniping.

"Bang!" A bullet flew out, the bullet flew for nearly three seconds, and it hit the target for the first time after a distance of nearly two kilometers. Of course, the main thing was that the alien did not run, but stood there. Shooting humans, so I was shot and killed by the first shot.

Although it is nearly two kilometers apart~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Although it only hit the body, the 12.7MM armor-piercing incendiary bomb was extremely powerful, and it directly blew a hole of more than ten centimeters in the alien's body. , the alien also fell directly to the ground.

Because the battlefield was very chaotic, the fall of an alien did not attract the attention of his companions, and those aliens were still shooting and killing humans.

It's really an opportunity not to be missed. Since they can penetrate their armor and kill them directly at a distance of 2,000 meters, there is no need to be polite.

"Bang bang spray..." In just a few seconds, the remaining 19 rounds were fired, and a new magazine was quickly replaced without checking the results. It was a waste of time. There are so many seconds. It takes time to shoot a magazine and replace it with a new one.

After shooting, continue to change the magazines. Some aliens move so they don’t hit, but as long as they stand there and shoot without moving, the success rate of this ultra-long-distance sniper kill is as high as six layers or more, so three magazines shoot After that, more than 30 aliens were successfully eliminated with more than 60 rounds of bullets.

It wasn't until then that the group of aliens came to their senses. Someone hunted and killed their own members, so they stopped chasing and killing ordinary people, but started searching everywhere for sneak attacks.

"Bang! Squirt! Squirt!" In less than two seconds, three alien bodies exploded. This time, the group of aliens finally found out that the bullets were fired from a distant hillside. It also rushed towards the distant hillside in an instant, and the speed of running seemed to be less than ten meters per second. It was really slag, and the speed of the exoskeleton was still so bad.

It can be seen that these aliens are very unaccustomed to the environment of the earth, and they are not used to walking, so although they have the power armor, they are not much faster than humans.

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