Time Traveler

Chapter 93: All countries are ready to show their muscles

Li Yunfei sent a message and went back to the temporary camp to rest. However, in the Pentagon, the military headquarters of the U.S. imperialists, it couldn't stop, and the atmosphere was a little tense. The Pentagon, which is said to be the most tightly monitored and defended, was actually regarded as a back garden, silently entered and put a message, and then left silently.

I really doubted whether it was a prank by an insider, but after careful investigation, the information did not come from inside, but from a coffee shop near Los Angeles.

This matter is quite serious, and many confidential events may be leaked, but there are so many people coming and going, and there is wireless network service, it is impossible to find out.

Some people think that the most important thing now is to immediately change the password and patch the loopholes, and also must find a way to find the hacker.

Others thought that the information was worth noting. Although it looked fake, it seemed like nonsense, but that was what made it even more worthwhile to think about.

Among the meteorites that entered the earth after ten hours, there may be a team of aliens attacking the earth hidden. This sounds like a joke, it is unbelievable.

However, this time the cyber attack seems to be really not an attack but a reminder. Because after careful inspection, no signs of data theft were found.

It seems that the network that the other party has worked hard to break through is purely for sending messages. If this is the case, there may be a certain possibility...

Although most of the senior military personnel did not believe in any alien attack, the information still served as a reminder. After an emergency meeting, several senior officials finally decided to intercept the meteorites. In addition, some military deployments are regarded as military exercises.

Of course, the main purpose of intercepting those meteorites is not to block any aliens, but to verify the reliability of the anti-missile system, show off one's muscles to the world, and show the power of the American Empire. If there are really any aliens, they can also lose a batch.

Since you want to show your muscles to the world, of course you have to find a proper reason. After a few high-level discussions, they simply sent the information to the military departments of other major military powers, and also announced their own. The blocking plan, and even the people all over the country announced their own blocking plan. Of course, it is not to block aliens, but to prevent meteorites from entering their own territory, which will cause damage to people's property, so they must be intercepted. The reason is high-sounding and won a lot of praise.

This reason for skimming was an unexpected surprise. After a preliminary investigation, since the public's approval rating for Uncle Sam (the government) has risen by five percentage points, His Excellency the President is very happy and revisited the meteorite interception plan in minutes. The scale has been raised by another level.

The news about the alien attack also appeared on the Huaguo Internet, and it was very popular, but everyone basically regarded it as a joke.

Of course, the high-level military personnel will not take this kind of news seriously. It stands to reason that the probability of a meteorite hitting a person is much lower than the probability of spending two yuan to hit five million. Therefore, using missiles to intercept meteorites, theoretically Both technically and technically possible.

However, the price paid and the benefits are completely disproportionate, so generally speaking, few people would propose to use missiles to connect small meteorites.

As for large meteorites, it is actually not good to intercept them with missile technology. It should be used to find a way to change the orbit of the meteorite before it enters the earth's orbit.

But this time, the U.S. imperialists suddenly got winded and wanted to do a large-scale meteorite interception plan. When they received the news, the senior military officials of China were also stunned.

"Are these guys out of their minds, and they use such a reason to show off their muscles?"

"...I don't think they're just showing off their muscles. I heard that this time, their people's approval rate for the government has risen by five percentage points. Maybe this is their main purpose!"

"Old Wei, what do you think we should do? What Lao Mei did like this made us very passive. If a meteorite falls into our country and causes some unexpected casualties, the people will definitely have more complaints against us. , why can others intercept, we just can't..."

"Old Zhang, let's prepare to intercept the plan too!"

"What do you mean, we also take the opportunity to verify our mid-section interception technology?"

"...Not only to verify the interception technology, we also need to boost the confidence of the people. Over the years of reform and opening up, in order to obtain opportunities for peaceful development, we have always had to pretend to be a last resort in the handling of many international incidents. We are almost losing confidence, maybe we have to show our muscles, show that my missile technology is also world-class, and regain the confidence of the people.”

"Okay, let's prepare right away. Our country has endured for so many years, and it has endured long enough. It is really time to reveal our family background, lest some evil neighbors will not take us seriously."

"Well, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is also doing some military deployments. Maybe this time things are really not that simple!"

"Understood, I'll prepare right away."

Because of a meteorite attack, several countries in the world that have the means to intercept those meteorites are all ready to show their skills and test the reliability of their own systems. This is also an excellent opportunity to show their national strength.

And this meteorite attack was indeed a little weird, because after careful observation, it was found that some gas-like ejection signs were found behind some meteorites.

Whether this is a plasma jet or a gas jet caused by the melting of meteorites caused by solar radiation is still difficult to judge, and the detection methods on earth are still quite limited.

If it is only caused by solar radiation, then everything will be fine. If it is really a plasma jet, then there will be a big problem. It is very likely that something unknown is going to invade the earth.

Because of the discovery of something unusual, all countries are also doing their best to prepare. Now the meteorite has been captured by the earth's gravity and has entered the mode of falling to the earth, because many meteorites have some unknown 'gas' jets from time to time, Caused the orbit to become a little erratic, so it became a lot more difficult to intercept and calculate the final orbit.

Maybe the real orbit can be calculated after entering the atmosphere, but there are still many meteorites that have not found the phenomenon of gas ejection, but they can calculate their trajectory and impact point first, and it will be easier to deal with them first. As for how much they can intercept this time, it depends on their own abilities.

Because of Li Yunfei's unintentional actions, it has attracted people's attention, and the loss of the human side has been greatly reduced in this alien invasion incident. This is also the main reason for the inexplicable 20-point reward.

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