Time Traveler

Chapter 92: Are Aliens Invading Earth?

Leaving the corner of the street, he stopped a taxi and drove straight out of the city. He got out of the car only at the foot of a hillside more than ten kilometers away. Less than 2 kilometers away, there is a wide beach with blue sea and blue sky, and the sun is shining. Occasionally, you can see some people basking in the sun, and you are not afraid that the hot sun will burn yourself. But the weather is so hot, it is really good to take a dip in the sea, but Li Yunfei did not go swimming in the sea, but walked towards the mountain behind him. , it looks like a small mountain range. It stretches out for more than ten kilometers, and no one is found on the mountain, so it is good to set up camp here first. Although there are some trees on this mountain, the field of vision is still quite wide, and you can see far away places. If you encounter some emergencies, you can make corresponding decisions.

You can always turn a bad one into a good one by your own means, unless you think it is the end of the world like the movie 2012, but in the city just now, I have seen the world in August 2011, so it is definitely not the end of the world like 2012. parallel world.

It's not a destructive disaster, I still have some self-preservation power, at least escaping to save my life is not a big problem. Since there is no task instruction, the first thing I need to do is to ensure the safety of my own life.

In just a few minutes, I climbed the hillside that is more than 100 meters high. I looked around and saw that there was no one around. I took out a tent and prepared to settle down here. I also deliberately found a relatively large and relatively flat rock. , just set up the tent.

I turned on the radio and listened to some radio broadcasts. I believe that some useful information can be obtained from the radio soon. Because of the popularity of automobiles, this radio is very popular. The car radio has a very large audience, so the news is updated very quickly. What is there? When something important happens, you can definitely hear it from the radio. You just need to listen to the radio more and you should be able to find some clues.

What can be confirmed now is that this is California, the city just now is Los Angeles, the current time is 2011 AD, and everything else is unknown.

The current situation looks like everything is quite normal. I'm staying on this hill for a while now, and I'll wait until I'll clear things up.


"...The latest news, it is expected that a large number of meteorites will enter the earth's gravitational orbit in the early morning of tomorrow, and will fall to the earth in a few hours, and a large part of them will fall into the Pacific Ocean..." A broadcast message on the radio suddenly caused Li Yunfei attention.

There were a large number of meteorites attacking. This thing seems to be a bit of a scrap copper tour. If there will be one or two, it may be nothing. If it is a large number, it will be very problematic. Could it be some kind of catastrophe that smashed into the earth? It seems that you can't get any experience by sending yourself here. Either you are directly killed, or it seems that it is not difficult at all to survive.

There are still nearly ten hours in the morning tomorrow, but there is nothing to prepare for. I can only sit in the tent and practice the meditation technique to pass the time, waiting for the appearance of the task, or some other changes, and then adapt accordingly.

Now it can be confirmed that after entering the quest world, the points cannot be used. I originally left it and exchanged some useful things depending on the situation, so I kept the 50 points. I didn't expect that after entering the quest world, the exchange system was closed again. .

A little bit of time passed, Li Yunfei was constantly sorting out the various equipment in the storage space, and all of them were ready to be used when they were taken out. It should not be a matter of meteorites crashing the earth, because although the number of meteorites is large, but It seems to be too small to hit the level of crashing the earth. So there is another possibility that aliens are going to attack the earth. Although in the real world, this kind of plot is too bloody, but there seems to be such a **** plot in the movies that I have watched. Aliens come to attack the earth. .

Anyway, I have watched a lot of movies. There are all kinds of reasons for aliens to attack the earth. Some come to kill, some to enslave human beings, some to rob gold, oil and coal, There are even water grabbers.

The story is so bloody, the technology is extremely advanced, it can cross the deep space of the universe in light years, come to the earth, rob a little resource, and I don't know why, and most of the aliens are In the end, they all lost the war, as if those tall starships were like toys...

Of course, if you really encounter an alien attack, you have to take it easy and shoot your guns secretly as much as possible, and you will avoid the charge, and modern warfare will be turned into cannon fodder if you are not careful.

"...Maybe it can be announced through the Internet. There may be incidents of alien attacks. As for whether others believe it or not, let them go!"

Suddenly I feel like I'm hiding on the hill like this, it doesn't seem to be interesting. Since the meteorite will enter the earth's atmosphere tomorrow morning, generally speaking, it will only happen after the meteorite enters the earth tomorrow. There are still more than a dozen or so. Hours, since I guessed this possibility, it doesn't seem to be very good not to say it.

So I put away my belongings and hurried down the mountain. I went to a coffee shop three kilometers away, ordered twice as much coffee, and turned on my laptop. Sure enough, the standard of WIFI in this world is the same~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Easily connected to the network.

First, several important portal websites in China published news, and then they published news on major websites of the US Empire. After hesitating for a long time, they still sent an email directly to the Pentagon of the US Empire. Maybe it's a parallel world relationship, so the way to enter the Pentagon's internal network that The Walking Dead got it is also available.

Although I also remind the domestic military, I really don't know how to connect. I can only contact the military of the US imperialists. I hope that when facing the disaster of all mankind, I will choose to share information.

It seems that this is all I can do. I don't know what kind of world it will be in the early morning tomorrow. Will this bustling city turn into ruins?

The information has also been sent. Believe it or not, let them go. It’s better to withdraw it first so that someone can use the Internet to track it and come to the door. Seeing the waiter who has been scratching his head in front of him for a long time, he may be thinking of himself as a big money. To tell the truth, he is really a big money. Not everyone has tons of gold, so they just tipped a hundred yuan and left. But before leaving, I couldn't help but say one more thing, leave the city early to avoid disaster, believe it or not, it's a personal matter...

When the familiar returned to the mountain again, the sky was completely dark, and when the tablet system was turned on, there was still no task instruction, but inexplicably, he gave himself a reward of 20 points. This can be said to be a completely unexpected surprise. Honestly, it's kind of weird.

It has always been extremely difficult to score points, why is it so easy this time, go down and send a message, and even get a reward of 20 points? The system did not say the reason for the reward, which is really confusing, but this is also a small surprise!

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