Time Traveler

Chapter 91: new world

The two girls were completely like nothing. After reading the information in the USB, the two of them sat there with big eyes and small eyes. They really didn't know what to look at. They were startled. Such a famous company, in their own two Before joining, there was only the boss alone, and he spent countless days and nights alone to create the world's top artificial intelligence assistant... I still admire this new boss from the bottom of my heart. , so doing things with him must be very rich, let alone ideals, now such a society has money to realize the ideals in their hearts.

On the tablet, there is a time for the next trial mission to start, and there is still half an hour. The system time is synchronized with the real world time.

It is now eleven thirty in the night, and in half an hour, I will go to the trial mission again. I can't help but feel a little apprehensive in my heart. On the one hand, I am looking forward to it, and on the other hand, I am a little careful.

In fact, if you can choose by yourself, with your own character, you may choose not to take risks, and it would be very good to keep the current gains. It can be said that there is endless money to spend. In today's society, money can't be said to be omnipotent, but the energy of money is absolutely huge.

That intelligent assistant, I have the confidence to play it with various tricks, it is not a problem to make tens of billions in the future, and the first pot of gold is the hardest to earn in life, and now I have hundreds of millions of cash flow, He also signed a cooperative relationship with other companies. In the next two or three months, the total harvest will be at least 1 billion or more. If there is no shortage of money, life is actually quite perfect.

Once upon a time, the dream of life is not to have endless money. When you see a beautiful woman, you can boldly pursue it. If you are really rich, it seems that you will stick to it without chasing after a beautiful woman. The society is so realistic, and this cannot be said of others. Bai Jin, why isn't he so realistic? It's not the same, there are only those hot beauties in the eyes, and there are kind and ugly women...

When the time was up, I checked the things I was carrying again. In fact, I didn't need to check them. Anyway, those things were neatly organized in the storage space, and it was clear at a glance.

The current storage space has reached 202 cubic meters, which is about a 10*5*4 space. There has always been a lot of storage for things. Although the helicopter takes up space, it is still there for emergency use. Necessary, in case of some special circumstances, such a helicopter would make it much easier to escape.

There are also many funny documents. In fact, many documents are still stamped with the official seal of the United Nations. As for how the official seal came from, it was in the world of The Walking Dead, but the various seals in the White House of the United States and some special seals in the Pentagon were packaged and obtained. I even got some official seals from the United Nations Headquarters. What is the use of these things? I don’t know if there is a lot of storage space. Some seals are only, and they don’t take up much space. I can’t guarantee that they will be used that day.

There are a lot of documents that are difficult to distinguish between true and false. The head of the Asia-Pacific region of S.H.I.E.L.D., the captain of the Avengers China, and the head of the Earth Defense Agency. In fact, getting these documents is not boring and funny, but just in case When I encounter something else, I light up the certificates issued by the United Nations, the President of the United States, the Pentagon Military Department and other departments. It should have a very shocking effect...


Recently, I have never stopped practicing in the morning and evening. It took me three months to get a sense of qi. But now I always feel a little bit of qi every time I practice that primary internal exercise.

Of course, the bigger possibility is that it is an illusion. Because of his strong mental power, he can have the appearance of infuriating qi flowing. It does not mean that there is really infuriating qi flowing in his body.

Another point is that the dynamic vision has finally been measured, which is nearly 30 times faster than normal vision, which means that when you encounter an emergency or concentrate on watching, the things you see are nearly 30 times slower. times. It seems to be inextricably related to one's own spiritual power. Maybe if the spiritual power is improved a little, the dynamic vision can be doubled!

With the current dynamic vision, you can even see the flight trajectory of the pistol bullet. The pistol bullet originally had a speed of more than 300 meters per second, but in my opinion, the bullet seemed to be flying at a speed of more than ten meters. Of course, it was only barely You can only see the trajectory, it doesn't mean that you can really dodge bullets, and your body movements can't keep up...

I don't know what kind of world I will go to this time. I hope that the new world will be a little more normal, preferably a world with no zombies, preferably a world with more people. In the ten or so days after returning from the world of the walking dead, many times, I always seem a little out of place.

It's like sitting in a book bar and reading a book yesterday. A person quietly passed by his side. In essence, he was really just passing by. He lightened his steps and just cultivated himself. He didn't want to disturb others. When I got up, I almost threw the man out. I was shocked, and it was really embarrassing.


The clock on the TV just arrived at exactly twelve o'clock ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ A colorful light suddenly flashed between the eyebrows, quickly surrounding his body, and then the time travel happened.

This time, I didn't pass out. Although I felt the world was spinning and I was a little dizzy when I crossed, but after the crossing was completed, I still didn't really pass out, I just felt sick and felt a little nauseous.

Appearing silently on a street, the time is daytime, looking at the sun in the sky, it should be noon, and he appeared silently in a corner of an unoccupied street without disturbing anyone.

To be honest, it was really uncomfortable to travel through soberly. I stayed in the corner and stood there leaning against the wall. It took a full five minutes before I fully recovered.

Everything seems to be quite normal in this world. There should be no zombies or monsters. This time, it seems that they have come to the site of the American emperor. I don’t know if it is because I have seen more old American movies. Transmigration was directly thrown here...

It's not right to say that. It's not right to say that the movies I watch the most are the small movies from the island country. Why haven't I been sent to the world that loves sports, so I should be sent there and what movie and TV drama I watch. Not much.

I checked the content on the tablet, and the system does not have any task prompts. Maybe I should leave the city first. Anyway, it is safest to stay away from the crowd no matter what happens. What kind of catastrophic disaster or something, anyway, let’s take this world as an apocalyptic world to prevent it. It’s better to stay away from crowds and cities, so that you can have some initiative. Of course, you can’t leave too far. It will happen, and now should be the time.

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