Time Traveler

Chapter 90: A new trial is about to begin

"...Mr. Li, there is a girl who claims to be Chen Xiaowei looking for you!" The manager was a little embarrassed to interrupt when the two of them said something big. It was very beautiful and big. It came out of a man's mouth. Can what? Zhang Xiaoyu looked at her **** subconsciously, and she didn't even reach D yet, so she shouldn't be talking about herself...

"Who is Xiaowei, I don't know... Oh, yes, it seems that I really know a girl named Xiaowei, please invite her over!" Suddenly I remembered that I really knew a Chen Xiaowei, that one The one who promoted the business to himself and later helped to record the voice of Xiaowei's assistant.

At that time, I felt that the girl was very enthusiastic about her work, so she was going to hire someone, but she didn't agree at that time. I didn't expect that in a few days, she would quit her job and join her own company.

However, she paid several times the salary and promised a customer service manager position, which is very difficult to refuse. Her company has great potential for development, and she is not a fool, of course she can see that...

"Mr. Li, I suddenly found out that Manager Zhang Xiaoyu really looks like a person!"

"Like who?"

"When she was talking to you just now, she looked like your little secretary... Maybe you should recruit her as your private secretary!"

"She's surnamed Zhang too. Could it be your relative?"

"What kind of relatives? Are they relatives with the same surname?"

"Okay, but to be honest, she is quite suitable for marketing, but she is also a dignified manager, so she is not suitable for poaching people."

"What's wrong with this, Magic Company has a promising future, people are going to high places... To be honest, if you go out to find someone to sign a contract, it will definitely be much better if you go with her, but she is the lobby manager of this hotel. It's sloppy..."

"Hello, Mr. Li, my name is Chen Xiaowei!" Chen Xiaowei looked a little nervous and said hello in a hurry, but it was Lawyer Zhang.

"Miss Xiaowei, you're in big trouble now. I'm not President Li, that's your boss." Lawyer Zhang hurriedly pointed at Li Yunfei and explained.

"...Ah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Mr. Li, I identified the wrong person!" Seeing Li Yunfei's appearance, Xiaowei was stunned for a while, she really didn't expect the boss of the Magic Company to be so young.

This is the first time I met someone who was wrong. This is really a bit unreasonable. It seems that the affairs of my department manager are going to fail. No matter what I say, I will always leave a bad impression on the new boss. It is said that eyesight People who can't do it can't be a manager.

"It's alright, I don't look like a boss. It's normal to admit mistakes...Miss Xiaowei, you should sit down and talk...The manager will give me a few delicious dishes for this new employee. dishes."

This Xiaowei can't say how beautiful she is, she can only say that she has good facial features, but her voice is quite special, it sounds very pleasant.

"No, no, I've already eaten it, I'm here to report, this is my resume, Mr. Li, look at this..." Xiaowei didn't sit down, but took out a resume and said, she said I was afraid that I would quit my job and inexplicably offended the new boss, and my position as manager of that department would be ruined.

"You graduated from Zheguang?" I casually glanced at the resume, and it was really a graduate of the Broadcasting Art Institute, but the college was quite good. How can I join a promotion platform after graduation? I don't understand. .

"Yes, although my major doesn't match the company's technology, but..."

"Well, yes, I now officially appoint you as the manager of the customer service department of my magical company!"

"Thank you Mr. Li for your trust, I will definitely work hard!" I thought that the department manager was going to die, but I didn't expect the new boss to be so straightforward, which means that the promise of a monthly salary of tens of thousands in the future will not be a problem. Of course, she was extremely excited. She really needed money. In today's society, except for a very few people, everyone is short of money.

"Okay, you're welcome, I will officially go to work tomorrow. The information that is stored in the U disk first, you can open it when you are free. Oh, by the way, the company office is now in this hotel, room 307, I I live in the suite next door, and you can come to me anytime if you have something important."

Li Yunfei directly gave Xiaowei a USB flash drive, and at the same time handed over the 307 room key to Xiaowei, making her completely stunned.

Why did you join a new company, why haven't you built an office building yet? Living in a five-star hotel every day for work? Is this too extravagant or too economical?

"...Mr. Li, does our company really have no office building yet, so we will live and work here in the future?"

"Well, let's do it first, by the way, help me when you have time, and see if there are office buildings for rent there, and write down the ones that are suitable. Maybe you should buy a ready-made one or rent one temporarily... one The company doesn’t even have an office space, it’s a joke to say it, but it can only be done like this now, and I will rent an office building in a few days before moving.”

"Understood... Then I'll go first?"

"Have you really eaten?"


"What this, that, you're welcome, let's sit down and eat together, just tell Manager Zhang what you like to eat, I'll take it!"

"Miss Xiaowei, don't be afraid, in fact, Boss Li is a big and good person!"

"Then thank you boss, manager Xiaoyu, can you give me a tomato fried rice!"

"...You are really saving, okay, just tomato fried rice!" Manager Xiaoyu told a waiter, but instead of leaving, he stood behind Li Yunfei. Is this beneficial or unintentional? It's hard to say what she did. She looked like a female secretary, so it's no wonder that Lawyer Zhang said that.

"Manager Xiaoyu, why don't you sit down and eat too?" Standing behind him and watching him eat, Li Yunfei felt uncomfortable all over. In principle, of course, he could invite people out, but This kind of words are still a bit unspeakable, and some are too hurtful.

How can I say that the day before yesterday, she still helped me a lot. She also contributed a lot to the cooperation to launch the Xiaowei robot, and she really couldn't do anything to turn her face and not recognize the person.

"Then thank you, Mr. Li!" This Zhang Xiaoyu is really welcome. It was the same last time and this time.

"...Manager Xiaoyu, why don't you come to my company too, how about I give you the position of the manager of the public relations department?" After hesitating for a while~www.wuxiamtl.com~, she sent an invitation directly.

"Mr. Li, you can't be kidding, how could I be the manager of your kind of high-tech company!"

"Why not?"

"... This, in fact, I am a very stupid person. I have always been a scumbag. I just graduated from high school and couldn't continue to study. The reason why I can be the lobby manager in this hotel is because the boss is my uncle. so……"

"Uh, actually, there is no necessary relationship between education and ability. If you don't study well, it's just poor study. It doesn't really mean that people are stupid."

"Mr. Li, are you serious?"

"Of course, you are quite forthright in your dealings with others. In ancient times, you were a heroine. You are much better at handling interpersonal relationships than I am... But if I poached you, your uncle boss won't be furious, right?"

"That won't happen. He wants me to leave. When I leave, no one will watch him flirt with his Xiaomi Mi."

"Haha, then it's settled, you are welcome to join my magical company!" Li Yunfei directly stretched out his hand.

"Thank you boss for your trust!" Xiaoyu also extended her hand and officially joined the Magic Company.

"...Mr. Li, if you treat me to a meal, you have two more generals under your command. No, you have to open a bottle of Wuliangye to celebrate."

"Xiaoyu, open two more bottles and drink him to death!"

After a meal, Li Yunfei and Zhang Tiezhu were both drunk. Of course, Li Yunfei was pretending, because tonight at twelve o'clock, he was going to cross again. I don't know what the situation will be this time, so I really don't dare to do more. drink. However, the lawyer Zhang was really drunk. Women's alcohol intake should not be underestimated. I don't know if women are born to drink more than men.

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