Time Traveler

Chapter 89: Butler Robot Program

Although I ate hundreds of thousands in one meal, mainly because the bottles of Remy Martin were too **** expensive, but after drinking a meal, the question about the joint production robot became much easier. The two sides gave each other a step, and they really signed a preliminary cooperation agreement. It seems that they should give the big manager a red envelope.

When Boss Lei went back, he strongly invited Li Yunfei to go with him, hold a press conference, and show his face at the press conference by the way, which was considered to be joining the circle, but Li Yun still refused. He really didn't want to be famous, at least he didn't want to be casual. If you are recognized by people when you go shopping, you should bury your head in making money and spend money easily.

"Our company has established a long-term partnership with Magic Smart. In the future, as long as the mobile phone sold by our company will be equipped with genuine Xiaowei Assistant for free, we will firmly support the genuine fight against piracy... In another month, our company will cooperate with Magic. The company has jointly withdrawn a housekeeping robot..." Mr. Lei played his press conference show again, and now in this era when you sing, I will debut, new product launches are more intensive than press conferences.

As soon as Lao Lei returned to the headquarters, he launched a new product, which was actually similar to the one released twenty days ago.

However, after carrying Xiaowei assistant and adding some hardware configuration, it turned into Plus Sakamoto. Of course, this was the new version he was going to launch, but it was just half a month earlier.

A lot of new applications were shown. I have to say that Lao Lei is quite creative. He instantly applied Xiaowei Assistant to various home appliances produced by his company, and those home appliances also became smart...

Of course, at the end of the conference, a very good robot was also launched. In fact, it is not unusual for a robot. Many domestic manufacturers can produce it, and the accessories are ready-made. It only needs to be assembled. This is also Lao Lei. The reason for coming up with a robot so quickly.

What's really strange is that after Xiaowei's assistant is loaded, the robot becomes magical in an instant. Its words and deeds really look like a polite robot housekeeper. This is really shocking. The word 'black technology' flashed past.

Although the boss of the mysterious Magic Smart Company did not appear at the scene, the lawyers represented Mr. Zhang Tiezhu and went there on behalf of Mr. Li, and even showed his face on stage. In an instant, a large number of reporters approached him to ask questions, all of which were about the technical problems of Xiaowei's assistant. This made him embarrassed for the law graduate. He really regretted coming over to show his face. What a shame!

However, in the end, Xiaowei Robot successfully cleared the siege. During the question and answer, Xiaowei Robot took the initiative to introduce some technologies that could be disclosed. This was deliberately authorized by Li Yunfei, so as not to let everyone By demonizing artificial intelligence, the unknown is the source of fear.

To be honest, there are many people now who are very worried about artificial intelligence, especially when they see the polite Xiaowei robot, the worry is even more serious. Only by understanding what artificial intelligence is, can misunderstandings be eliminated, and everyone can use this kind of intelligent robot with a very sci-fi color with confidence.

The cost of Lao Lei's mobile phone has increased by 8 yuan, which is the best price given by Li Yunfei. When they sell a mobile phone, 8 yuan will be directly transferred to the account of the magic company. After filing various taxes, Li Yunfei can get only 7 yuan, which is indeed three-tiered less than what he sold himself, but the actual income is actually a lot more, because his sales are still very large. It will help Xiaowei Assistant to quickly occupy the market. Once this market is occupied, there are always many ways to make money in the future.

In the future, I plan to launch avatars, multiple voice actors choices, and if the conditions permit, I will add dialect recognition and waiting services, and charge some upgrade fees. That's what it should be... That's how the money comes. Just like that QQ, WeChat itself does not need money, but as long as the market is big enough, making money is still very easy.

Of course, Lao Lei didn't just get the benefits of his reputation. The sales of mobile phones have also increased a lot. The most important thing is that the home appliances he produced have the Xiaowei assistant interface for the first time. A big vote has also improved the grades of those home appliances, which can already be regarded as real smart home appliances.

The most important thing is the intelligent service robot that is about to be jointly produced. Magic Company provides software support, and provides hardware support by itself, so as to expand the market of real robots that can be used for home service. This is a huge piece of cake. Others have already started it first, but those robots have a fatal flaw. They can't do anything without cloud services. The products that they and Magic Company have jointly withdrawn will use cloud services as backup and upgrade only. This level is much better than the robots with expensive service fees on the existing market.

When I got home, I picked up my phone, so I went, turned on the TV, and tuned in to the sports channel...

When I saw some dust on the ground, I picked up my mobile phone and said hello, and the sweeping robot came over in an instant to sweep up the rubbish...

A thief stole his battery car, Xiaowei's assistant immediately called the police automatically, and then activated the satellite positioning, the thief had nowhere to hide...

There are also many imaginings about the intelligent use of Xiaowei's assistant, which is almost like a sci-fi film, but in theory, everything is feasible.

These are propaganda films produced by Lao Lei Company. Their speed is really fast. Two days after returning, they produced a propaganda film like a sci-fi blockbuster, which is quite enjoyable to watch.

However, it has also caused many people's concerns about artificial intelligence, which has triggered another war of words. The topic of artificial intelligence has been very hot in recent years, but when the real robot butler appeared, many people couldn't help but think of the rebel robots in science fiction movies, and then this issue became even more popular.

Many TV stations interviewed experts from different parties every minute, and Li Yunfei was invited by several media to popularize knowledge about artificial intelligence. It's better to be low-key. Tomorrow I will do the trial task, go to any interview, or go home to spend more time with my parents and save more money at home. If the task fails, the unknown system should not be It would be too stingy, take back the 18 million in the family. Of course, if you have to take it back, there seems to be nothing you can do, so try to pass the trial mission as much as possible!

It's just that it's not easy to go home. The seven aunts and eight aunts will come to the door in minutes. If you just come to visit, just give that red envelope or something, that's fine. It's just like one by one, they all lead the beautiful girls to the door. , This is a bit unbearable, so I can only flee and sneak back into the city.

When Lawyer Zhang came back from the imperial capital, he complained that Boss Li had tricked him and was embarrassed at the press conference, so Li Yunfei also treated guests to dinner as an apology.

"Boss Li, how do you feel about returning home this time?"

"Not so good, it's almost going to be a blind date meeting!"

"You should hire a beautiful girl to go back with you. For example, kiss the beautiful manager for a favor, so you can easily do business." .

"That's not good, it's not always good to lie!"

"Come on, you dare to say that you don't lie... You should be afraid of being entangled by that beautiful manager?"

"How come, it's great to have beautiful women around... Well, that old Zhang, have you heard that the aircraft carrier was launched recently?" Seeing the manager Zhang Xiaoyu coming over from a distance, Li Yunfei instantly changed the topic.

"Of course, I even went to Dalian to watch the launching ceremony of the aircraft carrier!" Lao Zhang saw Li Yunfei's eyes, and knew that the beautiful manager had come over and said. In fact, he is also a fan of the puppet army, so he has really learned a lot from the past.

"Well, isn't that guy very big?"

"It's really big, it's too big, it looks so beautiful..."

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