Time Traveler

Chapter 9: Painful tasks appear

Rick thought he had met a living dead person, but when he saw that the other party was wearing clean clothes and drinking water, he instantly denied his idea. Suddenly encountering a living person on the side of the road, of course, is quite curious. Seeing that Li Yunfei didn't look like he was hiding a weapon, he approached with confidence.

"Man, what are you doing here?" He really didn't understand a person who didn't even have a weapon, how could he dare to wander on the road?

"It's nothing... I was really tired from walking just now, so I need to sit down and rest." Li Yunfei explained, after the past few days of hard memory and self-talk practice, the foreign language is still a little smoother.

"Then go ahead, but you'd better be careful, there may be walking corpses in the city... This is for your self-defense!" Rick took the initiative to remind, and after hesitating for a while, he took out a pistol, Handed it to Li Yunfei, which surprised Li Yunfei.

Rick just saw that Li Yunfei was empty-handed and had nothing, and he had a large bag of weapons, so he gave him a rollover.

But in all fairness, this person is indeed very good, no wonder he can always attract so many subordinates.

At least he did this, and it was easy to gain some goodwill from Li Yunfei. In the world of doomsday, it was very rare to remind others to give a stranger a self-defense weapon.

Of course, this is Rick now. If it was Rick in a few years, he might not do this. At most, take the initiative to remind him to leave quickly.

"Thank you so much, I finally have a life-saving guy!" Li Yunfei took it over politely, and also expressed his gratitude. Although he wanted to remind him that the city was dangerous, the other party seemed to have reminded him. It should be known, so the reminder is useless, saying that this time he would not be in danger.

I actually got three pistols in just three days. I really don't know what to say. There are so many guns on this old beauty's territory.

Li Yunfei has no plans to follow the protagonist. It is too dangerous to mess around with the main protagonist. If he fails, he will die. In addition, if you accidentally change the plot, you will be trapped here and never go back. It will be miserable. Living in this insecure world is simply suffering. This is not what I want. result.

Until Rick rode far away, Li Yunfei turned around and left immediately. Even if there were more supplies in the city, he would not dare to collect them. If he lost his life, collecting anything would be just a chore.

Walking back all the way, while playing with the 70% new revolver that Rick gave him. After this incident of sending guns, Li Yunfei remembered one thing. It's really not good for him to hang around empty-handed. It's better to carry a bag on his back, and the treasure knife on his back at the same time, so that it seems normal. .

In an emergency situation empty-handed, and an inexplicable weapon suddenly appears, if people see it, it will make people feel very strange.

The speed of going back is much faster. It only took half an hour to return to the crippled car of my own. Now that I have even met the protagonist, and the plot is fully unfolded, it is safer to go there and squat.

He took out the tablet again and studied it, hoping to find some new changes, but unfortunately there are still no hints. Looking left and right, this tablet is only two pages, and there is no change in the information.

"Brother Tablet, please give me some hints, what should I do to be able to leave this world?" Li Yunfei couldn't help but mutter, but he didn't expect that the tablet really reflected, and a series of text prompts appeared. .

To leave this parallel time and space, you need to complete the following four tasks:

1. Survive for more than a year, with a completion rate of 1%, and the task will be rewarded with 20 points.

Second, destroy more than 10,000 zombies, 95 of which have been successfully eliminated, the task completion rate will be 0.95%, and the task reward will be 30 points.

Three, saving people more than 100 times, the task completion degree is 0, and the task rewards 50 points... Seeing this task, Li Yunfei really felt very painful. Speaking of saving people in this world, it is definitely a very important thing. Troublesome things, if you don't get it right, you will put yourself in it, which is really unpredictable.

Fourth, ensure that the protagonist will not die during the mission, and the mission will reward you with 50 points. This task is simply giving points. Anyway, stay away from the protagonist, and the protagonist will definitely not die within a year.

Ultimate mission: There will be additional special rewards for helping to develop a zombie virus vaccine, as well as an additional 100 points...

After reading the mission introduction, although the eggs hurt, it made Li Yunfei feel a lot more relieved. Having a goal is always better than blind guessing. Although there is no penalty for failing the mission, there should be some kind of penalty or Being trapped here, or taking back the benefits, deleting the memory and sending them back, the most serious thing may be direct humane destruction.

But judging from this information prompt, it shouldn't be that serious, because I saw the extremely troublesome task of saving people. Since this kind of task was opened, it is obvious that I don't want to destroy human nature, so there is not much to say about this unknown system. Evil just makes it difficult for oneself.

"It turns out that this tablet is still controlled by voice, so, brother tablet, where did you come from, why did you find me?" Li Yunfei thought that the tablet was controlled by voice, so he couldn't help but ask, but the tablet didn't have any reflect.

"What time is it now, brother tablet?" The tablet still has no response. It doesn't seem to be a voice control. It may require some special trigger conditions to unlock the function. it is so...

As for why I can't meet the protagonist as soon as I come, maybe it's some kind of test. It can be analyzed. There are several tests in just two days. The courage to face the zombies directly, and the luck of successfully activating the storage space, there is no such thing as As soon as she was seduced by a beautiful woman, she went back and still insisted on her own plan. Maybe this was a test of human nature. Of course, there are some other tests. Maybe I have passed it unknowingly, so I officially activated the task system.

As long as you fail to pass any of those tests, it only means that you are not qualified to accept the next trial, and you are likely to be given up. As for the consequences after giving up, it is unknown, maybe it is to delete the memory and send it back, maybe it is Being left in this world to fend for itself, there are even more ruthless possibilities.

Speaking of these four tasks, it is not too difficult to complete the first task. Although it takes up to a year, it is not a big problem to prepare well. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com was originally collected. The materials and then go to the uninhabited mountains and old forests to open a small farm... Unfortunately, there are three other mission conditions.

The second point, really speaking, it is not too difficult, as long as you spend some time, be careful and prepare well, you can do it.

The third point is that this saving work can be done if you really want to do it, but it will be more troublesome. Where do you go to find so many people to save, and saving people is also a very dangerous thing. Put yourself in.

As for the fourth point, you don't have to worry about it at all. Now you just need to kill more zombies, and only a few more people if you have the chance. Li Yunfei completely ignored the ultimate task, which is simply not something that can be accomplished by humans.

"Yes, since the protagonist will definitely not die, you don't have to worry about it at all, why do you add a fourth mission? I don't seem to have changed any plot, is the protagonist at risk of accidental death? If the protagonist is like the original drama, it is impossible to die. Yes, I just need to stay away. Since I won't die, there is no reason to add this quest? Give me 50 points? Although I don't know what the 50 points are used for now. But it should be very precious, otherwise Why do you only get 30 points for killing tens of thousands of zombies, and 50 points for saving a hundred people? Why give yourself 50 points for no reason?

"...I don't care, the protagonist will die?...TMD, this is too much?" After hesitating for a long time, Li Yunfei finally decided to take the risk and go back to see what the situation was talking about.

If you are forever trapped in this apocalyptic world, it will be too tragic. This is not the life you want. Although the reality is not so good, it is more likely to be eaten by zombies than at any time in this world. , being beaten to death by others, a world where you can't even sleep peacefully, is a thousand times better.

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