Time Traveler

Chapter 10: Fixed point brush

I filled the broken car with oil and carefully checked the broken car. It should still be able to drive for a long time. After everything was prepared, I finally dared to drive the broken car into the city.

If you encounter large-scale zombies in the city, immediately look for a high point where the zombies cannot climb. As long as you pay more attention when entering the city, there should be many such places, even the roofs of some large trucks. It's okay, I'm different from others, I prepare enough food and water, enough to last for two months.

And there are thousands of rounds of bullets and a treasured knife in hand. If you find a high point where zombies can’t climb, the zombies will naturally die as many as they come. Anyway, they can last for a few months, so just be careful If you enter the city, you can still protect yourself.

The car moved forward unhurriedly, and there was not a single zombie on the way, as if it was attracted away.

"Bang! Bang! Bang..." He heard several consecutive gunshots from a distance, it should be Rick's shot, Li Yunfei got out of the car after hesitating again and again.

Because I have already looked at the nearby retreat route, it would be better to run over, but it would be more dangerous to drive over. Zi's driving skills are really bad, and this car doesn't even have a windshield. If it hits a zombie, in case a zombie It would be sad to roll in and take a bite of yourself.

He took out his sword and walked quickly in the direction of the gunfire. Of course, he also kept an eye on the situation behind him from time to time. If he found a tendency to be surrounded, he would immediately look for the nearby highlands.

"Dude, come in quickly!" A door on the side of the road suddenly opened, and a man called out to him, but Li Yunfei was stunned for a moment. But he recognized the man immediately, so he followed without hesitation, because this guy was the Glenn who saved Rick.

"The guy who yelled in the city and shot, is your companion?" Glenn asked as soon as he entered the house.

"It doesn't count, but he gave me a pistol before. Now that he is in danger, I am going to help him." Li Yunfei explained.

"You are really loyal, and you dare to rush over with a knife. There are thousands of zombies around there." Following Glenn, he quickly went up to the roof, stood on the roof, and looked in the direction of the tank. Go, a horse has been surrounded by zombies and fell to the ground, and Rick also hid in the tank smoothly, exactly the same as the original plot, so he is really good, this time he doesn't need to help himself at all.

"It doesn't look like there are many zombies. It should be less than 2,000!" Li Yunfei said with a rough visual observation. At the same time, he observed the surrounding terrain, and was going to find a suitable place to spawn monsters. To be honest, he found a suitable place. , I can get these zombies in less than a day. I am not afraid of being besieged. I have enough food and water to maintain my consumption for two months. In addition, I still have 5,000 rounds of bullets and a treasure knife in my hand. A suitable place to kill one, and rest when tired...

"Man, your tone is so big. It's less than two thousand. Even if it's only two hundred, you can't handle it with a knife. If you really want to save someone, you have to cooperate with that person yourself." For the stupidity of the Asians, Glenn couldn't help but say something.

The plot really didn't change at all. Glenn contacted Rick by radio. It seemed that his worries were unnecessary. The plot didn't change at all. Glenn would still go to Rick...

"...Wait, I'll pick you up here...Hey, man, did you hear clearly?" Glenn patted Li Yunfei, a little lost, and said.

"Just now you said you wanted me to save people?" Li Yunfei was also stunned for a moment.

"Yes, you go save people, I'm here to meet you." Glenn confirmed.

"Shouldn't it be up to you to save people?" Li Yunfei was also stunned. With his own appearance, this Glenn was not ready to save people.

"He didn't give me a pistol, why did he ask me to rescue him?"

"This... well, you're right!" Glenn seemed to be right, so Li Yunfei could only admit that he was unlucky and agreed.

Anyway, I have a mission to save people, so saving the protagonist once should be regarded as saving people. Although the process is a little dangerous, it is a planned route. In addition, my agility is a little higher than that of ordinary people, so in general It should have been a surprise.

After checking the escape route several times, Li Yunfei finally rushed out with a sword and a small bag on his back.

After a few days of training, I no longer have much fear in the face of zombies, so I rushed over and saw the sparse zombies, and killed them all with one knife.

Rick was already in despair, but when he heard someone say hello, he suddenly rekindled the desire to survive, so he also got out of the tank with a gun, and also rushed in the direction where Li Yunfei was now according to Glenn's reminder, along the way. The gunshots kept ringing, and the two finally successfully joined forces on the way. Rick was also very emotional about giving a pistol in exchange for a savior.

Li Yunfei saw quite a few good monster spawning spots when he was running away, so he prepared to destroy some zombies himself, but he had the task of destroying tens of thousands of zombies. Maybe if he cleaned up more, there would be more gains, so really I don't want to give up this good chance to clear monsters.

So I didn't go with them, but I was 'lost' when I followed. I first entered a shopping mall and searched for good things everywhere. At the same time, I cleaned up the useless garbage in the space, picking and picking, worth thousands of dollars. Exquisite clothing, as long as you can wear it, you have installed several sets...

From the corner of the shopping mall, a cashier zombie girl suddenly appeared. I saw that she was drooling, stretched out her hands, and found herself to settle the account. Li Yunfei also generously rewarded her with a knife, and went to the cashier to search for it. After reading it again, there are about 30,000 to 40,000 US dollars.

Although this thing is useless in this world, but it doesn't take up much space, it is better to put it away first, this is real currency. If you can take it back, it can be exchanged for money. Of course, it is best to get some real money or something to bring back. When you have the opportunity, you must collect a little reserve. If you can take it back, it is not a waste. trip…

Whether this world is real and whether things can be brought back is still unclear, but when I came here, I also came with slippers and underwear. UU reading www.uukanshu. com so it is very likely that you can bring something back from this world. I just don't know if this storage space is real, and whether it can be opened in the real world. It would be great if it could be opened. But the most important thing now is to live and work hard to complete the task, only in this way can I go back.

8 cubic meters of storage space, it looks like a lot of storage space, but it is actually a small half of it is taken up by food and water, so it is not too big, it fills up quickly, just clean up some It's just garbage. I dare not clean up those food and water. I made a rule at the beginning. In any case, I must ensure that I reserve rations and water for about 2 months in case of unexpected events, so just consume a little bit. , will try to find a way to find supplements.

There are not as many zombies in the city as I imagined. At least the one street I saw was less than 2,000. As for how many other streets there are, I don't know.

According to previous observations, a platform with a width of about 1 meter and a length of about 6 meters was selected. This platform is about 2.5 meters high from the ground. Lying on it, holding a knife out, you can easily stab the zombies below. The head, a knife is very easy, it is a holy place to brush monsters.

Those zombies raised their heads one by one, as if they were waiting to stab them to death. If there were too many corpses, move them around a little. After killing a group, fire a few shots, attracting zombies from a distance, and continue to use the knife. stamp.

Rick and the others, who were looking for a way out on the roof of another high-rise building, found that Li Yunfei was a bit baffled.

What is this guy doing, are you going to clean up all those zombies? And where did he get so many bullets, he has fired more than 30 shots, and the bullets he gave are only a dozen bullets...

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