Time Traveler

Chapter 8: met the protagonist

Maybe it's getting close to some city, so occasionally one or two zombies will be encountered on the road, but as long as there are not many, you can basically walk over without changing your face, and solve it with a knife or two. Actual combat is indeed the best way to improve strength, and the slashing of the battle knife is also much faster and more accurate.

To eliminate zombies, as long as you are not nervous, anyone can easily chop the heads of zombies. No matter what, the speed of zombies is much slower than that of normal people, and even those who are stupid do not know how to hide.

The **** scenes are the most to sharpen people's hearts. In one day, a total of more than 30 zombies' heads have been chopped off, and their courage has also grown a lot. Night fell again. Before the night fell, I didn't find any houses in the village or town, nor did I find any scrapped carts, but I found a big tree five or six meters high, on a tree branch more than three meters above the ground. , borrowed the collected garbage, made a simple nest, and spent it here tonight...

The next day officially ended, hiding in a simple shack in a tree, and opened the tablet again. The data of the body has not changed in any way.

He has killed more than 70 zombies, and he has not given any rewards or experience points. It seems that he is busy working in vain...

"Maybe the number is not enough. I will continue to work hard tomorrow!" Li Yunfei comforted himself and put away the tablet.

I carefully checked my shack to make sure it wouldn't fall, and then I lay down on the simple shack again, practicing the meditation that I had 'improved' and continued to relax my body. After ten minutes, I felt sleepy. Intentional attack, went straight to sleep...

I woke up in the morning when it was slightly bright, my whole body was a little sore. Yesterday, I seemed to be practicing a little bit fiercely. There were 10 zombies guarding under the tree. It was a bit like waiting for a rabbit.

Li Yunfei calmly finished his breakfast, and even wiped his face with a wet towel, before taking out his pistol and shooting at the head of the zombie under the tree.

It's only three meters away, and those zombies don't know how to avoid them, so of course it won't be difficult to get a headshot. After 10 shots, the 10 zombies waiting to eat all fell down and became the fertilizer for the big tree.

Try to reach a small town today. If you can collect some really useful things, then you can find a safe place to set up camp!

The road is still stop-and-go, but there are fewer and fewer things to collect. It seems that the cars parked on the side of the road have been swept away.

Occasionally, there will be some zombies on the road. Of course, they are solved with a few knives. Although he is not a master with knives, it is really not too difficult to cut seven or eight zombies. I can say that I have grown extremely fast.

I saw a very dilapidated and scrapped car from a distance. I used to look for things in the past, but three zombies crawled out of the car. Of course, I took out the treasure knife and killed it instantly.

The car still smelled like a corpse, and there seemed to be nothing to collect, but there was a key in the car, so I twisted it habitually, and it actually started, and the sound of a motor sounded, and Li Yunfei was also excited. endlessly.

It is said that people can't look at their appearance. It turns out that cars can't look at their appearance. Since they can still be used, a little corpse odor is no big deal. It can still be tolerated. At most, wear a mask.

I filled this broken car with gasoline, and I was finally able to drive a car on the road. Although the hood and windshield were broken, the engine was still very strong.

Because there is no windshield, Li Yunfei does not dare to drive too fast. The speed is only about 50 kilometers per hour. In fact, even if there is a windshield, Li Yunfei does not dare to drive too fast. For a novice driver with only a few days of driving experience Said, driving too fast, one accidentally went into the ditch. But no matter how slow it is, it is more than ten times faster than walking.

Night fell again. This was my third night in this world. It was much easier to have a car. I parked the car on the side of the road and blocked the windshield with some debris collected on the way. , and then lying in the safety of the car to sleep, feeling much better.

Li Yunfei doesn't think too much about other things, because thinking about it is just a waste of energy. It's better to let himself live as much as possible. After he finds a safe place, he can think about the future. With the help of meditation Fall asleep quickly.

Maybe I slept earlier, so the next day, I woke up just after dawn, and no zombies were found outside the car. It seemed that I was lucky today. I wiped my face with a damp towel, ate something else, and then put away the debris on the windshield and continued on the road.

The speed of traveling with a car is different. After driving for more than two hours, I finally saw a big city.

It's been a few days since I came to this world, and it's the first time I've seen a big city. Although the distance is still far away, there should be nearly eight or nine kilometers before entering the city. However, Li Yunfei slowed down a bit and hesitated for a while. Or move on.

After driving another three or four kilometers, he was about to reach the city. Li Yunfei finally stopped. Whether he should drive this broken car to the big city is very confusing.

There will definitely be a large group of zombies in such a big city. If you drive in, it will be troublesome if you encounter it, but you can definitely get a lot of practical things in the city, so since you see it, it seems too timid not to go. .

After hesitating for a long time, I finally decided to park the car on the side of the road, pulled out the key, and got a little closer to check the situation. I was talking to see if there was a chance to find something on the edge of the city. As for why I parked the car at Outside. Of course, it's because of his poor driving skills. If he encounters a lot of zombies and crashes every minute, he will probably hurt himself. So instead of doing this, it is better to look carefully in the past, and if the situation is not right, quickly run back and drive away.

Li Yunfei's forward speed is still very slow. If he wants to enter the city, he must preserve his most perfect physical strength. Only in this way can he escape quickly when the situation is not right. In order to save his physical strength, he even avoids practicing machetes and movements when preparing to walk. Any weight on the body is put into the storage space.

Wearing only sports clothes and sneakers, moving forward cautiously, always paying attention to the surrounding situation, at his own speed, as long as he is not surrounded by zombies, escaping is not a problem at all.

After advancing a few hundred meters, he will really enter the city. Li Yunfei sat on the roadside again to rest and regain his strength. After a while, he went to the nearby houses to search and find some himself. useful stuff. In the edge of the city here, it is convenient to retreat in case of a situation... Li Yunfei was thinking about how to find things.

I vaguely heard the sound of horses' hooves coming from a distance, but this made Li Yunfei stunned for a while. He seemed to have a special affinity with horses. The first time he met a group of horses that no one was riding, the second time he met a horse riding a horse. the woman...

"Could it be that the female knight Maggie is here too? It seems unlikely. It is at least 200 kilometers away from where she is." Li Yunfei instantly denied his idea.

Your shooting skills are really not good, you must not draw a gun. If you let the other party misunderstand that you are going to attack the other party, then you are likely to die.

So I just sat still, just turned to look at the guy on horseback who was gradually approaching in the distance, and stretched out his hands, picked up a bottle of mineral water and drank it, indicating that he was a normal person and had no weapons in his hands. .

Sure enough, Li Yunfei's series of actions were effective. The man on the horse had already stopped and was ready to take out his gun, but now he put away his pistol.

The moment Li Yunfei saw the other party, he knew who it was. This person was the protagonist Rick, who was almost no different from the image in the TV series. In addition, the previous Maggie is almost the same. To be honest, Li Yunfei really doubts that this is a virtual world, but the technology is too awesome, so he can't see that it is fake, otherwise, why would it be such a coincidence that he passed through Woolen cloth?

Now that you have met the protagonist, it is very likely that this city is that of Atlanta. There should be a huge group of zombies in it. If this is the case, it is better to leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible.

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