Time Traveler

Chapter 88: Cooperation

Suddenly there is money and the account amount is still increasing rapidly. In fact, the company does not even have an office place, not even an employee. There is only one bare-handed commander, and even the server is rented by others, and I stay there all day. It's really outrageous to mess around in a rental house.

Since the source of the money is open and aboveboard, the tax filing has already been entrusted to a special financial company to help with the filing. No matter how much you spend, it is your own money, so it doesn't matter much. So I deliberately went to the only five-star hotel in the city, opened the largest suite, and temporarily used it as my own office. At a price of more than 3,000 a day, it is already considered the highest quality suite in this small city.

However, when a real big boss comes to visit, this level is still a bit low. Originally, Li Yunfei was going to sign the contract in person, but the other party seemed to be more anxious than himself. After knowing his address, he hurried to fly. coming.

Because his new mobile phone just finished the press conference not long ago, although he claims to be the most luxurious and most luxurious configuration in China, it has been surrounded and suppressed by many mobile phone giants at home and abroad, and the sales volume is not very good.

Therefore, we must use this hot topic to add fire to our new mobile phone. We need to let everyone understand that our company is not only the best configuration, but also the most user-friendly company.

Therefore, it is a bit impatient to establish a strategic partnership with this little-known new company. Since simply brushing the performance can no longer satisfy the majority of mobile phone users, then brush the humanized service...

"Mr. Lei, you're really in a hurry, why did you come so fast? I didn't even have lunch... If Boss Lei doesn't dislike it, why don't we have some together?" It was a bit of a surprise for this fiery man who rushed over. Accident.

I thought that when discussing cooperation with these big companies, things would be more complicated and protracted. It would take at least ten days and a half months. At first, I would definitely send a department manager or something to fill in the specific cooperation matters, and then confirm the cooperation relationship. The meeting was really meeting to sign the contract, but I really didn't expect the other party to fly over directly.

"Mr. Li's youth really surprises me. You said that this software has been developed for ten years. Did you start researching artificial intelligence in your teens?" Boss Lei is not too polite. Since the other party is so relaxed, if he is too polite , on the contrary, it seemed that he was at a disadvantage, so he sat down directly, and even let the two subordinates who came over also sat down to eat the big family together.

"It hasn't been ten years, but it did take several years... The waiter comes here!" Li Yunfei greeted a waiter in the distance.

But it wasn't the waiter who came, but another lobby manager who hurried over. Although Mr. Li was not a showman, Mr. Lei, who came from thousands of miles away, was famous. The person who sits down, drinks, eats and talks about cooperation must be a real big boss. Such a big boss is the real gold owner, so he has to say hello.

"May I ask Mr. Li, what are your orders?" The lobby manager looked extremely polite.

In all fairness, this lobby manager should be regarded as a beautiful woman, wearing a professional suit, with a bit of uniform temptation, if it was the previous self, he would definitely have sex, but now he seems more calm.

"Well, bring some more signature dishes, and open the best bottle for me by the way... By the way, beauty, what is the best wine here?" In fact, Li Yunfei didn't know what the most suitable wine was, so he asked In a word, if you don’t know what is suitable, it is always right to choose the best one!

"Mr. Li, we have a head horse Louis XIII in our hotel. Would you like to open a bottle for you?" It seemed that the other party was also the owner of the money, so he directly recommended the best wine in the hotel.

"Well, one bottle is not enough, give me two bottles, the big one!" Speaking of Remy Martin Louis XIII, Li Yunfei was quite familiar with it, and he really drank it in the world of The Walking Dead. There are even more than a dozen bottles in the storage space, and I know the difference between large and small bottles. With my current amount of alcohol, one person can kill a large bottle.

"...Understood, you wait a moment, come right away!" Although I really want to say that the big bottle is called the Supreme Edition, but people say that the big bottle is the big bottle!

"Mr. Li is very good at enjoying life. To be honest, when I was your age, I was still working hard to earn tens of thousands of dollars. It's really more popular than people!"

"Mr. Lei is self-effacing, isn't it? I made some money recently, and I wanted to try what it's like to be rich. In fact, I'm a scumbag. I used to be just a code farmer, and I can develop a small-dimensional assistant. Just luck."

"The advancement of science and technology, in many cases, really depends on luck. Let's not talk about this. Mr. Li still has a look at the contract first. If there is something that needs to be revised, we can discuss it again!" Boss Lei asked one of his subordinates from He took out the prepared contract in the bag and said that this was what Li Yunfei had initially discussed with the other party on the phone before, and the terms of the contract had basically been determined. For this matter, Li Yunfei also specially found a law firm to help draft the contract. As long as the other party didn't play tricks, it shouldn't be a problem.

"Hey, Lao Zhang, come here... I'll invite you to dinner... By the way, bring two more people... Yes, Mr. Lei will sit here and wait, you guys hurry up!" Li Yunfei didn't look at the contract matters by himself. If you don’t even know if you have legal knowledge, it’s better to get a lawyer to check it out.

Regarding Li Yunfei's approach, Boss Lei did not say much. This is a big contract, and the funds involved may be as high as several hundred million. Well, there will be cooperation in many aspects in the future. If you don't ask a professional lawyer to come over and review carefully Once again, the partner on the opposite side is too unreliable, and is destined to suffer a big loss in the future.

That old Zhang was actually the owner of a law firm. His original name was Zhang Tiezhu. His name was a bit tacky, but he was a top student who graduated from the law department.

However, after graduation, the business is very ordinary. I am nearly forty. The business of the law firm I opened can only be said to be very ordinary. There are only four or five people who have opened some small law firms in small cities. Of course, They couldn't get a big case. The reason why Lu Yunfei came to him was because they were not busy and he was in a hurry, so he went to his law firm~www.wuxiamtl.com~ This is also Lawyer Zhang's Luckily, a new company that has risen like a miracle, a young boss suddenly asks for help from his law firm, this is a real genius, and the first partner is a well-known super group in China.

After receiving the call, the lawyer Zhang immediately rushed to the most luxurious hotel with his two most capable subordinates.

He also attaches great importance to this matter. It is not just a matter of hundreds of thousands of income. In the future, there will be other contracts to be handled by his own firm. Do things beautifully so that you can hug your thighs...

When a few people arrived, Li Yunfei went to the manager again, added a few more dishes, and opened an extra bottle of Remy. .

The contract was immediately signed, and the food and drink became a celebration party. Although there were only a few people in total, there was still one more person. Li Yunfei was really just casual and polite, and asked the lobby manager to sit down with us. I was drinking a cup, but I didn't expect that person to actually sit down and drink it. That drinker was a bit stronger than himself.

He made himself spend two more bottles of Remy Martin. These two bottles are worth a hundred thousand dollars. If he hadn't made a fortune recently, two bottles of wine would have made him bankrupt.

However, with the addition of a beautiful woman, the atmosphere at the wine table suddenly improved, not to mention how ambiguous it was when drinking. It's just that people are like that. When there is a beautiful woman who can talk about alcohol, she can't help but drink a few more glasses. After drinking more wine, people became more generous and forthright, so some follow-up cooperation negotiations became much simpler and smoother.

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