Time Traveler

Chapter 7: Zombie with a head

Although there have been some changes in the information, it is a pity that killing the zombies doesn't seem to do any good, just record the numbers. I worked hard to eliminate zombies. Since there is a record, I can improve my motivation even if I give some experience points or something. It's a bit unpleasant to have nothing. Since there is no reward, it is better not to record.

"Maybe there will be some changes in the future. Maybe the number is insufficient. Otherwise, it is impossible to record the wiped zombies." Li Yunfei comforted himself.

Continuing to eliminate zombies may lead to some new changes. Changes are of course a good phenomenon, so if there is a chance in the future, it is still necessary to eliminate more zombies. Maybe as long as the number reaches a certain requirement, you can be considered to have completed some kind of work. Mission home, if that's the case, then this mission test is much simpler.

I really didn't feel sleepy, so I took out the pistol again and turned on the emergency light, carefully studied the structure of the pistol, and tried to disassemble it according to the instructions, then put it back on, and then disassemble it. The structure of the pistol is actually very simple, just follow the steps of the manual, and it can be disassembled into parts in just a few simple steps. After playing for more than an hour, I could almost remove it with my eyes closed, and then I put away the pistol and prepared to go to sleep.

It's a pity that this is the first time in such a dark wilderness, where there may be zombies infested at any time to sleep, I always feel hairy in my heart, coupled with the sudden crossing of the whole person, I am nervous, fearful and a little bit more. The state of excitement is really not at all random.

But it's definitely not good if you don't sleep. Otherwise, you will be in poor spirits when you walk the next day, and you may be in danger. In any case, let yourself sleep and restore your mental strength. After thinking about it, I really couldn't force myself to sleep. I finally remembered a meditation technique I tried to practice a long time ago because of insomnia. It was only collected from the Internet at the beginning, and it was a meditation technique for treating insomnia and dreaming.

Saying that there was a period of time a few years ago, I always had inexplicable dreams that bothered me. As long as I went to sleep every day, I always dreamed and dreamed constantly. It was very annoying, and I woke up every day with headaches and no energy at all.

I went to the hospital to take a look and it seemed that there was no problem. The doctor prescribed a little medicine, but the effect was not good. Instead, my head hurt even more. I thought how rich my nightlife is. I accidentally browsed the web and found a way to meditate and relax the body to help sleep, so the dead horse was used as a living horse doctor, and I tried to practice it, and I unexpectedly found that the effect was quite good.

So in the past few years, whenever I have insomnia or dreaming, I always lie in bed and practice, and the problem of insomnia and dreaming has been cured without medicine.

The mind is focused on the between the eyebrows intentionally or unintentionally. Every time I exhale, I meditate a pine word to influence the subconscious mind and relax the body. After practicing for ten minutes, I started to relax the mind at the center of the eyebrows, and gradually there are some Drowsy and fell asleep immediately.

To be honest, this is still a meditation technique that I made some modifications. Originally, it seemed that I had to sit upright, but I only practiced this for sleeping. How can I sleep while sitting? So I just changed to lying down, and I didn't need to focus on the eyebrows, I just needed to relax my mind, but I accidentally discovered that focusing on the eyebrows can make me more comfortable, so I changed it a little. , As for whether the effect is good or not, only you can know. What is suitable for others may not be suitable for you, and what is suitable for yourself may not be suitable for others...

In a daze, he heard vaguely that there was a knocking sound of "Boom! Boom! Boom!" It seemed that someone was knocking on something.

"Damn, let no one sleep, what's the noise in the early morning!" The sleeping Zhengxiang was awakened, of course in a very bad mood, Li Yunfei shouted and lifted the sheet and sat up. Almost rolled off the roof.

He was shocked by a cold sweat, and the person was completely awake, but when he looked around, he was almost scared to pee. There were forty or fifty zombies around, making some low hissing noises, and constantly slapped the car at the same time. , wants to climb into this RV.

He quickly took out the alloy sword and inserted it into the heads of the dead zombies one by one. At close range, the incomparably sharp sword is really easy to use, much more useful than a gun.

Zombies really don't have any IQ, they killed one by one, and they came here to give their heads.

Lying in the car for several minutes, all the forty-three zombies fell down, then wiped off the blood on the treasure knife, put it away, and took out water and food at the same time to endure the nausea, ate a little, and replenished to restore my own. physical strength.

After resting for more than half an hour, he packed up his things, got off the safe roof, and prepared to continue on the road. However, a police zombie still had a pistol stuck in his body, and he finally endured his nausea and took it down.

It turned out to be a Glock series pistol, and two magazines. I took it off together and wiped it with a rag several times, but the magazines were all empty. After the bullet, it was put into the storage space.

I really think that in just one day, I have become a man with two pistols. Although we still have a long way to go, but now we also have two pistols.

"You have to find various places to practice shooting. As long as your shooting skills are improved, if you encounter dozens or hundreds of zombies, you don't have to worry at all. Use guns at long distances, knives at close range, and retreat while shooting. It can be eliminated by kite flying just like clearing a large number of monsters in the game...

There was a soda can ten meters away. Li Yunfei held a brand-new pistol, aimed at the soda can, aiming at three o'clock and one line, and his posture was correct. Although he had never actually shot a pistol, he had seen it, not a nonsense in those fairy tales. Shooting is a program of pistol training for soldiers in the army.

It is said that the first time you use a gun, you must hold it tightly, otherwise some minor accidents will easily occur...

"Bang!" My arm went numb for a while, but I didn't hit the can. It seemed that ten meters were too far, so I took a few steps closer and aimed again... After another loud noise, I still didn't hit the target correctly. The bullet was too high. It should be It was caused by the recoil. Maybe it was a little lower when aiming. Now the distance is only eight meters.

"Bang!" This time, it really hit the target, and the can was punched in the opposite direction... It's a good sign to have a start.

Next, he shot another twenty times, and then returned to a distance of ten meters. Finally, there was a chance of more than half of hitting the can. UU reading www.uukanshu. Only then did com put away the pistol contentedly. In fact, his hand was completely numb. He had only shot 33 rounds of bullets from a long clip, and his wrist was already numb from the shock. You can't train too hard for the first training. If you get tired, it will be difficult to deal with zombies.

The improvement of technology has to be done slowly and in no hurry. In actual combat, it is easiest to improve shooting skills, reload the bullets, and even clean up the pistol before hitting the road again.

Along the way, I waved my treasure a few times, practiced chopping, slashing and stabbing, so as to improve my arm strength, as well as the simple swordsmanship that I created. It is said that the swordsmanship is actually a simple cut, stab and back. I hope that one day I can become a swordsman. master.

Speaking of which, there is a very good black knife girl in this TV series. A samurai sword is so powerful that she can chop off the heads of 20 or 30 zombies in a few minutes.

After all, I am also a man, and I have such a sharp sword in my body. No matter what, I have to practice to the extent that I am stronger than that sword girl. After all, my knife is several times sharper than that of a samurai sword. It is made of Edman alloy, and it can really cut iron like mud. When can I use this knife to easily cut down dozens or hundreds of zombies, and then I can barely pass.

Now I don't know how to get back, so I can only practice my survival skills hard. While moving forward, I wave my left and right hands alternately. When I get tired, I sit on the roadside to rest, and when I rest, I continue on the road.

Of course, when you see useful things along the way, you will still collect them all first. Anyway, after the space is full, you will selectively throw away some and replace them with more useful things. Your own is like a tattered one. That storage space Gradually, it began to be filled with clutter.

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