Time Traveler

Chapter 74: go to washington

"It's a really good place. If it is properly remodeled, it can be directly built into a camp about the size of the one in Atlanta." Sean was in a good mood when he saw the situation here. The reason why he chose to come here this time, In fact, it also means that he wants to find another way to develop, because it is a bit embarrassing to be in the camp.

Luo Li had a big belly, and there is a certain possibility that the child was his. Although Rick didn't say anything, this matter was a hurdle after all, and it was still a little embarrassing to meet.

So I took the initiative to come over this time. If everything goes well, I will invite Captain Li to take over my lover Aaliyah and her daughter Ashley.

If all goes well, build another large base here. Although there are only 30 people at the beginning, but including their respective partners and children, it is more than 60 people. Be careful in the future, it should not be a problem to develop. , Now it seems that the situation is really good, and it is very suitable for development.

"Sean looks like you are very satisfied with this place, so you should choose to stay and develop!" Seeing Sean's emotion, he can already judge his choice.

"Yes, if possible, I hope you can help me for a while, it doesn't need to be very long, just ten days!"

"Want me to help you get some supplies?"

"Yes, we have brought it here to store up to a month at most. It will take at least four months for the seeds to be harvested, so we still have three months of material shortage. Without your means, it may be difficult for us people to do it. ...mainly because our other brothers are good at fighting, but they are really not good at finding things."

"Okay, since we're going to open a branch base, of course we won't leave you alone. Then you have to put more effort into managing it. You know the importance of vaccines, but don't let the two doctors come out. What an accident!" Although Li Yunfei doesn't think he is a leader, many people still regard Li Yunfei as a leader subconsciously, even Sean has already admitted this.

Of course, his lover also played a lot of roles. After all, Aaliyah was rescued by Li Yunfei. She was grateful to Li Yunfei. Sean and her got on well. some influence. In addition, Li Yunfei's strength was there, and Sean asked himself that he was not an opponent. Other people's firearms and swordsmanship are superb, and they are not like one.

"Thank you, I'll do my best." Li Yunfei was willing to help, and Sean was relieved immediately. In the past few months, this amazing captain has been really amazing. Every time he goes out and comes back, he must be a big one. It's amazing that the pile of supplies never comes back empty-handed.

"Sean, I can rest assured that you are doing things, but you should listen to the opinions of some other people as much as possible. In such a dangerous world now, everyone needs to work together to survive better!"

"Understood, this camp will also learn from the headquarters and be managed by a parliamentary system."

"That's the best. If the vaccine research is successful in the future and it is promoted, when all of us humans have survived this catastrophe and developed again, your contribution will definitely be recorded in the annals of history... It should be said that we are the witnesses. At this moment of miracle, those who contributed to the birth of this miracle will be recorded in the annals of history, so let's work together, let's work together for a better tomorrow..."

Seeing that there were more than a dozen soldiers approaching nearby, Li Yunfei immediately changed his mind and drew a big cake.

Of course, if things go well, if the human beings in this world develop again, then many people in the entire camp will be recorded in the history books. This is not a pure lie.

Everyone couldn't help but fantasize after hearing this. In the future, they will become a great person and be worshipped and praised... I feel excited when I think about it.

"The captain really knows how to speak. We all listened to it like a big chicken, but I really hope that one day in the future, this catastrophe will end soon." Wells, who came back to his senses, couldn't help but sigh. .

He has been discussing helicopter piloting skills with Li Yunfei for more than a month, so he is quite familiar with Li Yunfei, and he can still hear the words of fooling people, but he is still very excited when he knows he is fooling people.


A dozen people worked together to easily clean up the research institute. It only took more than an hour. The research center could no longer find a zombie. All the rooms were cleaned, and a little accident was found in a warehouse. A lot of food, enough for a dozen people to eat for half a year.

This is really a surprise. Andrew doesn't know anything about this. Of course, he's just a researcher, so it's normal if he doesn't know.

Everyone subconsciously thinks that this research center may not lack other things, but food will definitely be very scarce.

In fact, there are more than 350 permanent staff in this research center. If the food is consumed by more than 300 people, it will only take a dozen or so days. This reserve is really not a lot, but now there are only a dozen people, but it is possible It's not a problem to eat for half a year.

Now that so many food reserves have been found, there is no need to hurry to find food reserves. It is more important to find diesel fuel first.

"Everyone should have a good rest today, and tomorrow everyone will start working to turn over those lawns, sow the seeds first and say, I will go to the city to check the situation!"

"Captain, you are not familiar with this city, is it too dangerous to be alone? How about I take you there. I lived in Washington for a while." A soldier suggested.

"I'll just use the map, you'd better have a good rest... Sean remember to arrange for a few people to take turns guarding the gate, just in case." Li Yunfei explained that he left immediately, and no one had any opinions. It's true that this uncle is too powerful. No amount of zombies could surround him.

It is said that the United States is indeed a country of automobiles. You can find a car that can be driven casually. For example, in this research center, there are dozens of cars. After a preliminary test, there are still more than a dozen cars that can be driven. .

Randomly picked a very ordinary car and went straight out of the research center~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and headed straight for Washington.


As the capital of Washington, in fact, when the epidemic broke out, the evacuation of the crowd was very successful, and there were very few people left in the city.

During the evacuation, most of the supplies, especially the food, were basically taken away. Of course, the situation was urgent and it was impossible to remove all of them, and so many things could not be removed.

At least when Li Yunfei passed by a few supermarkets in the city, he still saw that some food was not taken away, so he put it away by the way. Now there are nearly 26 cubic meters of storage space, and usually 5 cubic meters are left as temporary storage. use.

Li Yunfei went straight to the airport. To be precise, it is the oil depot supporting the airport. Although oil can be obtained in other places, aviation kerosene is not easy to obtain in other places, although in principle, the oil of the helicopter can still support up to Fly back to camp, but it's better to get some more.

Another point is that the oil depot should be able to find the oil tanker. The big guy pulled a car back and used it for a long time.

All the way to the airport oil depot, it can be said to be unobstructed, occasionally encountering a few zombies, too lazy to stop and destroy them. Sure enough, as expected, there are indeed a few oil tankers near the oil depot. Although it is said that there is no key or something, this small problem is of course not difficult for me now. From the parking space, it can be judged that there should be ten here. More than one tanker truck, others may have been driven away during the evacuation.

The oil depot is really big, much bigger than the airport oil depot in Atlanta. I saw 4 large oil storage tanks of 5,000 cubic meters. Although they are not full, the total reserves are still quite considerable. There are definitely more than a few thousand tons, so There is a lot of oil, if no one else cares about it, it will not be a problem to use it for your own camp for decades.

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