Time Traveler

Chapter 73: big quilt

Of course, this time sending people to Washington, of course, could not be just a matter of Li Yunfei and Wells, but it must be dangerous to travel thousands of miles to an unfamiliar place, so you can't force others to go.

It's just a bit of an accident. I simply told everyone about the specific situation, but I didn't expect that the applicants were quite enthusiastic.

It turns out that in everyone's perception, this task is quite great, and it is very likely that it will help to come up with a vaccine to solve the virus. Such a great thing, I am just at the right time, of course I am willing to contribute some of my own strength.

The Black Hawk has a very strong carrying capacity. Its maximum take-off weight is nearly ten tons, and its empty weight is less than five tons, so the theoretical carrying capacity is as high as five tons.

Of course, this is theoretical, not to say that it can transport so many things. For example, when the 2,700-liter fuel tank is filled with fuel, it will weigh more than two tons.

But no matter how you calculate it, there is still a carrying capacity of about 2 tons, so it is not a problem to transport a dozen or twenty people in one go, plus some weapons and ammunition supplies.

A total of 30 people were selected and set off in two batches. After transporting people once, they flew back and transported people again.

The reason for choosing so many people is to prepare to go over there to see the situation, and if it is suitable, open a sub-base there. According to Andrew's introduction, the laboratory over there is surrounded by walls with a height of more than three meters and an independent water supply and power supply system. It is very likely that a very safe camp can be established.

Although I don't know how many survivors there are in Washington, but with thirty professionals, there is no problem in defending a camp.

The night before they were about to go out, the two girls came over to find Li Yunfei at the same time, which made him unexpectedly accomplish a very 'great' goal in life, and was slept with him...

In fact, the co-sleeping is not as beautiful as expected. The so-called ideal is very plump and the reality is very skinny.

For some reason, the two girls were unwilling to do things they love with Li Yunfei. To the detriment, he could only lie dry among them, and it was terribly uncomfortable. If he had known this, he might as well just find one.

In the middle of the night, the three of them stopped chatting and went to sleep with the lights turned off.

Li Yunfei also completely gave up that unrealistic idea, and practiced meditation by himself, so that he could fall asleep earlier.

The three of them lay quietly for more than half an hour. Anna thought that Amy had already fallen asleep, but finally she couldn't hold it in any longer, so she lurked quietly and started stealing food.

In fact, Amy didn't sleep, and she was waiting for Anna to go to eat after she fell asleep. I didn't expect Anna to steal it first, so she immediately joined the **** operation, and then... Li Yunfei was completely drained, although it was considered a feeding. I was full of the two girls, but I also tasted the feeling that my body was completely hollowed out.

It seems that we have to take more care of Wells for the flight tomorrow...

Early the next morning, I dragged my slightly tired body to gather. I saw more than a dozen people, all of them wearing panda eyes, even Wells, who was completely sleep-deprived.

A dozen people couldn't help but burst into laughter. For the sake of safety, they finally decided to postpone the departure for a day... After yesterday's experience, everyone finally took it easy and didn't go too far.

The official farewell in the camp, Anna and Amy both hugged Li Yunfei and felt a little reluctant for him to leave like this. It was thousands of kilometers away from Washington, so if something happened, I really didn't dare to think about it. If possible, both of them would like to go with them, but this time, they were all combatants who needed to clean up monsters and guard the laboratory, so they didn't dare to make that request.

"...Honey, you must come back safely, we are waiting for you at home." Anna's words seemed very gentle.

"You must not have an accident, or else, or else, I want you to look good!" Although Amy's words were threatening, she could see that she was also quite worried.

"Don't worry, I will definitely come back safely. Help Jenner and the others settle down there and come back as soon as possible."

The other dozen or so people who went out together also said goodbye to their partners. In this apocalyptic world, going outside is actually a very dangerous thing, but everyone felt that with Captain Magic leading the team, it should be able to turn bad luck into good luck.

To this point, Xia La is even more steadfast, and of course she also prayed silently in her heart, hoping that the messenger would not leave so early, and continue to lead the fans of human survivors to the light, to a hopeful tomorrow...

The standard crew of a helicopter should be 12. In fact, if you don’t bring any heavy equipment, it is not a big problem to have 20 people. Therefore, the first time you travel with two pilots, you can take ten people away in one breath. Eight people.

On the way to Washington this time, Li Yunfei was driving the helicopter most of the time, but Wells was like a co-pilot, explaining to Li Yunfei the difficulties encountered in long-distance flying.

After flying for so long for the first time, Li Yunfei was always excited, but the straight-line distance of about 1,000 kilometers is really not far. Although he encountered two storms during the flight, and was fortunate enough to see a tornado, but overall All is well, the research center that arrived safely.

There are indeed walls around the research center, but the gate is closed, and there are more than 100 zombies inside your walls, wandering around, you can see that this research center has not been found by any survivors as a foothold. .

The helicopter landed directly on the lawn. There were less than two hundred zombies. For a group of people who had wiped out thousands of zombies, it was really nothing. It was completely cleaned up in just a few minutes. Opportunity to show off his knife skills.

It is about 30 kilometers away from downtown Washington. The research center is built by a river. Since there are no other residential areas around, the neighborhood is very empty. There are more than ten buildings within the fence, two of which are The staff dormitory is not a problem to live in two or three hundred people. In terms of living conditions, it is even better than the camp.

"This research center is really big. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com covers an area of ​​at least one hundred acres!"

"Of course, it was an internationally renowned bioengineering research center, covering an area of ​​180 acres. It is far away from the urban area and has its own complete water supply and power supply system. But when we fled, there didn't seem to be a lot of diesel fuel. Solar cells aren't enough to run those devices..." It's a shame there's no solar power system here, otherwise it would be perfect.

"Don't worry, I will take care of the diesel issue. How long will it take for you to develop that vaccine?"

"This is really hard to say. Viruses often mutate. Although I was lucky this time and found some of the patterns, it still takes a certain chance to really get a vaccine. For example, in the future, the virus will not be produced. Any changes will allow us enough time to study the virus strain isolated from the patient..."

"Don't tell me anything professional, I'm completely confused about this, can you give me an approximate time?"

"If everything goes well, maybe two months will do. Generally, it will take five or six months. If some new mutations are found, it may take several years. We can't guarantee this kind of thing!" Andrew is also not 100% sure. A vaccine can be produced, but in fact, it is not certain that it will be effective. There are many uncertain factors in this matter.

If it wasn't because of luck this time, I happened to record the mutation process of the virus, and I happened to meet a dozen freshest test subjects, and the previous research had also achieved considerable results, so I had the opportunity to isolate the virus. strains, of which luck may account for as much as 70% to 80%.

"I hope everything goes well, do your best to obey the destiny, the future destiny of mankind can be entirely in the hands of both of you, come on!"

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