Time Traveler

Chapter 75: 5 corner building

The first time I pulled back was not aviation fuel, but the diesel for a diesel generator with a capacity of more than 20 cubic meters. If I pulled back such a car, it should be able to use the generator in the laboratory for more than half a year without a problem.

The road was quiet, it was already evening, the sun was about to go down, I came back from the airport oil depot and passed the city again. Suddenly, he was dazzled by a golden reflection.

On the ground at the door of a large bank not far away, there was something similar to a gold bar. It happened to be lit by the setting sun, and the golden light was very dazzling.

It should be a gold bar, yes, although I already have a lot of gold, but if I see gold, I still can't help picking it up. A standard 400-gram gold bar is just thrown on the ground. It's really a time when gold is like earth.

But then again, in such a doomsday era, the value of this gold bar may not be comparable to that of a can of beef. Of course, the poor man likes this thing very much, and he will put it away when he sees it.

In a corner of the storage space, a pile of gold has been stored, with a total weight of almost 700 kilograms. After four or five months, I have been scavenging materials everywhere. If I see gold, I will put it away, and it will take a long time. too much. It is not the result that can be sought.

The doors of the bank are all open, and no danger is found around. Since they have all stopped, and since gold has been found at this door, it is a matter of course to go in and have a look. Entering the bank, almost all the doors inside are open, and you can find a small vault without any trouble. Preliminary estimates are that the gold bars on the shelf may be as much as three or four hundred kilograms.

Perhaps when the bank staff were evacuating, they also wanted to move the gold away, but it was supposed to be a little urgent later, and the gold lost its practical value, so they ran for their lives without even closing the door.

For these hundreds of kilograms of gold, of course, it is all received according to the order, and my gold stock has jumped to tons, but it still only occupies a small corner of the storage space. You must know that a ton of gold is only 0.05 cubic meters. Just a little more.

There is the world's largest vault in New York. It is said that the stock is as high as several thousand tons. As for whether it can be obtained, honestly, there is still a little chance, but it is not necessary. With this ton of gold, if you can bring it back smoothly, then you don't have to worry about money anymore, it's hundreds of millions.


The people in the camp couldn't be idle either, and only went out for a long time. When they came back, they had already started to cut down trees and build watchtowers. Some people started to get rid of the green grass and planted some vegetables. Seeds of things like melons.

The development here is no worse than that of the camp, and it has even greater potential than the camp. It is not a problem to develop it well to support hundreds of people.

The small car went out and the big car came back, and pulled back a large car of fuel. Since the road is safe, the task of pulling fuel is handed over to a few experienced soldiers, but occasionally one or two zombies still can’t hurt anyone. of.

Since there is no shortage of food and other living materials research centers are not short of it, there is no need to rush to find food.

Early the next morning, I went out with two soldiers. Everyone in the camp was busy with their own business. Wells was responsible for the maintenance of the helicopter. Although he was not a maintenance staff, he could only Relying on him for maintenance, the long-distance flight must keep the helicopter in good condition, otherwise the sudden crash is no joke.

"Mike, the two of you pull the two tankers back to the camp and let Wells fill up the plane first... I'll look elsewhere, maybe I can find something useful.

"As ordered, Captain...Are you ready to go back this afternoon?"

"Yes, find something to transport everyone here... Don't worry, your daughter-in-law will be transported over in a few days."

"Thank you, Captain, everything is fine here, but it's too deserted. If Lina could come over, the days would not be so boring."

"Captain, don't forget the Alice I added!" Another soldier also said.

"Go and drive back, remember to help Wells repair the helicopter sword. If there is a problem on the road, it's not a joke." Li Yunfei instructed again, and then drove his pickup and left.

In fact, it was mainly because I saw the Pentagon from a distance, and I had a desire to go and find out. Since I've already come here, it's really hard to say if I didn't go to the Pentagon to see it.

I walked around the Pentagon for a long time, and there seemed to be nothing special, so I entered with courage. The door was facing the sandbag, and the heavy machine gun was placed. signs.

However, after entering the Pentagon, I did find a lot of zombies unexpectedly, and they were not so clean from the outside. It can be seen that a large part of these zombies are soldiers who are going to be stationed here, and many of them should be staff here.

It seems that when the virus broke out, some of them did not choose to evacuate and left, but stored a large amount of materials here, and were prepared to guard against the crisis to survive the crisis. However, the virus broke out in an all-round way, and no matter how strict the defense was, it would collapse directly from the inside. Totally fallen.

Those reserves are piled up in the small square inside, which may be enough for thousands of people to consume for half a year.

It can be seen that this group of people who chose to stay is still very well prepared, because usually the virus will only be aggressive for a few months. After a few months, humans will adapt to it, and then the power of the virus will automatically subside.

So the stockpiling only needs to be over the first few months. This is people's basic understanding of the virus, so there is an option to evacuate the people and to station the stronghold.

The material reserves of several thousand people for more than half a year are quite a huge base. If it is consumed by the few people in the camp, it may not be used up for ten years.

So things are simple now~www.wuxiamtl.com~ I just need to clean up the zombies here, and then I really don't need to care about the development of this century-old camp. In the future, let his soldiers come over and move things by themselves. There is a shortage of supplies.

Of course, those reserves cannot only be food. There are also a lot of weapons and ammunition. The amount of ammunition is even more than the arsenal of the military base that has been discovered.

Now, although you can't earn any points for cleaning up zombies, you only get one point for 100,000 zombies. It's really meaningless, but consider it as practicing swordsmanship!

He chopped down most of the zombies for a long time, and cleaned up from upstairs to downstairs, and then to the basement. Of course, this time, only those zombies that can move in the corridors. I believe there must be quite a few in those offices. We know that under normal circumstances the entire Pentagon would have more than 20,000 people working together.

When I accidentally sent it to the server in the data center in the basement, I suddenly had other ideas. Other gains were really nothing to me, but the data in these servers must be very valuable.

In the most central place of the American Empire, the data stored in the most closely guarded place should have some very important and precious data, maybe some mysterious black technology can be discovered.

Although the difference between this world and the real world is about ten years, but some technologies are really not bad, such as the intelligent program, which is very characteristic. In many places, it is much higher than many programs in the real world.

There must be some magical technology in this underground database. Otherwise, it's really unreasonable. If it wasn't for this catastrophe, I wouldn't have the chance to rob the database.

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