Time Traveler

Chapter 72: Empty the whole city

Today, I finally started to prepare to clean up all the zombies in the entire Atlanta city, and even took the initiative to release the zombies that were trapped somewhere.

More than a dozen people drove their own cars, honked their horns, and slowly drove in the streets and alleys. The zombies were gradually led out of the suburbs outside the city. A large pit was found here, and they were going to build some large buildings. It’s just that it’s been dug and has not yet been officially built. The pit is really big, more than 30 meters wide and 40 meters long, and more than 4 meters deep, and there is no stagnant water, so it is really convenient to set traps.

A tweeter was placed in the big pit, making a loud noise. Those cars led out the zombies. As long as they stopped honking the horn and left quickly, the large number of zombies would naturally be attracted by the tweeter.

Thousands of zombies swarmed into the big pit automatically, and a dozen people moved separately, and the number of zombies attracted may exceed 10,000.

After all of them entered the big pit, Li Yunfei directly pressed the detonator, and the warhead with the explosive power equivalent to more than 300 kilograms buried there was successfully detonated.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, and even though everyone was standing more than 600 meters away, their hearts were still shaking. The tens of thousands of zombies in the big pit were crowded together, so the effect of the bomb was excellent. More than 4,000 zombies were killed on the spot, and nearly 6,000 were blown out and lost their ability to move. .

Twenty people were holding knives. In the past, they used to make up one knife at a time. Of course, Li Yunfei was the most active one. The speed of making up knives was ten times as fast as that of other people.

The missile is still very useful, but it is so tall and high, but it is used as an ordinary explosive pack by myself. It is indeed a waste, but it seems that it is useless to leave it in the underground warehouse, so it is good to pull it back and use it. .

To say that I didn't dare to attack those large missiles, the survivors who escaped from the missile base happened to be doing some missiles, so they used the waste to clear all the zombies in Atlanta. plan to drop.


The pit killed nearly 10,000 zombies, but the big pit did not get smaller, so a large speaker was installed again, and exciting music was played, and a dozen people who attracted the monsters began to drive their cars and split up. It's strange.

More than a dozen people on my side helped, and once again put a warhead of several hundred kilograms in, and the guidance of the zombies continued. After more than two hours, more than a dozen trolleys pulled tens of thousands of zombies over. , at such a speed of spawning monsters, it will take a few days to clear all the zombies in the entire city.

After a loud bang, half of them hung up and half of them were disabled. Almost none of them could be found. Li Yunfei was still the first to grab the monsters...

I cleared monsters twice in the morning and twice in the afternoon. All day long, 40,000 to 50,000 zombies were cleaned up. If Li Yunfei's head was counted, there were 30,000. The efficiency of killing monsters is really cool. It's a pity. That is more and less. It's just a dozen points added, it's just too stingy to be stingy, after the number reaches 100,000, basically there is nothing to do, and 100,000 points give a little point, the ratio is really meaningless...

The second day continued, and the third day was still the same. The monster removal operation lasted for a whole week. The entire city of Atlanta, including the zombies in those buildings, were basically released and cleaned up, even because of the monster removal operation. There was a big movement, and all the zombies within a dozen or 20 kilometers nearby were attracted to clean up. The number of zombies that Li Yunfei killed was as high as 160,000, but the 60,000 that was wiped at the back was actually a waste of money, because it took ten Only 10,000 points will give you a point. To get that point, you have to eliminate another 40,000 points, but even 4,000 points are hard to find nearby.

Of course, the movement of the monster clearing operation is so big that it will definitely attract some survivors. The number of people in the camp has soared to as many as 285 people, and the second building of the camp has also been completely completed.

In fact, Li Yunfei hoped that the building would not be completed. In that case, he would have a very good reason to let Anna and Amy live in his room.

If you can't live in the camp, and you and Anna Amy are a couple again, of course they will live together, and then of course they can shamelessly sleep together and live a dashing life. However, after the second building was completed, there were hundreds of more residential units in an instant. It seems that my dream is unlikely to be realized, which is really a pity...

After the completion of the new building, many people temporarily moved to their new homes with the help of people in other people's rooms, and it was another celebration. Anyway, there will be a small celebration in the camp every three or five days, in order to improve everyone's happiness. , the drinks in the bars, pubs and hotels in the entire city of Atlanta are all their own. If they don't have to be transported, they will be consumed by hundreds of people, even if they drink it for decades. Population of big cities.

Atlanta is now the warehouse of the camp. If you need anything to move it back, the zombies in Haus or Atlanta have been cleaned up, but so far, no one has proposed to move to the city to live. Everyone is personally involved in the construction of this. The camp on the top of the mountain has a strong sense of identity, and no one wants to move out of here unless it is absolutely necessary.


"Jenner, I've always been curious about what happened to your 'wildfire plan'. Why does Andrew also have a wildfire plan?"

"Wildfire plan? It's just a plan for the government to urgently launch a crisis response plan when an unknown deadly disease is newly discovered. Generally speaking, it is to convene professionals in biology or viruses to discuss countermeasures together, which will provide us with Laboratory, isolate research as much as possible until the problem is solved!"

"It's just isolation research to solve problems? Not research on chemical weapons?"

"Of course not... At least we're not studying chemical weapons!"

"It turned out to be the case. I thought these viruses were accidentally created by this wildfire plan."

"How is it possible, if it is really a virus researched by humans, how could it be completely out of control!"

"Then maybe, the virus suddenly mutated for some reason, wouldn't it be possible to get out of control!"

"...Maybe you are right, but it is certain that this zombie is not researched by us humans, but a virus variant similar to influenza virus. How it mutates has not been studied clearly until now. ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ However, after the recent comparative analysis of the genetic differences between humans and primates, it is indeed possible to produce a more reliable antibody... It's a pity that the current equipment is too poor, otherwise the process may be It will be much faster!"

"What equipment is still missing? Atlanta is now completely under our control. I'll move it back for you if you want..."

"Those professional equipment Atlanta should not have!"

"What exactly is it, where can I get it?"

"As far as I know, only the research center where Andrew once stayed has those professional equipment. I really don't know if there are any other places."

"That laboratory shouldn't blow itself up like the CDC!"

"Of course not. It's just a research center focusing on genes, not specializing in storing various virus sources, so there is no self-exposure system." Andrew also walked over and sat down and said.

"This is easy to handle, what kind of equipment, I'll find a way to get it back for you!"

"If you can't get it back, it's a complete system. Many equipment in the entire laboratory are connected together. They are not very professional personnel, so they simply disassemble and relocate!"

"...How about I take you there?"

"Is this too dangerous? There are thousands of kilometers from here to Washington, and the situation on the road is so bad now that it is easy to encounter accidents on the road."

"Why do we drive over there? You think the Black Hawk transport plane parked in the camp is a decoration. It will take you over three hours to arrive by helicopter." The cruising speed of the Black Hawk is close to 300 kilometers per hour. The transit range is more than 2,000 kilometers (with only fuel). Even if you transport some people, it is not a problem to fly directly to Washington without other heavy equipment.

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