Time Traveler

Chapter 71: Smart Assistant

They dispatched more than 30 people, but they completely wiped out more than 80 opponents. No one was injured. They also successfully rescued 4 survivors. Everyone was very excited on the way back to the camp.

In fact, Li Yunfei is also very happy, because the four people saved are also counted on his own head. The tasks in the past two days are really fast. In total, more than 20 people have been saved, and it may not take long to finish the headache. task.

Back at the camp, we held another small celebration party. In fact, after dinner, everyone gathered together for a drink and bragging.

"Brother, I want to ask you something!" Glenn approached Li Yunfei mysteriously and asked.

"What's the matter, so mysterious... Stay away from me, so as not to be misunderstood that we have a relationship!"

"Be honest, did you put Xia La to bed?"

"Absolutely not, you guy, mysteriously asking such boring gossip?"

"Really not? Then why did so many men in the camp pursue her and she refused?"

"You ask me, and I ask who else to go, can I still manage the matter of making a boyfriend?"

"Dude, aren't you a friend of women, don't you care about the lifelong affairs of your women's fan?"

"...Fuck off, I won't talk to you anymore, let's go back to playing with the computer." The name of a woman's friend is always used to make fun of people. It's really depressing, so I'd better withdraw first and study one. Smart assistant programs are more realistic.

It is said that this intelligent assistance program was downloaded from Jenner's ambulance, which is the same as the intelligent assistance program of the CDC.

He has a strong understanding of speech recognition, which is a few points higher than programs in the real world. The most important thing is that it can work normally without a large network server, which is quite important.

Although this kind of program can't be said to be a super black technology, it is still very good to study the core code when you have nothing to do.

Every weekend, there is always no one to accompany him, it is too early to fall asleep, and it is impossible to exercise all day long, so every weekend, Li Yunfei always does his former job.

This assistant program is not very big, only more than 300 megabytes. Of course, it is indeed dozens of times larger than ordinary voice assistants. However, those voice assistants in the real world seem to be small and are actually just a client. If Without the support of the network server, it would be a **** that can't do anything, but this smart program called 'dimensional' is different. It can work normally without the support of the network server. This is really very important.

In fact, the core program of this "dimensional" is not much different from common voice assistants. In fact, if there is a network server support in the real world, the recognition rate of those voice assistants is also very high.

But the highlight of this "dimensional" is that it doesn't need the support of a super server, and it can be run directly on a normal computer... It should be able to be installed on a mobile phone and run without any problems if you modify it well.

Maybe I can start a small company after I go back, and I can still make a small amount of money by promoting this somewhat magical intelligent auxiliary program.

In the real world, it is better to earn money upright and spend it. It always feels weird to exchange gold secretly. There is also a little bit of gold that can't be brought back. I'm not sure...

Although I had a lot of fun playing the program, I didn't stay up late, and I went to bed habitually after eleven o'clock. Getting rich is just a trivial matter, far less important than my own body.

Before going to bed, I always meditate for half an hour, and my perception stretches out more than four meters. Everything in my perception is completely visible, and it is a bit clearer than what my eyes can see...

Suddenly the door was opened, and a figure slipped in carefully, then quickly closed the door, quietly climbed onto the bed, and lay beside him, even holding his little brother habitually.

Of course, Li Yunfei recognized who it was at first sight. It was a little surprising that Anna would sneak over to find her, but since she sneaked in, she definitely didn't want to wake her up, so why should she make her feel embarrassed? Well, so continue to pretend to sleep.

It's just this matter, it seems that I can't keep it up. I wanted to pretend to be asleep, but the little brother didn't agree. Then Anna found that the little brother she was holding had changed, and then a war broke out.

"Anna, didn't you mean Sunday, you won't come?" After a storm, they hugged her and started chatting.

"I'm not on Sunday now!" Anna said, pointing to the electronic clock on the wall, it was indeed half past midnight on Monday.

"Anna, if you like it, come over early on Sundays!"

"That won't work, Amy will know. I can't come over until after twelve o'clock at least!"

"...How about you move in together and live with me?" Li Yunfei tried to ask.

"That's even worse. I'll be very unaccustomed to it, and Amy will also be very unaccustomed to it!"

"Okay then!" After hearing Anna's words, Li Yunfei stopped talking, and it would be too shameless to persuade him.

"Dear, are you angry?" Seeing that Li Yunfei didn't speak for a long time, Anna felt that she might have rejected the other party's proposal twice in a row, so she was a little unhappy.

"Of course not, it's my proposal that was ill-considered..."

"Dear, thank you for your understanding." Seeing that Li Yunfei was not angry, Anna felt a lot more at ease, and was thinking about whether to find a time for Amy to discuss it, maybe overcome it, and the three of them could still be together.


After the wolf clan threatened the safety of the camp, there were really no forces around to threaten the camp, and the life was quite comfortable. Every day I spend more than ten minutes practicing in the sky, and after just ten days, I can drive the Apache to the sky for a long circle, and then return to the camp to land this "difficult" action.

In principle, I have mastered the essentials of helicopter driving. After mastering the basic elements of take-off, hovering, flying, and landing~www.wuxiamtl.com~, the subsequent technical improvement requires the accumulation of experience.

"The total flight time is only three hours, and you have perfectly mastered the hovering of the helicopter. If you participated in the training with me, maybe I only admired it." Once again, Wells landed safely. Couldn't help but compliment.

He remembered that he completely mastered the hovering technique of the helicopter, but it took more than eight hours. He didn't know the magic of Li Yunfei's dynamic vision, so he admired Li Yunfei's talent very much.

In fact, the reason why Li Yunfei can do it is entirely thanks to the dynamic vision, which is indeed a panacea. When the helicopter is hovering, there will be some airflow interference, and when it is unstable, it can be activated instantly, and then it can be easily reflected. , to adjust the posture. Therefore, Li Yunfei's perfect hovering state is like an ace pilot who has been flying for many years, which can be described as stable as Mount Tai.

"Listening to you, shouldn't I be proud?"

"It's really something to be proud of... In fact, with your talent, it's a waste not to fly a fighter jet!"

"Fighter, don't be kidding, even helicopters are so bad. The tall things like fighter jets hit the ground in minutes."

"You are wrong, fighter jets are actually easier to drive than armed helicopters. Your reaction speed is really fast. If you master the driving skills of fighter jets, it will be of great help to avoid incoming missiles..." Wells is serious said.

Listening to this tone, the difficulty of a helicopter gunship is even more difficult than that of a fighter jet. Of course, this does not rule out the suspicion of Wells' bragging, but this statement still makes Li Yunfei very proud. Plug-ins, but why is it not his own talent for plug-ins?

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