Time Traveler

Chapter 70: wolf clan

There is also a small partition with a height of 80 cm. This is a small partition made by those people when they helped them decorate, but it took several days to get it. With their help, they also brought a box of whiskey to each of them. Originally, this partition was used to store some things that could not be put down and were not suitable for others to see. Later, the storage space was expanded a lot, but it was regarded as an ordinary warehouse.

Seeing Xiao Gecheng, I couldn't help but climb up curiously to have a look, but I did find a lot of things up there, all kinds of living necessities. As for the drinks, there were not many, just a dozen boxes. Of course, it was a spirits whiskey, and dozens of bottles were enough to drink a large group of people. At least Li Yunfei only needed one glass, and he would be dizzy.

Anna was admiring the things in the warehouse, and Li Yunfei was indeed admiring Anna's boundless spring. Many times, a small reveal would seem more attractive.

"I said my dear, why did you make the house so short, and it turned out to be an extra large warehouse!"

"Yes, I will store a lot of things in it in the future... Anna, if I suddenly disappear one day in the future, then you and Amy should share the things in the warehouse!"

"Darling, why do you always say that you will disappear? Isn't it good for us? I don't mind being with you with Amy, but can't I satisfy you?"

"Of course that's not the case. There are many times when we can't decide our own destiny. Maybe when we go out once, we die outside and can't come back. Maybe we die from an inexplicable illness..."

"My dear, your body is so good, you must live much longer than us. Please don't leave us, okay... If you really want to disappear, can you tell us?" Anna said with a bit of complacency.

If possible, Li Yunfei really doesn't want to disappoint such a good girl, but he can't control this matter at all, so he can only cherish every day in this world. Life is like a journey. If you don't cherish a hundred years, it will pass by in a flash, but if you cherish a moment, it will be eternal.

"I'm definitely not going to disappear for no reason." There are still nearly eight months left, and now I'm really just asking for trouble, so let's forget it selectively.

The unknown system did not say that information cannot be leaked. Maybe it would be a good choice to explain frankly when leaving, but try to keep it secret as much as possible. God knows whether it can be kept secret is also a disguised test. What about being evaluated as not being strict with your mouth, and then directly deleting the memory and taking back all the benefits?


The celebration party was very lively. Now the number of people in the camp has exceeded 200. Everyone gathered to have a party. Xia La attracted another wave of fans. They came up with a meeting, and Anna Amy was one of them.

In fact, Li Yunfei was very curious about what it was, but there was no way he could not let his famous friend of women participate. Every time Anna comes back from the meeting, her admiration for herself will increase a little bit. She is tender to herself, and she can do whatever she wants. Even Amy has become a lot gentler now, so Li Yunfei guessed that it was a seminar on how to capture a man's heart...

The party was very lively, and the people who took care of the captives also came to participate. Everyone was drunk, and under a 'carelessness', the captives who broke their legs succeeded in the middle of the night. The escape was successful, and a truck was quietly driven away.

Li Yunfei also took advantage of the night to quietly follow him on a motorcycle. In order to avoid being discovered that he had no driving lights, he used the infrared night vision device on the helmet.

After another ten minutes, there were more than thirty people in the camp, driving two infantry vehicles, two armed Humvees, and three motorcycles out of the camp together.

All the radios are turned on and keep in touch at any time. The helicopter is also on standby at any time. If there is an attack, a dozen people can be sent to support. This time, this group of mentally ill must be brought together. Attacking the camp is a complete group of unreasonable scumbags, and keeping them is always a disaster.

Li Yunfei would leave behind a little reflective agent along the way, and the people behind him could easily follow him. He also followed the truck in front of him from a distance. He didn't turn on the lights in the middle of the night. may find its own existence.

The truck drove nearly 150 kilometers, and the sky began to light up slightly. The truck finally entered a town. Li Yunfei also quickly put away his motorcycle and lurked to the side of the road, carefully observing the situation in the town.

I did see some people vaguely. I’m not sure how many. This might be their camp, but this town has no protection at all. It became a zombie, and I don't know if this is some kind of ceremony, or it was used to hide the breath of the living in the town.

The wife was not too bright, and after careful observation for several minutes, she did not find that there was any sentry outside. Li Yunfei also quickly approached the town while the sky was still a little dim.

He quietly hid on the roof of a house, and finally got a clear view of the town. It turned out that there was indeed a small guarded area in the town, separated by wooden sandbags, barbed wire and other debris, but it was bloodstained, and there were others. There are few corpses, it seems that there was a big war not long ago, and it may not be long before the fall.

In a small square in the guard area, there were seventy or eighty people gathered, as if they were doing some kind of ceremony. There was a bonfire burning in the middle, and six people were tied to several wooden shelves. There were four crying and begging for mercy, but none of them wanted to let them go. A man with a knife came to a tied man again, ready to kill again...

However, his head suddenly burst open, instantly alerting the dozens of people, searching for the target in succession, one person seems to be taking the lead, and is directing something to blow his head directly.

This time someone finally found the roof of Li Yunfei's building, but the armored vehicle outside was outside the town. In fact, even if there were no reinforcements, Li Yunfei had no intention of retreating. There was still more than 600 meters away from the group of people. Only less than 20 people were armed with rifles, the others basically only had pistols, and many even had knives, so they could not threaten themselves at all.

The burst shooting was carried out without any hassle. Although I dare not say that it is a hundred hits~www.wuxiamtl.com~ at least there is a success rate of more than 70%. The head will basically be hit for the first time or injured.

Some people saw the rifle fall to the ground and were about to pick it up, but they were shot to death before they got close. Although it was only a light sniper rifle, it really hit the body, and there was basically no possibility of survival. The shock wave formed The wound is bigger than a fist, and no one can stand a shot.

When the chariot joined the battlefield, the group of people was basically wiped out. When only a few people wanted to escape, the heavy machine guns on the chariot were swept into pieces, and the battle was over in less than three minutes. Completely over.

There were more than 80 corpses left at the scene, and the person who was tied to the rack was not affected, and miraculously survived. After some understanding, I realized that there was indeed a camp here, with a total of forty people, but it was captured the day before yesterday, and everyone was basically killed. That is a group of perverts, not only killing people but also tying people up Sent out of town to feed the zombies.

"Captain, what to do with these prisoners?" Several soldiers, who caught five members of the wolf clan in one house, came over to ask Li Yunfei about the situation. Maybe they were used to being in the army, and this time they came out with Li Yunfei as the captain, so they really regarded Li Yunfei as their superior.

"...Well, although in principle, the prisoners should not be killed, but these mentally ill people are too dangerous to keep, so let's execute them!" You have to make yourself a villain. Li Yunfei couldn't help but spit out, leaving behind these sick people would definitely be a hidden danger, so it was still an order to be eliminated. As for Li Yunfei's order, the soldiers carried out without any pressure.

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