Time Traveler

Chapter 6: The feeling of opening a treasure chest

According to the information obtained so far, it is basically certain that this is the first season of The Walking Dead, and it will not be too long after the outbreak of the plague, otherwise, according to the original play, the female knight would not be safe. in my own home.

I don't know how long I'm going to stay here. It's fine if I can leave in a short time. For example, if I can leave at the end of the first season, it will only take ten days and a half months, no more than one month at most. can leave this world.

If you need to stay from the first season to the seventh and eighth seasons, then you will be finished. Anyway, the longer the time, the more dangerous it is.

Another point is that I still can't judge whether this is a real world. If it is a real world, will I be infected by this zombie virus in this world?

If you are really infected with the virus, then after you complete some kind of test, you go back successfully, will you bring the virus back? The consequences are really unimaginable, and it will definitely trigger global difficulties and lead to an apocalypse.

Generally speaking, this kind of result should not happen, at least in principle, this kind of thing should not happen, unless the mysterious thing wants to get rid of all the human beings on the earth where it is, but the mysterious thing If you really want to get rid of it, with that kind of super method, send the virus directly, and the whole world will be finished in minutes, why bother...

"Forget it, why bother with so much, the most important thing now is to live on your own first, God knows if this is a real parallel universe, so treat this as a real world first, life is only once, and there is never a chance , cherish it." Li Yunfei got rid of the YY in his head, but it is still the most important thing to face the reality.

The best way now is to collect more resources, then stay away from the crowds, go to the uninhabited place to settle down, you can even get some seeds, open a small farm or something, and don't know how long you will stay here, in the worst case Planning to prepare is right, the first thing to do is to collect as many useful things as possible.

In fact, there are still a lot of things in the RV. There are many necessities for survival in the wild. The owner of the car was already prepared, but he didn't expect to get sick on the way, and then he hung up and killed his family!

Anyway, Li Yunfei is not polite at all. What is there to accept? Anyway, many vacancies in the storage space have been cleared before, and I don't know what the owner thinks. Even the tent is prepared. two.

Searching everywhere in the RV, in a corner of the car storage room, I also found a large iron box with a length, width and height of more than 30 cm. The weight is quite heavy. Working together, it took the boss's strength to pull out the big box, which weighed at least 50 kilograms.

The big iron box is locked, but of course it's just a lock. It's really nothing to the alloy sword that slashes iron like mud. After seeing the lock and cutting it hard, the lock will break. It's so heavy that it needs to be locked. There should be good things in it. Li Yunfei is quite looking forward to this box, and it feels like opening a treasure box.

A little impatient to open the lid, the contents inside really surprised Li Yunfei.

It turned out to be a brand new pistol and six magazines, three long and three short, as well as some other accessories, and even a butt. After trying to install this thing, the pistol will rush slightly every minute. …

"I'm going to have a fun game in vain. I have no bullets to play with!" He excitedly took out the brand-new pistol and picked up a magazine at the same time, but unfortunately all the magazines were empty.

"It really doesn't make sense. Are all the bullets out? This pistol is still brand new. It looks completely useless. Did you forget to buy the bullets?"

"...By the way, this box is so heavy, so there must be something under it!" Li Yunfei quickly discovered the weight and size of the box, because the pistol and accessories only occupy the top, less than 10 centimeters deep.

He quickly took off the foam compartment. Sure enough, there was a next layer, no, there were several layers, all of which were neatly placed with boxed bullets, and carefully counted them. There are a full 100 boxes of bullets, each with 50 rounds, so the total number is as high as 5,000 rounds.

With so much pistol ammunition for a pistol, almost all of them have reached the design life of the pistol. The owner of the car was ruthless enough to buy a whole set.

However, the owner of the car was also unlucky. He never used the pistol at all, and died of an accident. He had no chance to use the pistol at all.

(Generally, the design life of a pistol is about 5,000 rounds. As for the service life, as long as it is well maintained, it is not a problem.)

There is a manual for the pistol on the box, which slenderly introduces the properties of the pistol, dismantling and installation in other worlds, and cover.

Glock 18

Diameter: 9mm

Muzzle velocity: 370m/s

Theoretical rate of fire: 1100-1300 rounds/min

Launching method: single shot, continuous shot

Feeding method: magazine

Common ammo capacity: 19, 33

The mass of the whole gun (without the magazine)--636 grams

Li Yunfei also took out a tablet to scan the data, wanting to see what different data the pistol would have, but after scanning it, there was one more power data, but the power of the pistol was only 1 point.

I got a new pistol. Of course, I filled all the magazines first. Anyway, the time in the storage space will stop, so all 6 magazines are filled, and it will not be because of loading. The time is too long, and the spring has some failure.

The feeling of touching the pistol for the first time is very good, especially the brand new real pistol feels comfortable to the touch. I was frightened to death by Maggie's pistol before, but now I did get one directly for myself, which is really good. I must try this pistol when I get a chance, and practice well, otherwise the pistol will be accurate.

The whole box was put into the storage space, and I continued to rummage in the RV, but I didn't find any treasures. Except for some food and condiments, there was really nothing else.

The car is also broken, maybe it's just that the battery is dead, but I don't know anything about car repairs, so I can only continue on the road with my legs.

It's already getting dark. If you continue to walk, it's really unsafe. You'll pass on this car. It's safest to get on the roof. The roof of the car is nearly three meters above the ground. Sleeping on it, UU reading www. .uukanshu.com Even if some zombies pass by at night and find themselves, it is impossible for them to be unable to climb up.

The weather is still quite warm, and it hasn't rained, so I don't need to use the tent. I just need to put down a mattress and cover it with a quilt. I usually don't turn around when I sleep, so I don't need to worry about getting out of the car. Roll up and down.

As night fell, the surroundings were quiet. Except for the occasional insect chirping, there was basically no movement. On a moonless night, there were only a few stars in the sky.

This is the first time in my life that I have grown up to sleep alone in the wilderness, and there are still places where zombies will appear at any time. I still regret that I didn’t go back with that Maggie. Go back with her, at least Still sleeping in the house, and some living people…

Try not to think about those zombies, try to make some plans for your future, think over and over again, and try to improve as much as possible, but the only troublesome thing now is that you don’t know your mission or the test What the **** is it, there is no hint at all, this is the most troublesome thing...

Once again, I took out the tablet from the storage space, and there were still only two pages. I didn't find any other functions or tips...

No, there is still some information that has changed. When I looked at my basic attributes, there was a little more introduction. My profession was no longer blank, but became a level 1 tester.

And the following record is also recorded, the record of his own successful elimination of zombies: 3 zombies have been eliminated...

This information made Li Yunfei even more confused. He had killed more than 20 before and after himself, right, why did he record 3... Could it be that those 20 made him a tester, and then he officially started the calculation?


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