Time Traveler

Chapter 67: terminal

After returning to the camp, Na Mihir did not tell the other people in the camp that he ran over to ask for help, because he saw too many women and children, and there were nearly 30 children alone. Such a camp is indeed Not to be missed. In order to rescue a dozen unrelated people and put this camp in danger, no one wants to do it.

Although Li Yunfei had previously said to help her save people, she just took it as a word of comfort. What she didn't know was that Li Yunfei left a note in the room as soon as he returned to the camp, and then quietly went out to save people. The reason for leaving the note was to avoid Anna and Amy's worries, and roughly talked about when they would come back.

The distance between the terminal station and the camp is about 200 kilometers. If there is no accident, it will be a little faster, and it will take less than three hours to pass.

This time, I didn't go out by car, but on a motorcycle. The possibility of a motorcycle encountering a road block is infinitely close to zero. Even if it really encounters a road block, you can completely put away the car and go over the road block and continue on the road.

The route map of the map I got from Mihir, I went to the terminal, but in the evening, I found the railway marked on the map on a fork in the road. Just walk ten kilometers along the railway track, you can to the legendary terminal.

For the sake of safety, of course, it is impossible for me to drive a motorcycle to the past, but I put away my motorcycle and quietly walked through the woods beside the railway, stopped one kilometer away from the terminal, and went up to the tree to rest and eat to replenish my strength. Check all the gear and wait for the real night to fall.

In this operation, he was equipped with the Earth Warrior suit. It was the first time to use it, and the effect was not bad. At least the night vision ability was very useful.

He can completely wait for the dead of night to go in quietly, and use his own methods to deal with more than 30 people. It's really not a big problem to have a sneak attack.

The suit has a very practical jungle camouflage. He hides in a tree, and the possibility of being discovered is infinite. With the help of this and that only sight, he can carefully observe everything in the terminal 1,000 meters away.

Those people don't seem to be very vigilant at all. There is only one person sitting on the roof chair, who occasionally looks around, so sloppy glances, if you don't pass directly over the railway, it is absolutely impossible to find anything.

The waiting time was quite long. I stayed in the tree for three hours. It was not until eight o'clock in the night that the big tree came down.

With the help of night vision goggles, advancing in the dark is not a problem at all. When you actually reach the terminal, you will reach a high point again, and carefully observe the situation inside.

In a large house, a party seemed to be being held, and the screams of women could be vaguely heard. Whenever a woman screamed, it immediately caused a lot of laughter.

Borrowing the infrared night vision device, I found two people on guard outside, but the alertness of these people was really not very good, and their attention was almost attracted to the things in the house. Li Yunfei broke in and even quietly climbed a house. Top, not without any rubbing.

Lying on the roof, through the window, you can see what's going on inside. There are indeed more than 30 people in the whole gang, and there are a group of women in the middle. The number of people is about seventeen or eighteen. The whole body was dirty and dirty, many people had large bruises and some bloodstains, and everyone was **** with their hands and feet.

When someone sees that woman, they go up directly and do things on the spot. Other people will join the action when they see it, screaming and begging for mercy can only lead to more laughter...

Seeing this scene is really exciting. I really want to start saving people as soon as possible, but it is really inappropriate to start now, and it is likely to bring harm to innocent people, because most people have weapons on their bodies, and once they do it themselves, there is no guarantee Will those people kill people directly? Their main purpose is to save people.

It was already deep at night, it was after two o'clock. Finally, some people in that house were tired from playing, and they stopped a little, and went to another house to rest.

However, there are still some people who are still a hundred times more spiritual. And not resting together, it's really a bit of a hassle...

After waiting for nearly an hour, it was already past three o'clock. If he didn't do anything, it would be dawn. Li Yunfei finally decided to do it. The two guards were a little drowsy. Any sound, even the slightest movement, was completely covered up by the crackling sound in the house, and did not alarm anyone, and a knife was inserted in the back of his head in order to avoid the corpse transformation.

Another guard more than ten meters away, still looking drowsy, wiped off his neck with consent, and both bodies were dragged away and thrown into the distance.

He put on his clothes and lowered his face. The house was lit by firelight, and it looked quite dark. Standing a little further away, he couldn't tell who was who.

The first thing to deal with is a group of people sleeping like dead pigs in another room. Maybe they are really too tired to play. Anyway, when the nerve centers were cut off one by one, they did not respond. When they responded, more than a dozen people It only took a minute and it was all dead. The scene was quite bloody, but Li Yunfei didn't have too many complaints. In the past few months, he has seen many **** scenes.

The group of people in the other house were still having fun. They were a little hesitant about whether they should do it directly.

It's just that more than a dozen people have the ultimate dynamic visual bonus, and they are still confident that they will be the first to eliminate this group of people. With a distance of more than ten meters, it may only take three or four seconds, but in case they are also shot. Still finished.

"Brother, go in, it's your turn to have fun, so it turns out that the two of you playing together will have a different flavor..." A person who had just played happily walked out of the house and walked towards Li Yunfei. However, before he finished speaking, he suddenly felt a chill in his neck, followed by a whirlwind, and indeed saw his headless body slowly fall down.

I still moved the corpse and continued to wait. It can be seen that this group of people has no discipline at all. It’s just a group of murderous scumbags gathered together, and no one noticed that the people who went out to change shifts did not come back. The fact that maybe they didn't take vigils seriously at all. No one came over and asked him to go out to take over. Everyone wanted it. How comfortable it was to sleep with a woman in the house.

After another half an hour, Li Yunfei finally got a chance~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Because most of them put down their guns and joined the **** army. Only five people were watching the battle with guns.

"Pfft! Pfft! Pfft..." After a series of slight gunshots, the five people fell down before they could reflect it. The sound of the guns installed with the muffler was indeed very light, and it was completely overwhelmed by the sound of a dozen people and women over there. The cries were covered up.

It wasn't until the head of a man lying on top of a woman suddenly exploded that those people reacted.

He wanted to leave, but of course he didn't have any chance. Even if two people grabbed the woman and blocked him in front of him, they would still be headshot.

One person just showed one eye to check the situation, but the bullet was shot through his eye, and the other person's head was exposed and the heavenly cover was removed.

I was about to untie the ropes for those women, but seeing their cannibalizing eyes, for unnecessary trouble, I put away all the weapons around me. God knows that these women were tortured for several days. Will there be some changes in my heart, and some suicidal or murderous impulses?

After undoing the ropes of those women, the first thing they did after they were free was not to thank them, or to cry, but to rush over and bite the men's lower bodies directly, only to be considered exposed. The thrill of contentment... Li Yunfei watched with trepidation.

"Is it the rhythm that they are going to become cannibals? Do you want to take them back to the camp?" Li Yunfei suddenly hesitated, but after seeing a few people spit the thing out of his mouth, he burst into tears , This made Li Yunfei feel a little more at ease. It should be just pure extreme resentment that needs to be vented. It should be fine after the matter has passed.

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