Time Traveler

Chapter 68: back to camp

"I have a camp two hundred kilometers away, and one of your companions came to my camp for help, so I rushed over. Now I'm going back, you can go to the camp with me, of course you are still willing to stay It's okay to go here or anywhere else, so what's your choice?"

"...Who is Mr. asking for your help? What is the name of whether it is a man or a woman?" The dozen or so women hesitated for a while, and finally one of them dared to ask.

In fact, these women prefer to stay, and even hope that Li Yunfei will also stay, because there are a lot of material reserves here, but I heard that the other party has a camp, it is impossible to persuade the other party to stay, there are only ten left on my side. Several women, can't keep it here...

"It's a lady named Mihir!"

"Thank you, we'll go with you!" Since the other party said the correct name, it shouldn't be wrong.

Just now, she actually wanted to confirm, mainly because she was worried that Li Yunfei had discovered this place by accident, and then rescued people, and then tricked her group of people to follow along obediently and go to another fire pit.

"...you're very smart, so what's your name?"

"My name is Chris, I didn't mean to offend just now, please forgive me."

"In this chaotic world, the trust between people has been greatly lost. You should really be on guard. By the way, my name is Li Yunfei!"

During the chat, Li Yunfei quietly checked the rescue mission, and indeed considered that he succeeded in saving people. The mission completion rate was 89%, which is really gratifying. As long as everything goes well on the way home, it will be perfect.

There were three large trucks and one small truck in the terminal station, as well as a lot of stored materials. Almost half of them were removed, and all four trucks were fully loaded before they set off on the road.

It was also luck. Half a day after Li Yunfei left, dozens of people came, but it was the legendary Salvation Army who came back under the leadership of Gareth, the leader of the terminal. Because Li Yunfei's appearance in this world is like a little butterfly, the plot of this world has undergone great changes, but now it is completely unfamiliar.

Seeing people go to the empty building, leaving a corpse all over the place, everyone is also a little puzzled, but it is not a waste of time and finally found a lot of supplies in the terminal.

The way home was indeed a lot slower, because the four trucks were full of things, and driving on the road was not like riding a motorcycle by yourself and walking directly across roadblocks, but you needed to remove those obstacles.

Started the operation in the morning, and only walked half of the distance when night fell. It was not easy to clear the roadblocks in darkness, so I just rested here for one night and continued on the road tomorrow.

However, he hadn't rested for a long time, but there was a rumbling sound in the distance, and Li Yunfei was also nervous. He was carrying a large group of women, and it would be very troublesome if he encountered an encounter. The dozen or so women were even more nervous. A group of people quickly climbed to the roof of the car with guns. If they really encountered the attacker again, they decided to fight to the death.

Li Yunfei also got on top of a truck and watched carefully with binoculars. The familiar armored infantry vehicle seems to be the one in his base. The guy lived there for more than a month, followed by two vehicles. The military vehicles seem to be all in the camp, one was brought back to the camp by himself, and the other was driven by the soldier when he came to defect.

But Li Yunfei finally felt relieved when he saw a familiar soldier sitting in the position of the machine gunner on the chariot at the beginning, and Mihir on a military vehicle behind him.

"Ladies, put away your weapons, my teammates are here, and your partner Mihir is here too!" Li Yunfei clapped his hands and said.

What I really didn't expect was that the camp sent a rescue team. My message to Amy and the others didn't call for reinforcements. They just said to check the situation. I went back, but the camp still dispatched more than 30 people to come out to meet me. It seems that everyone is still quite concerned about their own safety.

The smooth reunion was very exciting, but Li Yunfei was more worried about the safety of the camp, because this time Mo was dispatched, and more than half of the very experienced fighters had been dispatched, and the defense of the camp would definitely be reduced a lot. There won't be any sneak attacks. You must know that more than a month ago, someone notified the outsiders of the camp's defense situation. Although nothing has happened for more than a month, God knows if someone will seize the opportunity to attack the camp.

More than a dozen men in the distance gathered around the group of girls, serving tea, water and gifts. They chatted quite happily, especially the dozen or so strong soldiers, who were very active, and seemed to be a kind of sorority. a feeling of.

By the way, the dozen or so soldiers are actually very good people. After coming to the camp, they have been working very seriously, just thinking about that. This is also a normal human thing. nice girl.

Especially when these girls were tortured by a group of thugs and scum, they looked pitiful, and they suddenly developed a strong desire for protection, and some of them became passionate. As for the other dozen or so, because they already had partners, they didn't join in the fun.

"Man, you are really a friend of women. I didn't quite understand why people called you that, but now I've finally learned a lot. After going out, I rescued more than a dozen girls. This time the single men in the camp will need it. All off the list." Wells is also in a very good mood, if he gets along with a female compatriot in the camp, he will definitely become a member of that group of people. It was said that the female compatriot who had a good relationship with him was actually rescued by Li Yunfei, so he actually had a very good impression of Li Yunfei.

"Wells... I always have an intuition that something may go wrong in the camp, so I have to go back to the camp to see what's going on!" Li Yunfei didn't want to joke, he didn't know why he had an intuition when he saw this group of camps coming over After supporting my people, I vaguely feel that there is a problem... Maybe it's just an illusion, UU reading www.uukanshu. com However, since he felt worried, he couldn't continue to station here.

"Man, what are you worried about? There are more than a dozen heavy machine guns in the camp, and more than 100 experienced gunmen. When we came out, everyone was on alert, and the number of people on duty tonight will be doubled!"

"...I still feel uneasy, why don't we set off overnight!"

"Can you persuade those soldiers who are on the rise, some of them are still single, and haven't touched a woman for several months!"

"Of course no problem, look at me!"

"Hey, everyone, listen to me, the girls haven't had a good rest for a few days, so let's go back to the camp as soon as possible and send the girls to have a good rest for a day. There will be a celebration party in the camp tomorrow night. I personally pack the drinks, everyone thinks How?" It's only eight o'clock in the evening, and it's only over a hundred kilometers away from the camp. When they came over, they had cleared the obstacles on the road, so it should only take two hours to return to the camp.

"Good proposal, I agree!" Wells was the first to express his support, and he still had to give the face of his 'apprentice'.

"Captain is mighty!" Another person who was nominally Li Yunfei's subordinate also shouted in support.



The dozen or so soldiers also agreed immediately, and of course the others agreed too. In no time, they passed the unanimous vote and quickly packed up, got in the car and drove towards the camp.

The speed of returning to the camp is still quite fast, and I arrived at the foot of the camp in less than time. Fortunately, several searchlights are shining around the camp. It seems that the so-called intuition is bullshit, and nothing terrible happened. .

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