Time Traveler

Chapter 66: terminal arrivals

Everything is not a problem on the ground. The movements are very skilled, starting, stretching, and going to the sky. It can be said that it is all done in one go, but after the sky, Li Yunfei did discover a very serious problem. I was a little afraid of heights, and only after rising to a height of more than 100 meters, I was a little confused. Seeing that the situation was a little bit, Wells hurriedly took over the driving rights, and then landed back to the camp smoothly.

"Don't worry, this is a very common problem for novices. It will be fine after a few more days." Looking at Li Yunfei, who was a little confused, Wells also comforted, but he was very happy, and finally found this great man. The disadvantage is that I am afraid of heights. I have a little problem. I can be a master by myself. Otherwise, it is a bit unsatisfactory to be a master for only a week.

Being laughed at, Li Yunfei didn't take it seriously. It doesn't matter if he is an apprentice for a few more days. Others have learned to fly for at least a few months. Very arrogant, right.

Today is the weekend again, and neither Amy nor Anna will come to see them, so they went to Wells again to ask about flying skills.

"Wells, can you drive the attack helicopter?"

"What you're asking, in fact, the basic driving of all heavy-duty helicopters is the same. It's just that the fire control system is a little different. In fact, I was originally the pilot of the attack helicopter."

"...I know that there is a very good attack helicopter somewhere, are you interested in getting it back together?"

"Of course I'm interested. Is it an Apache or a Cobra? It's been a long time since I actually drove an attack helicopter."

"It should be Apache, that's right. Otherwise, I'll go there tomorrow to see the situation first. Maybe the plane has been broken down after being parked for a few months, so I'll just be happy."

"Generally speaking, it's not that easy to break."

"Well, let's go over tomorrow to see the situation, I'll go back first."

In the early morning of the next day, the two of them brought two large barrels of aviation kerosene on the road. They came to the missile base very well, and things went very smoothly. . Even the fuel tank was half full. As for why the base's personnel didn't drive the helicopter away when they retreated, of course the pilot was already dead.

"Wells, take this plane back first. I'm looking for something else. It's not my style to drive back empty."

"Well then, be careful!" Although in principle, two people are needed for a gunship, but if it's just driving back, not going to the battlefield, of course one person is fine.

Watching Apache leave quickly, Li Yunfei came to the missile arsenal again and started working on missiles. He learned a lot of knowledge from Wells these days, and it can be regarded as a missile that can be carried by armed helicopters. Understand a general idea.

In those missile warehouses, there are forty Hellfire missiles, all of which are returned. This kind of missile is still quite small, only about forty kilograms, but it is said that it is very powerful. Once it is fired into a tank, it will become slag. Of course, it is also easy to hit a chariot bunker. If there is any attack in the future, someone will drive a tank and armored vehicle and give him a shot and it will be done.

He also made some other very small surface-to-surface missiles, and filled his own big card before heading back to the camp.

However, I accidentally encountered a corpse lying on the side of the road on the road, but the corpse was a little strange, as if it aroused the interest of a few zombies in the distance, and was swaying towards the corpse.

He is even more interested in a corpse than in a truck like his own. He must have smelled the breath of a stranger, and that person may just fainted.

After carefully observing the surroundings, he didn't find anything like an ambush, so he stopped the car and went over to check the situation. It would be great if he could complete a rescue mission by accident.

A few easy knives killed the zombies, and it was considered to officially see the person who fell to the ground. It was a bit miraculous and she was a woman. I don't know why when I saved people, the probability of encountering a woman was 80%. It is said that men are more suitable for survival in the apocalypse, but the situation I encountered was the exact opposite. It is much more likely to encounter female survivors...

This woman is about 30 years old. It does not look like a major disease, but some symptoms of dehydration and heat stroke. Of course, she may faint from exhaustion. After feeding some water, the woman quickly wake up.

Seeing a person feeding herself with water, the woman's first reaction was to scream, but her voice was a little hoarse, but the woman finally reacted. The stranger was saving her, and she calmed down. Apologize quickly and thank you.

"...Sir, are you from the Atlanta Peak Camp?" The woman looked at Li Yunfei and asked suddenly.

"Why do you ask that?"

"I've heard the radio before. There is a camp here. You seem to be living a good life. You drive a big truck. No matter how you look at it, it looks like there is a person living in a large camp."

"Well, you guessed right, I'm from that camp..."

"Sir, can you take me there, I have very important things to go there."

"Well, now I'm asking you a few questions. Please answer truthfully. Of course, you can refuse to answer. In that case, it's impossible for me to take you back to the camp."

"If you ask me, I will answer truthfully."

"What's your name?" Li Yunfei asked the simplest question. Listening to Rick, it was easier to ask some real situations by asking step by step.

"Sir, my name is Mihir, please hurry up and ask the key points. The matter is very urgent. I want to go to the Atlanta Mountaintop Camp for help as soon as possible."

"Okay, where are you from, why did you go to the camp on the top of the mountain, why did you faint here..." Li Yunfei asked a series of questions directly.

Michy quickly answered all the questions, things were really urgent.

It turned out that this woman came from that terminal. It turned out that the cannibalistic terminal was less than 200 kilometers away from the camp, but it seemed that there was no cannibalism, and the group of people had not turned into cannibals. Before the day before yesterday, the place had been taking in survivors who had defected to the past. It was a relatively large camp. There were more than 80 people before the incident. The meeting was attacked and captured. The group first pretended to be survivors and mixed into the terminal, and then suddenly attacked in the middle of the night.

The camp fell like this. The number of people who attacked may be more than 30 people. Most of the men in the camp were killed except for running away. Most of the women were imprisoned. As for who would they be? What happened, you can think of it without guessing. She was hiding in a sewer at that time and ran out after hiding in the middle of the night. As for why you are dizzy here, it is very coincidental,

A few kilometers away, her car broke down. Later, when she heard the sound of the helicopter from the plane, she ran after her, calling loudly, hoping to attract attention and take herself for a ride. Then, she fainted here... ...and even let himself pick up a rescue mission for nothing.

"Mihir, I can take you to the camp, or I can help you get people out now, but don't talk to other people in the camp about this, there are many women and children in my camp so as not to cause panic ." Mihir said very excitedly, it didn't look like he was lying, and he finally brought people back to the camp.

However, it was explained. Maybe this time is a perfect opportunity to save people. According to Mihir's tone, there should be more than a dozen people alive. I don't know if saving them is a life-saving task, but it is worth Give it a try.

Without the rescue mission, Li Yunfei would definitely bring a large group of people with him, but with the rescue mission, it is indeed not suitable for many people to act together.

More than a dozen tasks of saving people are completely worth the risk. If it is really impossible, then there is no way to do it. As for whether it is a trap, in fact, I am not going to break into it directly. Even if it is a trap, there is nothing to worry about. of.


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