Time Traveler

Chapter 65: learn to fly

It has been 123 days since I unknowingly came to this world, more than a third of the time, and overall everything is going smoothly. The number of zombies destroyed has already far exceeded the number of tasks. Of course, other tasks are not a problem, and even the ultimate task has some hope. Maybe before they left, the two great doctors could really come up with a vaccine, which would be quite perfect.

The only thing that is a bit troublesome is the task of saving people. With this task, you have to go out and take risks, and as time goes by, the chances of saving people will definitely become less and less.

The development of the camp is very good, and the number of people is still increasing. In just over half a month, the number of people in the camp has increased by nearly 30 people, most of which are from that Wood. Town, took the initiative to defect. But it’s a pity that I have only completed five people’s rescue missions. So far, I have only saved a total of 70 people. It seems like a lot. In fact, there are basically no people who can be saved within 100 kilometers. will be difficult.

The points have reached 132, and the willpower has also reached 165. These things will definitely be useful in the future, and will only be revealed after the task is completed.

After more than a month of construction, the second fortress-style building has also been completed. Now the total population of the camp has reached 198. It is very rare to be able to gather so many people in the world of doomsday, but it can be regarded as a unique A very powerful force.

Most of the small towns within 100 kilometers of the entire Atlanta city were wandered by Li Yunfei. Although they mainly wanted to save people, they didn't save anyone. Instead, they were stored in a corner of the storage space. More than 300 kilograms of gold, as well as a lot of jewelry.

Although I didn't deliberately search for gold, but when I entered those villas, I would save these things when I saw them. There are indeed a lot of wealthy people in this suburb of Atlanta. From time to time, they will find such gold jewelry in those villas, and the harvest is not bad after so many days. The value of gold is easy to calculate, but the value of jewelry is not easy to calculate. Some things look inconspicuous, and they may be worth hundreds of millions.

After formally establishing a relationship with the two girls, she lived a very happy life. It's a little surprising that although Anna and Amy take turns to squeeze juice every night, but the body does not mean to be exhausted at all, but the physical strength has increased a little. Temperance, in fact, is not harmful to the human body.

A few days ago, the storage space increased to 20 cubic meters, and at the same time, the mental power exceeded the limit of normal people, reaching 11 points. It is preliminarily speculated that after the mental power exceeds ten points, each additional point of mental power storage space will increase by 10 points. Cubic meters... At present, this should be correct.

However, in the past half month, the development of the camp has not been smooth sailing, and it has also been attacked by a large-scale zombie. Although there were no casualties that time, everyone was frightened, and it also caused a lot of property damage. For example, there were several sheep that were grazing outside, but they were harmed by zombies. It was a zombie brought in by two mentally ill people, but both of them were robbed and beaten to death.


One day, a helicopter suddenly dropped from the sky and landed in the open space outside the camp. Three soldiers came down. However, when hundreds of long and short guns were pointed at their heads in an instant, the three hurriedly put down their weapons, indicating that they had come to defect to the camp.

They have been looking for a camp where there can be human activities, and today they ventured out to find a camp on the mountain, so they ventured down to see what happened.

There are more than a dozen of them in total. They were originally guarding the soldiers in a shelter. A virus hit a few days ago, and they were not controlled like the camp here. Instead, the dead person bit another person, and then the virus The rapid spread caused their entire camp to fall quickly, so their team brought supplies and drove away...

Although Li Yunfei was a little strange, why their camp was not prepared when the virus hit, but if it wasn't foresight, it would be easy to be recruited...

The negotiation went very smoothly. This group of soldiers did not have any intention to seize power, nor did they dare to have such an idea, they just wanted to join the camp. Help do something within your power, and then you can get a stable living environment and get some living materials. Of course, you will not refuse this kind of thing.

Although these dozen soldiers did not bring much living materials, they brought a lot of firearms and ammunition, a multi-purpose Black Hawk helicopter, an infantry fighting vehicle, two armed military vehicles with heavy machine guns, and the number of Considerable ammo or something.

Seeing this helicopter, Li Yunfei couldn't help but think of the armed helicopter in the military base. He didn't know if it could still be opened normally, but even if it stopped for a few months, it might still be able to be opened. Get it back, it's definitely fun.

I've already played tanks, tanks, etc., but I haven't played with helicopters. Of course, such a good opportunity is to learn.

As for whether there is a danger of a plane crash, this matter... If your luck is so bad, you don't have to go out every day, and you may die when you go out... If you are too lucky, you will die even if you don't go out.

After a few days of contact, Li Yunfei showed off a marvelous shooting technique in front of those soldiers, and conquered these dozen soldiers in minutes. That shooting technique is definitely unattainable for normal people~ www.wuxiamtl.com~ Three people threw baseballs at a distance of 100 meters, and the baseballs hit all of them before they landed. This technique is absolutely beyond the range of ordinary people's understanding.

Ever since a few soldiers learned about Li Yunfei's marvelous shooting skills, they almost asked for shooting skills when they had nothing to do.

In fact, Li Yunfei doesn't have any skills at all. It is purely practice that makes perfect. If it weren't for the blessing of dynamic vision, his shooting skills would not be higher than those of these soldiers.

Of course, according to the script, it is still possible to talk about it. The body and the gun are combined, the breathing is slowed down, and even the matter of controlling the heartbeat and finding the shooting window is withdrawn. , In fact, he didn't say anything, but he was a real sharpshooter, so that nonsense became the truth.

Of course, Li Yunfei was still very modest, and took the initiative to ask the helicopter pilot common sense, making the pilot Wells a little proud, and of course he taught others without reservation. The skills he knew were all learned by Li Yunfei in just a few days.

Speaking of which, for the convenience of learning to fly, Li Yunfei still went to the international airport where there were many zombies, and brought a truckload of aviation kerosene back, so that the soldiers could see the magical methods of this magical captain.

By myself, it took a day to clean up the thousands of zombies in the airport, making that large airport also a safe transportation point for the 'porters' of the camp.

Since the Black Hawk has two pilot positions, in principle, two people can drive, so after nearly a week of theoretical study, I finally gathered up the courage to try to drive the plane to the sky. Anyway, there is an old driver sitting beside me. If there is a problem, he will deal with it, so it is okay to use this Black Hawk as a training machine.

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