Time Traveler

Chapter 62: military base

"Uh, Grace, why are you following me? Go find Luo Li over there and ask her to arrange a place for you to live!" Suddenly seeing Grace following, Li Yunfei hurriedly pointed to a distant one The room said that if Anna misunderstood, she would not have eaten at night.

"I'm here to thank you, and to tell you a piece of news. In that town, walking 35 kilometers south along the road, you will encounter a small river. Turn left along the river and walk for more than ten kilometers. There is a small river. At the military base, you may be able to get a lot of weapons..." Grace recounted in great detail.

"...How did you know that?"

"When the group chatted last night, I heard from one of them that the group went there to investigate the situation today!"

"Well, I see, thank you for the news!" It should be said that Grace would not lie to herself.

Of course, if you go there again, you have to be more careful. I don't know if there are any soldiers stationed in the military base, but it is very likely that they are all dead.

A few months ago, the epidemic broke out suddenly. First, after most of the people were infected, they died immediately and then turned into zombies and bit the living people everywhere. In just ten days, 95% of human beings died, and now it is estimated that they are still alive. less than one thousandth of the population.

The military base is also full of large numbers of dead people, and many places are directly dead. Just like the famous Fort Benning Army Base, the base with more than 100,000 people has fallen, not to mention the inconspicuous small base. Woolen cloth.


The sky was slightly bright, and the incomparably accurate biological clock awakened her again. This time, Anna did not leave in the middle of the night, but Zheng Xiang, who was sleeping in her arms, really felt an indescribable sense of satisfaction. It can be regarded as a real experience of the power of Wenrou Township. I really wanted to leave everything alone, so I continued to sleep with Anna in my arms.

But I still want to live well in this apocalyptic world, and I can't stop exercising, so after working hard for a long time, I finally managed to get up.

The thing about exercising really can’t be stopped. It’s better not to have a beginning when sleeping in It's luck, but good physique is always easier to survive.


I'm going to go to the military base first to see the situation. If you really find that there are still soldiers alive, then leave immediately, don't think about some unrealistic things, so as not to risk your own life.

If it's just zombies, there should be a way to clean it up. I believe that a military base will definitely have a lot of good things. After all, it used to be just a small fight. The ammunition in the camp is actually not enough. If there is a big war, fight one Ammo is gone.

After thinking for a while, I still didn't ask other people to join me. If I deal with zombies, no matter how many I have to deal with, I can still deal with them. If I have to deal with soldiers, then no matter how many people go, they will just die in vain.

If you can enter the military base, there will definitely be a lot of gains, so I deliberately drove a large truck out. Now I have three dedicated vehicles, one is a small truck, one is a military Hummer, and the other is a Large truck with a load of 5 tons.

These cars are maintained by a dedicated person in the camp, and every time they come back, the oil will be filled up, so if you want to go out, you only need to choose a car and you can drive straight away.

In the past few months, I have been driving out every day, and I am an old driver, and the dynamic vision is really a panacea. When driving encounters an emergency, the dynamic vision will be automatically activated, allowing myself to easily avoid the crisis. So he is definitely a fighter among the old drivers.

After driving for more than 30 kilometers along the road, I came across a crossroad. There is indeed a small stream. There is a kilometer on the side that runs down the stream. This road should be the road of the military base.

Going along the road, occasionally you can see one or two skeletons on the road. It seems that if there is a base here, it should have been occupied for a long time. If the base hadn't been occupied, why would the corpses just rot into bones on the roadside.

It took less than 20 minutes to walk more than ten kilometers. I saw some buildings in the distance, so I stopped the car and climbed on the roof to observe carefully.

There are thick walls around the base. Although the walls are only more than two meters high, there are barbed wire fences on the walls. There are watchtowers and surveillance posts all around, and even on a small hillside not far away, I saw a large white ball. the same building. Maybe it's the legendary X-band radar, of course, it may also be guessed by my own YY.

In terms of safety alone, it is much better than or even better than the camp on the top of the mountain. There are rows and rows of houses, covering a large area, and the area surrounded by the fence is much larger than the camp on the mountain. If I found this place earlier, so I don't have to work so hard to build a camp.

There should be no living people in this base. Otherwise, the wandering zombies will definitely be eliminated. This should not be an ordinary military base. Maybe it is a guidance base or an anti-missile base. Because I saw some equipment similar to the missile launcher, of course, as a pseudo-military fan, I have no idea what model such a tall thing is.


After careful observation for more than ten minutes, there was indeed no sign of anyone moving, so I drove the car and continued to move towards the base. There were only a few zombies moving inside. This little fact is not worth mentioning.

I don't know if it was because some people forgot to close the door when they escaped, but the door was open. Li Yunfei parked the car outside, but got out of the car and went in by himself.

Although it is an unknown small base, the area is quite large, about 700 meters long and 500 to 600 meters wide. There are dozens of buildings in rows on both sides, most of which are 6 to 7 meters high. , I walked all the way inside, and occasionally a zombie wearing a soldier's costume came over and cleaned it up with one knife.

There is really no sign of living people in the entire base. The flat ground is already covered with grass. To be honest, building a camp here is much better than the camp on the mountain, because the ready-made houses can live in hundreds of people. If those warehouses are renovated Living a few thousand people is not a problem.

But the camp on the mountain~www.wuxiamtl.com~ is close to the city. If there is a chance in the future to clean up all the zombies in that Atlanta, then let alone thousands of people, hundreds of thousands of people can live there, so it is better not to move. , or say it later.

I didn't go to the soldier's dormitory, there must be a lot of zombies there, and the good things are not in the dormitory, but in the munitions warehouse.

I believe that this time there will be huge gains. Even if the soldiers evacuated a lot of arms, it is impossible to take all of them.

I have seen several missile launch vehicles, but this thing is completely useless to me, it will not be used at all. In those warehouses, there are basically missile vehicles and armored vehicles. Some of them are empty. I also saw a very domineering armed helicopter that should be an Apache. I really want to get it, but unfortunately I don't know how to use it.

After searching for a total of 30 various buildings for several hours, except for the dormitory building, I found only a few firearms, which were seized from zombies.

In almost every household in a private house, one or two firearms of different sizes can be found. Although there are not many ammunition, they can always be found regularly.

It stands to reason that a military base, even if it is a missile base, will still be equipped with ordinary soldiers' rifles and pistols. How can there be no weapons and ammunition?

There must be someone who just didn't find it... Li Yunfei, who didn't give up, wandered around again.

"By the way, the ammunition warehouse is generally not close to other buildings, and it may not be in these buildings at all... Maybe it is under the hill in the distance." Thinking of this, I looked around and saw a hill in the distance. attracted attention.

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