Time Traveler

Chapter 63: Activate smart sight

When he came to the bottom of the hillside several hundred meters away, he really found two cave entrances. Although there were rolling doors outside, and they were also closed, one door could not help him.

He didn't even need to blast it with explosives, he used the incomparably sharp Edman alloy to create a war knife, cut a big hole, and easily entered it.

The warehouse is very huge, more than 200 meters long, but it is about a meter wide and extends all the way into the mountainside. However, what is stored inside is not firearms and ammunition, but missiles of various sizes. There are a lot of them, hundreds of them. However, this kind of thing is very professional, and I don't know how to use it, and no one in the camp should be able to use it.

I went to another warehouse and opened the door in the same way. This warehouse is much smaller. On the shelves on both sides, I found a lot of ammunition, most of which are small-caliber rifle bullets and large-caliber bullets. There are heavy machine gun bullets and a small amount of pistol ammunition. It is hard to say how many. There are at least 500,000 rounds. This number seems to be a lot, but for a real arsenal, this ammunition is really not worth mentioning. .

Judging from the situation in the dormitory, this base seems to have a scale of nearly 500 people, and there should be a lot of firearms, but the firearms seen here are only about thirty rifles placed in the corners... Maybe big Some of the firearms are in the soldier's quarters. Anyway, I am not short of guns, but only ammunition.

It can be seen that some survivors of this base were in a hurry when they retreated. The ammunition was placed in a mess, and a part of it had been removed. Otherwise, the reserves might have been more than doubled. The five-ton truck may be a little overweight, and its storage space is completely filled, so that the arsenal is completely emptied.

With a storage space of 20 cubic meters, only 8 cubic meters of ammunition are installed. The total amount of ammunition in his own private reserve is also as high as 200,000 rounds, and nearly 60,000 rounds of ammunition for heavy machine guns alone are stored. The underground arsenal is completely emptied , the weight of the ammunition in the truck may be more than 400,000 rounds.

The speed of driving back in the big truck was much slower. Originally, I wanted to go to the soldier's dormitory to clear the monsters and collect some firearms, but after thinking about it, it would be safer to transport the ammunition back.

It took more than an hour to drive the dozens of kilometers of road to the foot of the camp mountain. I thought it was only slightly overweight, but when I actually drove up the mountain, I realized that the overweight might be a little serious. The car was shaking, and I was really worried. A sudden tire blowout, something unexpected happened.

But Kaka finally didn't let himself down. He insisted on going to the camp. He finally let go of his hanging heart. It's better not to overload in the future. Safety first.

Seeing that Captain Magic came back with a cart of heavy things, several people who saw it in the distance also put down what they were doing and came over to help carry the things.

However, when I saw the things on the car, I was really a little scared. Although ordinary people can often see guns and ammunition, it is the first time to see an ordinary large truck with a whole carload of ammunition. .

"Dude, have you robbed an arsenal?" Glenn was really curious, why does this guy often get more things alone than his two teams get together? (Now the number of people who go out to find things has expanded to 11 people, and the other ten people are divided into two teams. Li Yunfei, the nominal captain, is on a team alone.)

"Yes, you're really right. I just got all the ammunition in an arsenal... But the car can't hold it, or I'm going to get some of those missiles back."

"Don't, no one can use missiles. If one accidentally explodes, the entire camp will be over."

"You can believe it after laughing. Hurry up and call a few more people to help. Send the ammunition to the warehouse first, so as not to crush my big card."


After dinner, about the military base, Li Yunfei told more than a dozen important members of the camp about whether they should move or not.

The result was very surprising. No one was willing to move at all. Everyone had a very deep feeling for this camp that they built with their own hands.

The current camp is developing very well. Nearly 200 acres of land have been reclaimed, and the nearby mountains and forests have gradually been covered with barbed wire. There is a large area of ​​nearly 0.5 square kilometers. Such a large area can be well developed. Now, it’s not a big deal to feed four or five hundred people, and there are only 175 people in the camp. Even if some new members are added from time to time, I believe there will be fewer and fewer people in the future. Because the people within hundreds of kilometers nearby are basically attracted by the camp.

And the second fortress in the camp was built very quickly, it might take half a month to complete, and the animal husbandry has begun to develop, and now you can often even eat fresh eggs, so everyone is very concerned about this place. It is very satisfying and very fulfilling...

Since everyone is reluctant to move, Li Yunfei certainly won't say much. In fact, he also likes it, especially the cornfield. Every time he sees it, he will have some associations, and he even wants to experience it again. w...

"Uh, why are you thinking about it again? It seems that I'm still quite wretched at heart!" Shaking his head, he shook off some strange thoughts. Of course, that kind of thing is better if the door is closed in the room. It would be so embarrassing to be seen in the countryside.

A group of people did not get any results in the meeting. It was nothing more than a detailed arrangement of the things that needed to be done in the future, and then went back to their rooms.


In the past few days, when Li Yunfei was fine, he was trying to crack the Earth Warrior suit system. He didn't know it before, and it was only after he tried the equipment that he found out that this product still has a password.

If this product does not unlock the system password, the smart sight cannot be activated at all. The reason why this equipment is amazing is not how powerful the weapon is, nor how good the armor is. The most amazing thing is the smart sight. When used with a data helmet, that thing can't be activated, so it's completely useless.

Fortunately, the computer in this world is exactly the same as the world in which I live, and I used to be considered a computer player. Although he is just a very ordinary code farmer~www.wuxiamtl.com~, he still has a little bit of password cracking technology, and the protection technology in this world seems to be ten years different from the world where he lives, so he made a small program. After that, it took two or three days to finally unlock that painful password.

This password is indeed a bit painful. It is not too complicated, but too simple. In fact, it can be completely guessed. It is the four-letter DFLW, the abbreviation of the English Land Warrior.

After the program was activated, the information-integrated helmet finally came in handy. With what was on the firearm, the ballistic-optimized infrared sight had the function of turning corruption into magic.

The smart sight installed on the firearm integrates a lot of functions. Laser ranging, infrared and visible light telescopes, wind and temperature measurement, bullet velocity measurement, etc. are integrated into a system, and the most suitable ballistic trajectory is automatically calculated by the computer. This thing can really turn a shooting rookie into a sharpshooter. The most satisfying thing is that this product can also be removed and installed on other firearms, just need to modify the data slightly.

It's already past eight o'clock at night, and there is only a little sparse starlight outside, but the image seen on the eyepiece is quite clear. On the small window in the room where the firearm is loaded, when searching for the target outside, you can even clearly see six A deer passing by more than a hundred meters away.

The biggest use of this thing is to use it for ultra-long-distance sniping. My own correction of ballistics is also an outer door. Within five or six hundred meters, the firearms can slip away, but when the distance exceeds 800 meters, it is difficult to If you control it, for example, Barrett doesn't play very well. When it exceeds 1,000 meters, you basically rely on it. With this thing to help correct that bullet, you can be regarded as a real sniper master in the future.


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