Time Traveler

Chapter 61: survivors of woodbury

After the two people saw the motorcycles and the corpses that fell to the ground, they quickly turned the front of the car and left far away. The two must not let go. It is still unclear whether these people are powerful. , After going back to tip off, God knows what will happen, and that woman should be kidnapped and worth saving.

The distance was more than 400 meters. The two of them drove extremely fast, but with the blessing of dynamic vision, the speed was not much faster. The first to kill was the one who was still helping a person behind the car. Killing the car would definitely overturn the car. , if the woman's head hits the ground, she'll be dead, and when his Z-shaped travel angle is adjusted so that even if the car rolls over, the shot will be fired when the woman's feet hit the ground. As for whether she will be injured, I really can't consider this .

After a crisp sound of bang, the target was successfully headshot, and the gun was quickly turned around. The guy had already lowered his body and was almost lying on the motorcycle. The speed was also extremely fast, but he still failed to escape the shooting.

The motorcycle that carried people slid for nearly 100 meters before it broke into the grass by the roadside and fell to the ground. To be honest, I really did a little calculation based on the direction of the front of the motorcycle, but I didn't expect it. It really succeeded, and the woman's luck is very good. If she had just turned over on the road, or installed some things on the side of the road, she would definitely not die and be seriously injured. Now it seems that the woman is only slightly. Just scratched.

After making sure that no one else would appear nearby, Li Yunfei walked over, as if he had completely fainted from the accident just now. He was in ragged clothes, and was tied into a zongzi by ropes. The hands and feet have turned purple. These scumbags really don't treat others as adults. If they are **** like this, their hands and feet may die directly after a long time.

He pulled out a dagger and cut the rope, but when the knife just touched the woman's skin, the woman trembled obviously, and it didn't look like Lars was really frightened and pretended to be dizzy.

"You better stop pretending, girl, I need to ask you something." Li Yunfei said calmly, maybe this girl is really scared.

Hearing Li Yunfei's words, the woman finally opened her eyes in horror.

"...Sir, I have nothing left, please let me go!" This woman is a bit strange. When others encounter this situation, most of them ask for help. This woman actually begged herself to let her go. It seems that she There are other companions.

"Well, of course it's okay to let you go... You'd better move your hands and feet first to see if you can stand up." The sauce-purple hands and feet looked a little shocking, and he couldn't help but remind.

"Thank you, I can still stand up, and I'll leave right away." After the woman stood up, she moved her hands and feet a little, and was about to turn around and leave, as if she was going back to the town.

"and many more!"

"Ah, sir, just let me go, I really have nothing..." After hearing Li Yunfei's words, the woman also said with a sad face.

"Don't be nervous, I just have something to ask you."

"Excuse me sir, I will tell you everything I know about the epidemic."

"First of all, you have to tell me, why are you in town? Are there your companions there?"

"...I originally had a companion who was beaten to death by them. I still have a car there, sir, that car is very bad." The woman hesitated for a while and then told the truth about the fact that her companion was beaten to death. , she didn't cry, she was just an ordinary partner. She was more worried that her car would be robbed. There were still a lot of supplies in the car. If it was robbed, it would be dead.

"Don't worry, I don't want your car... You should have a camp, where is it? And who are this group of people, and how did you get caught?" Li Yunfei asked a lot of questions in one breath. Obviously, This woman must not have ventured outside before, she should be someone from a certain group of forces.

"I don't know who this group of people is, and they are definitely not good people. When they saw me and Mike, they directly killed Mike and then controlled me... I used to be in a camp, it was a man named Woodbury. In this small town, many survivors live there. Later, something happened there. After Mike and I escaped, we found the town in front of us last night. When we hid in a room to rest, we were found and arrested by them. Stay, then..." This strong-looking woman suddenly burst into tears, crying very sadly, and it seemed that she really suffered a lot.

"Look at it, everything is over, that group of people have already received their retribution... Since something happened to your town, where are you going now?" Seeing the other party crying, she just comforted a few words by the way. The character is still quite strong, and he soon recovered his calm, and Li Yunfei continued to ask.

Speaking of the accident in the town of Wood, it seems that I have a lot to do with it. Although it is said that there will be an accident in that town sooner or later, if I hadn't killed the Governor and his several important men, it would definitely not have happened so early.

"...I overheard the radio before, saying that there is a hilltop camp on the other side of Atlanta, and I am going to defect there."

"Since we're going to the mountaintop camp in Atlanta, let's go together, and I'll go back too." There was a constant broadcast in the camp for new members, but I didn't expect this woman to hear it. The woman didn't lie, and since she was on the way, she was going to take people back directly.

"Are you also in that camp?"

"Of course, get in the car!"

"This... Sir, can I have a meeting with my car?" The woman was still thinking about her car.

"...Get in the car, I'll take you there." Maybe there was something in the car that a woman thought was the most precious, Li Yunfei didn't embarrass her, and of course he wasn't afraid of any traps, and it wasn't an immortal descending into the world, how could it be possible to calculate all of this What a trap.


"Sir, my name is Grace, what's your name?" It can be seen that this woman's psychological quality is still very good, and she can still be so calm after so many changes.

"Well, now, people call me Crazy Li, Miracle Li, Miracle Li, everything... What happened to Woodbury? Why did you escape?" Li Yunfei asked knowingly.

"The Governor went out to negotiate with a few people, but he didn't come back for a few days. A few days ago, the two groups of people were fighting to be the boss, and they were not convinced and fought each other~www.wuxiamtl.com~ The town was attacked by zombies the night before yesterday, and then Woodbur It's over."

"How many of you have escaped?"

"I don't know, maybe twenty or thirty people, or a little more."

"They all know Atlanta's Hilltop Camp?"

"Well, most of them know!"

Soon after arriving in the town, Li Yunfei finally knew why this woman cared so much about her car. There was actually food in the trunk for several generations, enough for one person to eat for several months. Grace was very sorry for the deception just now, so she handed over all the food to show her sincerity.

The car soon returned to the camp, and there were six more people in the camp. Two were brought back from the city by Glenn and the others, and the other four went directly to the camp.

Three of the six people are a family of three, and the other two are a couple. Coincidentally, these people are all from Woodbury. A few people who know each other and get together again can be regarded as extremely disturbing. It's a lot more reassuring.

When she saw Anna preparing for dinner from a distance, she couldn't help but walk over, hugged her into her arms under the watchful eyes of everyone, and gave her a hard kiss before letting her go. This officially established the relationship. , don't need to be too scruples, hug if you want, kiss if you want. Although others were a little surprised, they were only surprised by the change in Li Yunfei's style of affairs, not to say that there was nothing surprising in holding a kiss.

"Great hero, we saved another girl today!"

"Don't get me wrong, it's just a coincidence!"

"No misunderstanding, the hero, go take a bath, remember to come over for dinner early!"

"I understand, I understand, make sure to wash it cleanly!" It's good to wash it in vain, you can only do that after you wash it...

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