Time Traveler

Chapter 60: Strong first

She habitually woke up at the slightest dawn. Now her biological clock has become extremely accurate. Anna has already left, but she doesn't even notice it. It seems that although she has some strange abilities, her alertness is still a mess.

After habitual exercise for half an hour, after meditating, I went out to exercise. I was so tired last night that I would inevitably have backache. It seems that although my physique is very good, I can't be too indulgent. Yes, it's not something ordinary people can do.

Thinking of what happened last night, my heart is full of fire, and I even look forward to the night coming sooner.

The essential homework every morning is to practice the basic swordsmanship, although it is not a real swordsman or something. However, this sword technique has been practiced for almost three months, so the sword is still very slippery. With the powerful dynamic vision, it also has the meaning of a bit of a master, but unfortunately his speed can't keep up, otherwise his combat power will definitely be regarded as an entry into the room.

Speaking of this speed, we have to talk about the agility attribute of the body. It is still unclear how that thing is improved. It seems that many methods of exercising agility have no effect, or are effective, but the unknown system is not at all. Admit it, still determine that he only has 7 points of agility.

After training for nearly three months, other attributes have increased by several points, but this agility has not been increased at all. Now there is no hope, I am looking forward to using those points to directly add points in the future.

He quickly swung the knife, a gust of wind blew over, and a lot of leaves floated in the distance, and swung the knife out. A leaf was cut into two pieces, and it was quickly slashed with a knife, and the other leaf was still cut in two. After the gust of wind ended, dozens of cut leaves fell on the ground...

"Wow, this sword technique is so handsome, brother, how on earth did you practice this sword!" Glenn, who was also exercising not far away, shouted in surprise when he saw some severed leaves.

"The more you practice, the better you will naturally be!"

"I'm just a few days later than you in practicing swordsmanship. Why is the gap so big?"

"No way, I'm a genius, ordinary people really can't learn it!"

"Fart, I don't believe it." He also grabbed a handful of leaves on the ground, threw them into the air, and chopped them down, and he actually cut off several leaves.

In fact, after several months of training, the cutting skills of the fruit knife are really good. And the fruit knife is lighter, so the speed can be faster, but it is much easier for cutting leaves, so even without the dynamic visual bonus, it has successfully cut off several leaves.

"Look at this sword technique, there's really no one left!" Glenn said triumphantly when he saw the leaves he cut off.

"Well, it does have half of my skills, come on, Sao Nian!"

Li Yunfei is a restless person, so he went out of the camp after he fully recovered. Of course, the main problem of leaving the camp is that there is a task of saving people, and he must go out, otherwise the task will not be sent to the door of his own accord.

In the end, the only way to save people is to go there. This can only depend on luck. Anyway, if you go out for a walk, you may encounter them. If you drive your car out, you will habitually come to the local tyrant town you visited last time.

After I built an arsenal last time, I didn't go to explore the remaining villas. It's so-called similar, maybe this small town really hides dragons and crouching tigers.

Driving around the town today, I was a little surprised that I didn't see a single zombie, and I didn't find a single zombie. Maybe the first two cleanings were too clean, but I can practice knives without zombies. Directly began the 'home search' journey.

Speaking of which, I couldn't find much food or anything in this local tyrant town, but I did get a lot of other things. After a lot of cleaning, I also got some useful things. After finding one, I went on to the next one.

However, when I entered a new villa, I vaguely heard movement in a room. However, the sound insulation of the rooms in this villa is really good. I didn't hear the movement until I was about to open the door.

Should it be a living person, or a couple...or not just a couple.

It is immoral to disturb others to do what they love to do. It is too much to push others. If you disturb yourself and Anna to do that big thing, you will definitely vomit blood in depression, so you should leave quickly.

Since there are living people here, it is better to leave directly, so as not to cause unnecessary misunderstandings. A careless shooting will kill people.

After carefully exiting the villa, he immediately started the car and left without disturbing the people in the villa.

The truck quickly left the town, and will not come here in the future. Since someone came here, it looks like they are ready to settle down. If they come back by themselves, if they don't get it right, they will be shot.

It wasn't long before the truck left the town, when it encountered another group of people, and saw it from a distance, about seven or eight hundred meters away.

More than a dozen motorcycles are very fast. After they found their own car, they seemed to be much faster...

This situation seemed a bit wrong, and it seemed that the visitor was not good. He quickly turned the steering wheel, and quickly drove towards the wasteland on the side, avoiding temporarily. If those motorcyclists are not coming for themselves, but just passing by, then forget it. If they come around, they will directly kill the guy.

Now that he is a famous sniper god, with the blessing of that big plug-in, it is not a problem to singled out a dozen people from a long distance.

After running for more than 300 meters, he jumped out of the car and took out the light sniper rifle. He lay on the ground and watched. Those motorcycles arrived soon. It is a pity that the large group of motorcycle riders turned to face without any hesitation. In his own direction, he even took out a pistol. In this case, even if he didn't want to kill people, he could only treat this group of people as enemies.

"Bang!" The gunshot sounded instantly, and the head of the person who took the lead was directly blown open. Although it was a light sniper, its power was still terrifying. The motorcycle slipped more than ten meters and fell to the ground.

Although the other people were startled, they fell down one after another, but the speed of the motorcycle was faster. They wanted to rush in and then they could solve the problem with a pistol.

However, the frequency of the gunshots was extremely high. Every time the gunshots sounded, one person was shot in the head. In just a few seconds, more than half of the people had been killed, and there were still more than 100 meters away.

It seemed that they couldn't rush past at all. The remaining six people quickly turned around and tried to flee, but they were still shot one by one...

"This chaotic world will indeed make people's hearts a lot more cruel, and I have no guilt at all for killing so many people all of a sudden... Maybe the task of making myself keep saving people is to keep the trace of kindness in my heart. Read it!" Looking at the corpses all over the place, Li Yunfei felt a little emotional about the dramatic change in his personality.

After a careful observation with binoculars, he made sure that there were no living people there, and that everyone was killed by headshots. Then he went over and took away the guns and ammunition from those people.

I really don't know which group of people this is. It can be seen that these people live very well, and I don't know if there are other people. Now I can't control these. This time, this group of people came to rob themselves. It's for sure, it's hard to say whether it will kill him easily.

After cleaning up the traces, I drove the car back. It has been nearly five months since the disaster happened, and it has been almost three months since I came to this world. Many people have already adapted to it, and their ability to survive against zombies is indeed true. It has been greatly improved, so some forces will also appear like bamboo shoots after the rain. You have to be careful when you go out to do tasks in the future...

Just as he was about to leave before getting in the car, there was the sound of motorcycles in the distance. There were only two motorcycles, which came out of the town. They quickly hid behind the cars and took out the binoculars. These two and the dozen or so people just now should be part of a gang, probably the pair of men and women they met in the villa just now...

It seems to be two men and a woman. On the back seat of one of the motorcycles, there is also a woman with a disheveled dress, with her hands tied behind her back, and placed on the back seat of the motorcycle. This situation seems to be hijacked...

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