Time Traveler

Chapter 59: 1 kick out

After dinner, I went out for a walk. Now my body has basically recovered to its best state. Maybe tomorrow is also the time to go out and fight monsters to save people and complete some tasks. Unconsciously, I wandered around and turned to the vicinity of the cornfield. It is relatively quiet here, and no one will disturb me...

Suddenly, I felt that someone was approaching me quickly from behind. The speed was so fast that I definitely wanted to hit me. The first reaction was that the other party had bad intentions, so I instinctively avoided it, and then kicked the other party by the way. This is a completely subconscious reflection. When I regained my senses, it was too late to close my feet. The dynamic vision was activated in an instant, and I could see who was coming. It turned out to be Anna, and I didn’t know what she was doing in such a hurry. Did you hit yourself on purpose?

When there was nowhere to focus, it was impossible to retract the foot. The only option was to reduce the strength as much as possible. At the same time, I chose the part that was least likely to be injured, and kicked Anna's ass. It was really embarrassing.

The magical dynamic vision reappeared. Seeing that she was about to open her mouth and scream in surprise, she slowly fell back. Although Li Yunfei tried his best to hug the person, he also lost his center. He became Anna's flesh mat and fell to the ground.

It's fair to kick someone and be treated as a meat pad as punishment, but this punishment still seems pretty good...

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, did I overwhelm you?" Anna hurriedly got up and asked, in her impression, Li Yunfei has just recovered, and she is afraid of crushing people. Now she is a little bit I regret listening to Xia La's bad idea and come here to make an accident.

"I'm fine, I thought someone was attacking me just now, so I accidentally kicked it. You're not injured!" If she just avoided it, she even kicked someone, especially when she saw the big footprints on her buttocks. I was really overwhelmed at that time. Judging from the force feedback just now, the force of that kick was quite large.

"It just hurts a bit. I was wrong just now. I saw you here and wanted to secretly play a joke on you, but I didn't expect to be kicked by you." Seeing that Li Yunfei was fine, she remembered that there was a little bit on her ass. The pain was burning, but I didn't care too much. I just lay in Li Yunfei's arms, patted off the dust, and rubbed it for a while.

"A few days ago, I got into the habit of cleaning up zombies. When something approached from behind, I always subconsciously regarded it as a zombie, so..." Li Yunfei hurried over to help rub it while explaining, but this rubbing seems to be so A little obscene.

"It's okay, it's not very painful, but it's a pity that several corns were crushed just now."

"It's alright, I'll just hand in a few cans." Li Yunfei said nonsense indifferently. In fact, his attention was now completely attracted by Anna's body.

The past two days have been like a bull in rut, now Anna is lying in her arms, her towering chest seems to be pressing on her little brother, and her hand is still pressing on her **** kneading.

Isn't this posture too ambiguous, especially when there is a faint smell unique to a woman, the little brother is instantly awakened...

Of course, Anna could clearly feel some changes in Li Yunfei's body. The little guy grew up quickly and was on his chest. He didn't feel that there was a ghost, but what surprised her was that he was so small. , how can it grow so many times in such a short period of time, it is really very curious.

Judging from the other party's reaction, what Xia La said was indeed right. She really didn't need to take the initiative to seduce her, she just needed to use her strengths. It seems that he really likes his body very much, maybe he really needs it.

I didn't seduce myself today, this one seems to be so excited, what should I do next? By the way, it should be that... Anna also quietly pulled the zipper on Li Yunfei's pants.

Of course Li Yunfei knew about Anna's sudden action, but this time, he couldn't refuse at all. Since he had already decided to pursue her, she wanted to do it now. If he still refused, it would be too hypocritical. Is it too much to do this kind of thing in the wilderness?

He was looking around furtively, for fear of being discovered, but now that the sky has darkened, and no one will come here, I feel a little more at ease, but in this wilderness, isn't it too exciting...

Suddenly, a warm and numb feeling came from her lower body, and she felt that her whole body was about to fly up to the clouds, and her hand unknowingly pressed on her head, which hinted that Anna was working harder...

"Dear, do you like this?" Anna, who was lying in Li Yunfei's arms after a long time, suddenly raised her head and asked.

"Uh, I like it, but I was really embarrassed just now and couldn't control it for a while, so that..." Li Yunfei said a little embarrassedly.

"It doesn't matter, although the taste is a bit strange, it doesn't feel as bad as I imagined, my dear, if you need it, just say it directly."

"Ah, this, why don't we go back to the room and do it again?" Li Yunfei felt that he was very shameless, but he still said that he was too nervous just now and didn't have a good feeling at all. I really want to experience it carefully.

"Then let's go back!"

It wasn't until he calmed down that he seriously thought about the serious issue of leaving this world after more than nine months. How should I explain this matter?

"Anna, if I suddenly leave you one day, don't be too sad, okay?" Anna, who was holding her, really didn't know how to explain her sudden disappearance, so she could only get a vaccination first.

"Darling, your request is really high. I will definitely be very sad if you leave suddenly... In fact, what you want to express is that the person you really like is Amy, right?" Anna really misunderstood Li Yunfei. Meaning, she thought that this man was with her entirely out of gratitude.

"I really didn't mean that..."

"Darling, don't explain what I understand, I'm really tired now, can I rest here?" Anna didn't want to say too much, she really wanted to rest now.

Li Yunfei was very excited when she tasted the exotic flavor for the first time before~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Anna didn't know how to refuse, so she was very excited and crazy, so it really made her tired... In fact, Li Yunfei was even more tired, but this is a misunderstanding Not explaining it clearly would make Anna very uncomfortable.

"Anna, you don't understand. I really didn't mean that. I meant that I suddenly disappeared one day. I hope you don't feel too sad!"

"...Understood, you won't disappear in a few days, that will make me feel very inferior!" Anna felt that she had won a disgraceful victory this time, but if she was dumped just after the match, then herself But it was a failure.

"No, that's definitely not the case."

"...So sleepy, can I rest?"

"Oh, good night then!" Li Yunfei just finished speaking, only to hear a soft hum, and then Anna didn't move. Whether she was pretending to be asleep or really sleeping was really unclear.

It is of course a very difficult thing to practice meditation with a beautiful woman, but after ten minutes of mental adjustment, it really succeeded. After focusing on the center of the eyebrows, the white light appeared again and spread rapidly. , and all around became a vast expanse of white.

But today, in this vast expanse of whiteness, I saw the outlines of two faint silhouettes. The real one was just an outline. Judging from the figure, it should be me and Anna. Although the two silhouettes looked very blurry, I felt they should Still can't go wrong.

What exactly is this white light is unclear, it should not be vision, at least not the vision seen through the eyes, maybe because of my own spiritual growth, the brain waves have become much stronger, and can be emitted farther, forming an impact on external matter. Some radio wave reflections, like the information feedback from the sonar radar... Of course, this is just my guess, and only God knows what the specific situation is.

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