Time Traveler

Chapter 5: Scared me

Under the background of the setting sun, a knight slowly approached him, which is very rare in this apocalyptic world, especially when the knight's appearance looks like a lady, it will always make people appear.

Maybe it's still a beautiful woman, but the backlight of the sunset is too dazzling, so I can't see it clearly, I can only look at it. It's a beautiful woman, there are zombies everywhere in the wilderness In the world, it would be very good to meet a big living person, and it would be much safer to meet a woman than to meet a man.

Li Yunfei also stood up, he couldn't sit on the ground without grace in front of an imaginary beauty, but the moment Li Yunfei stood up, the situation suddenly changed, pulling Li Yunfei from YY back to reality. I saw that the woman jumped off the horse in an instant and took out a pistol from her waist. Although she couldn't see it clearly, it should be a pistol. What's even more terrifying is that the other party actually aimed the pistol at her...

"Damn it!" Li Yunfei screamed, and instantly fell down, rolled and crawled, turned around and ran. I don't know why the other party pointed a gun at him, but he didn't want to die, so he ran quickly. This is an instinctive reflection. . It's all about using the power of feeding, running as fast as possible, so as not to be inexplicably shot by someone.

"Stop" came a shout in the distance. It was indeed a woman. Although Li Yunfei understood, that person told him to stop, but only a fool would stop. He was now about 40 meters away. It is very difficult for a pistol to hit a person who is running at such a long distance. If you run fast, you will run out of the attack range of the pistol in a few minutes. If you stop then...

Suddenly, there was a sound of galloping hooves coming from behind.

"Made, it's over, the other party came over on a horse, and he forgot this point. No matter how much he runs, he can't run the horse!" Li Yun did not take out the sword, but raised it high. hands. If you want to survive, it is better to be obedient on the surface. Hurry up and surrender. No matter how sharp the sword is, it can’t handle a pistol. Unless the opponent stands within one meter of you, there may be a chance...

You don't seem to have anything to be robbed. The other party shouldn't kill a stranger for no reason, right? If you really encounter a perverted murderer, you can only count yourself out of luck.

Standing on the spot with his hands up, he quickly thought about how to deal with it. People in this world are indeed more dangerous than zombies. If it is a zombie, even one or two can easily get rid of it.

But if you just tie yourself up then it doesn't matter at that time, there are some ways to get out of trouble, and it's not impossible to tie the other party by the way, because there are still a lot of things in the storage space...

"Who are you and why are you running?" The woman got closer, but she kept a distance of four or five meters, and she was quite vigilant. She still pointed a gun at Li Yunfei and asked about the situation. Because of his work, Li Yunfei still understands some English, so he can barely communicate with him at the most basic level.

"...You have a gun, so I ran. I was scared to death just now." Li Yunfei replied in very unfamiliar English. The other party didn't shoot directly, indicating that he didn't intend to kill, so he felt a lot more at ease.

"Okay, turn around and don't mess around." The woman didn't mean to kill. Just now, she also regarded Li Yunfei as a zombie, so she suddenly pulled out the pistol. It's just that after discovering that Li Yunfei is a human, why do you want to chase after him? It's not clear what his mentality is. Maybe he wants to make things clear.

Hearing the order, Li Yunfei could only turn around obediently, but when he saw the person, he was stunned for a while, because this woman looked familiar, very similar to a heroine in the plot...

"Can you put down the pistol... I don't have a weapon on me!" Being pointed at the head by someone was really stressful. Li Yunfei was wearing short sleeves to serve, and there was really no place to hide weapons on his body.

The woman looked at Li Yunfei's slightly thin body, and she looked very gentle, and there was no threat, so she put the pistol back in her waist and jumped off the horse.

"Did you come from a foreign country, why can't you speak well?" Maybe it was because Li Yunfei looked polite and didn't have any weapons in his hands, so the woman also let go of her guards.

"Yes... and you just held a gun... you scared me!" To be honest, the level 4 English is really not enough for communication, and it seems very stumbling when speaking, and it is very good to express what I want to express. reluctantly.

"So that's the case. I saw you suddenly stand up just now and thought you were a living dead... If I scared you just now, I'm really sorry?" Seeing this foreigner so timid, it aroused the lady a little Sympathy.

In this world where zombies are rampant, an unarmed man who doesn't look strong, walks on the road alone, doesn't even have a backpack and doesn't know how to survive. It's really pitiful.

"No need to apologize...I'm timid...Since it's a misunderstanding...then can I leave?" Li Yunfei didn't want to have too much contact with people in this world. He just wanted to find more supplies, and then find a deserted place to hide. Let’s talk about it for a while. First, I can have time to exercise my body. On the other hand, maybe as long as I live, I can go back directly.

"Well, you are going there, why don't you go to my place, my place has not been invaded by the living dead, and there are more than a dozen people with you, want you to go back with me?" The lady suggested, She really felt that this person was very pitiful. She could not survive for a few days just by walking around alone.

"...I need to find my relatives...so I can't be with you." Although people are gregarious animals, Li Yunfei doesn't want to hide in the wilderness alone, but for his own safety, he still finds someone who is not alone. It's better to hide in a place where people are. So I made up a relative to come out, so that it is easier to get rid of the other party, although this person seems to be quite good.

"If that's the case, then let's do it. We're half-way through the harvest in the RV. What do you think?" Since the other party is looking for relatives, the girl is not embarrassed. Although she really wants to persuade, relatives are generally I couldn't find it, and after all, I still didn't say it.

"Okay, ma'am first, you choose first, and the rest belongs to me." Li Yunfei used half-baked words, UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com tried his best to appear graceful, but in fact, the other party couldn't take much with him on a horse. The rest is all his own.

"Very good, my name is Maggie, what's your name?" The lady stretched out her hand and introduced herself. Sure enough, it was similar to her guess. I thought it was just a little similar in appearance, but I didn't expect it to be the one. Maggie.

"Oh, my name is Li Yunfei!" Li Yunfei also stretched out his hand and shook hands. This woman's hand looked a little rough, perhaps because he often shot on horseback, and Li Yunfei usually wrote code when he went to work. There are no calluses on the hands, so it seems a bit strange in this world.

"How did you survive?" Maggie really couldn't understand how this person survived in such a world.

"Everything is just luck!" Li Yunfei withdrew his hand in embarrassment. The girl didn't know what it meant. She even clasped her palm with her fingers, which seemed a bit provocative.

After the negotiation was completed, Maggie was not too polite. She took some things from the car. There were still a lot of things in the car, but Maggie just picked some medicine and some clothes and left. She was going to go. Looking for medicine in the next town, I didn't expect to find it in this RV and go back.

"Goodbye Li, my house is in that direction. After that hillside, you will find a small road. You can reach me after walking about 15 kilometers. If you change your mind, you can go there and find me. I hope there is more. Chance to see you!" Maggie said, pointing to a small mountain wave northwest of the road.

"Well, goodbye, Maggie, let's go all the way!" Seeing Maggie leave, Li Yunfei relaxed, waved goodbye politely, and watched the other party leave.

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