Time Traveler

Chapter 56: If one survives, there will be future fortunes

I don't know how many days passed. Anyway, I fell asleep and woke up in a daze. Gradually, my body was no longer so uncomfortable, and the high fever that appeared from time to time no longer appeared. Finally, one morning, I was completely awake.

The first time I woke up, I saw a hand holding my own, and I fell asleep beside my bed. Maybe I haven't had a good rest for several days. It was haggard and a little dirty.

I could vaguely see some tears in the corners of her eyes. Looking at her haggard face, I suddenly felt that there is such a woman in this world who cares about her. She is already a winner in life. Everything else seems to be just a cloud.

Although I really wanted to wipe away the trace of tears for her and tidy up her messy hair, I really couldn't bear to disturb her rest.

Recalling that I was in a daze, I secretly swore in my heart that as long as I survived, I would officially pursue her. Now that I really survived, should I really pursue her? Is it really good to do this? In the future, I will suddenly disappear...

"...No matter, she treats me so well to me, if I can't treat her better, I'm a **** who is not as good as a pig and a dog. Let's talk about the future!" Although he didn't know if he fell in love with this girl, but I really don't want to worry about it anymore. God knows if she or she will die inexplicably. It's really boring to think about it.

This time, if Anna hadn't kept cooling her body, she might have been burned alive. If she hadn't fed her food and water, she would have died long ago, and she might have died and turned into a zombie. Fortunately, I didn't go to a corner to hide in a single person. If I did, if I came across this virus, I would most likely die of the disease.

Maybe this is also a special test!

Li Yunfei suddenly thought of this possibility. Otherwise, why would he have encountered the virus so early? Generally speaking, in this big summer, it is really difficult to spread the virus...

"Thank God, dear, have you finally woken up? Are you hungry? If you want something to eat, I'll go and prepare it for you..." Anna woke up in a daze, and suddenly saw Li Yunfei staring at herself, she suddenly felt the whole The world has become brighter. As he said that, he was about to stand up and was about to bring some food for Li Yunfei, but Li Yunfei held his hand in the past.

"Anna, thank you... You've worked so hard these days!" He reached out and hugged the other person's body. He really wanted to express his gratitude, but he didn't seem to be good at telling love words, so he couldn't say a lot of words. I can hold the other person's body tightly, hoping that she can feel the gratitude she wants to express.

"Darling, you'll be fine, it's not hard, I'll prepare some food for you, you haven't eaten well these days, and you always have a fever and sweat, and you've lost a lot of weight. ."

"Don't be busy, you look haggard, let's take a good rest first, I have something to eat!" Then he took out a bag of biscuits and a bottle of water from the bedside table and said.

In order to make it easier to drink water, the person also sat up, and suddenly found that he was not wearing any clothes or pants, and lay back a little embarrassed.

"...Honey, I know you love cleanliness the most, so I wipe your whole body every day. You're sweating a lot these days, so all your clothes and sheets have been changed and washed. My dear, you don't blame me for making your own decisions. Bar."

"No, of course not, it's just too much work for you, I don't even know... I'm so heavy and exhausted!" I was a little embarrassed, so I changed the subject and quickly put on a pair of shorts.

"...It's not too tiring to have someone help me. My dear, I haven't had a bath for several days. I'll go take a bath first." Seeing the food in Li Yunfei's bedside table, he was going to take a bath first, because this Bit more clean. Recalling the first time he and Julia were rescued, his disgusted expression can be said to be fresh in his memory. It is precisely because of this disgust that he is still willing to help the two of them, so he has identified this person as a truly reliable good person.

Anna has completely regarded Li Yunfei as the most trustworthy person, so she did not take any precautions against Li Yunfei at all. When she said taking a bath, she simply took off her clothes and walked to the bathroom a few meters away... She did not notice Li Yunfei's eyes. It's almost out, but even if you notice it, you'll only feel proud!

So big, so white, so tender, pink... Li Yunfei felt that his head was a little foggy. It stands to reason that he should turn his head slightly to avoid it, showing his gentleman's demeanor. Unconsciously, the super dynamic vision reappeared. The slightly swaying and undulating, pink and tender protrusions were especially clear to see, like slow motion. Slowly turned around and walked towards the bathroom. When walking, the body that bulged forward and backward twisted naturally, an indescribable temptation...

Listening to the sound of rushing water and looking at the looming figure, Li Yunfei really had the urge to go over and wash together, but now that he is recovering from a serious illness, he should not do such things.

Although I tried hard not to think about it, I usually like to eat chocolate biscuits, but today it is as dull as chewing wax, and my mind has long been attracted by the sound of running water in the bathroom...

In order to avoid being distracted, I decided to open the storage space to organize things.

As soon as he thought about it, the storage space was instantly opened. It was really surprising, or in other words, he was very surprised. He found that the space had expanded a lot, and quickly scanned it. The data is as high as 18.15 cubic meters. It seems that these days of meditation day and night, coupled with maybe the virus, has played some unknown role, so this free time has suddenly skyrocketed.

He quickly focused his attention on the tablet and checked his attributes. Sure enough, his mental attributes had changed, but it was not the 18 points he guessed, but only 10 points. What would a 10-point mental power have? The space is not clear, but this is a great thing for me.

The other three attributes have not been degraded, it is still 8:00, 7:00, 8:00, but there is an additional body status display, indicating that he is in an extremely weak state and can only exert 40% of his attributes... This evaluation is very real, I am really weak now, but after two days of rest, I should be able to recover...

I don't know when she had finished taking a bath, and she was half-covered with a bath towel towards the closet. It was an indescribable temptation. You could swear that if she wasn't in a weak state now, she would be wildly beastly.

It was the first time that Li Yunfei discovered, UU reading www. uukanshu.com turned out to have several sets of Anna's clothes in his wardrobe

"Darling, do you need me to wash it for you?" Anna turned her head and asked after she took out a set of clothes and put it on.

"...Well, uh, I don't need it anymore. I can do it myself. Anna, you should go back and rest first. You seem to be in a very bad state of mind." That must be a very wonderful thing, but your body has just recovered, so don't make a fuss, or how embarrassing it is to faint in the bathroom under the agitation?

"Okay then, my dear, rest well and get well soon. I'll go back to sleep first!" Anna was really sleepy, and she hadn't rested at all in the past few days, so seeing that Li Yunfei was in good condition, she went back by herself Go to sleep.

Anna said goodbye and left, and it was not until a long time later that Li Yunfei's mood calmed down, and he hurried to take a shower, but there was still a lot of Anna's breath in the bathroom, which made Li Yunfei unable to stop thinking for a while, and had to turn the water temperature Lowering it a lot can be regarded as calming down a bit.

For the first time, I walked out of a room that I hadn't left for nearly a week. In these six days, a total of 34 people were infected, and the number of deaths was as high as 11, and the death rate reached one-third. It is an extremely terrifying disease.

However, compared to when the virus first swept the world, the infection fatality rate was as high as more than 90%. Now the death rate of one-third is nothing.

Of course, this has a lot to do with the fact that people have experienced the first test, so they have resistance when they attack the second time. The mutation attack of this virus has passed, and most people have stabilized and started to recover, but the speed of recovery is somewhat different for different physiques.

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