Time Traveler

Chapter 57: Believers

It feels good to see the sunshine again, and it is good to see familiar and busy people again.

Although a disease broke out in the camp and more than a dozen people died, everyone didn't seem to be too sad. Maybe it was because they were used to seeing life and death and seeing their relatives leave in the end.

The living should cherish life well, and the dead sleep in the ground.

It is better to die of illness in the camp than to be eaten alive by terrifying zombies outside.

Slowly walking towards the farm not far away, looking at the large cornfield in the distance, and seeing the green potatoes in the distance, I really felt like I was back in the countryside when I was a child. some fascinated.

He vaguely felt that someone was approaching him from behind. He walked very lightly and hardly made any sound, as if he didn't want to disturb him, but he was still sensed by his strange perception and couldn't help turning his head.

"I'm sorry for disturbing your thinking!" Xia La quickly apologized when she saw Li Yunfei looking back. The tone of his speech was very respectful and polite, which made Li Yunfei feel a little weird, but at that time he pretended to be some kind of divine envoy, so it was normal for the other party to be more respectful.

"Why, I was in a daze just now."

"I knew the Lord wouldn't call you back so soon... It's great to see you feeling better!"

"Uh, thanks to Anna's care this time, otherwise I would have to answer the call of God and his old man and go back to heaven." Li Yunfei said with a half-hearted smile.

"...Did you stay for Anna's sake?" Xia really wanted to say it. In fact, I also went to help, but I didn't say it after thinking about it.

"This, that's it!"

"Anna is so lucky to be able to take care of you."

"It's the opposite of what I said. I'm really happy to be taken care of by her... Xia La, you will also be very happy. You can see that several handsome guys in the distance have been secretly watching you, come on. what."

"...Thank you, then I won't disturb you." Xia La finally said goodbye and left, so as not to disturb Li Yunfei's walk, especially since there were a few admirers in the distance.

In fact, Xia La's gratitude to Li Yunfei is not just for saving her life, but she feels that her soul has been saved.

Originally, she didn't hold any hope for the future. She lived with fear every day, resigned herself to adversity, no longer thought, her soul had completely fallen, or she had lost herself. Every time she was tortured, she would have no other thoughts except fear.

Until the appearance of Li Yunfei, not only did he save himself and end all suffering, but he also regarded himself as a person and helped him regain himself...

Although Li Yunfei didn't do much in principle, she still attributed all the credit to Li Yunfei. In fact, now she believes in Li Yunfei more than she believes in God. Every time she prays, the image of Li Yunfei always appears, so the current Xia La can also be said to be a believer of Li Yunfei.

In fact, there are still many rescued people in the camp who inadvertently regard Li Yunfei as the object of prayer, but they have not reached the level of faith.

Glenn also staggered out of the gate of the fortress building, and when he saw Li Yunfei, he also staggered over.

"Brother, you look so miserable, you can't even walk steadily."

"Brother, it's good for you to go there. Isn't it only possible to go to the ground today?"

"...Yeah, it's really dangerous this time. If I hadn't been taken care of by Anna, I'd be dead."

"Brother, what you said is wrong. Without Anna, there are people who are willing to take care of you. You are not a woman friend for nothing. The girls who are willing to take care of you can form a reinforcement platoon."

"Uh, don't talk nonsense, it's not good for Anna to hear."

"Look, you're nervous, it's not even a family yet... Brother, I decided to be with Julia, bless us and give us a great gift!" Glen looked at the busy Julia from a distance, Suddenly said something.

"Congratulations on getting off the list... But I'm also in love with Anna, so let's avoid any big gifts!"

"Have you really decided?"


"Maybe Amy would be very unconvinced. If it wasn't for her illness, she would definitely be willing to take care of you... But no matter what, our strange creatures in the camp are not really weird anymore!"

Some people in the camp with good physical strength are starting to get out of bed one after another. Those with poor physical fitness may still need to lie in bed for a few days. There was a very exciting news from the doctor.

The people who survived the virus mutation this time have all produced a brand new antibody, and the few people who died in the camp have voluntarily or were voluntarily become test subjects, and found some more crucial things.

Maybe there is hope to develop a vaccine that can really deal with the zombie virus, but more equipment is needed. The equipment in the camp alone is really difficult to support the entire experiment. Of course, this matter will be discussed in the future. Thought of a way.

Although it is only a possibility, but everyone in the camp started to imagine a better future, the virus was completely dealt with, and then the world continued to recover, and then the zombies were wiped out, people began to multiply again, a new world restart…

Now there is only one person working as an assistant for Dr. Jenner. The good news is that two more assistants have been added. Unfortunately, neither of them studied that major.

Remembering that I decided to be with Anna, the world still needs to make it clear to Amy. Although it may make her angry for a while, it doesn't matter if the time passes, so after lunch I heard that Amy was completely awake, and she went to her room with familiarity.

Originally, I wanted to say that I had decided to be with Anna, but seeing Amy lying sick in bed, she swallowed her words. It seems inappropriate to talk about this now. I'd better wait for her to fully recover. It's better to say later.

Of course, Amy was very happy that Li Yunfei came to visit her when she was recovering from a serious illness. Holding Li Yunfei's hand, she chatted non-stop until she fell asleep when she was tired, and Li Yunfei was able to escape.

Li Yunfei didn't know that when he left Amy's room, Anna was actually watching him not far away... Although I can't say how disappointed I was, it was still somewhat lonely, because from this situation, Li Yunfei might actually like Amy more. some more. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

A small misunderstanding also led to the decision to go to find him at night, but Li Yunfei didn't know that, if he knew that his good deeds had just gone to waste, he would definitely regret it.

After resting for a whole day, her body was already in a state of recovery, and her heart was fiery. After waiting for night to fall, she found a way to push Anna back.

I really didn't expect that Anna didn't even bring herself a late-night snack. In the middle of the night, she couldn't help it. She sneaked over to find someone, but she vaguely heard that there was another person in her room. It was her classmate Julia, two. What are people talking about together.

Judging from the meaning that was vaguely revealed during the chat, she seemed to have some agreement with Amy, and she also said that she didn't want to repay her favor, some very messy reasons, which really gave Li Yunfei a headache... It seems that this I still have to make it clear to Amy, and I have to wait a few days.

Although now I am a bit like a bull in rut, but I really have no chance to trick Anna into my bed, so I can only go back to the room to practice the meditation technique to eliminate those thoughts of desire.

After this serious illness, the scope of the white light expanded a little while meditating, and the shadow in the white light was a little clearer, vaguely like the situation in my own room, and I even saw my own figure, but it was too confused to be sure. .

After waking up and exercising the meditation technique the next day, I habitually scanned the growth of the space and saw that the growth would make me more eager to continue exercising.

I scanned the storage space, 18.30 cubic meters, an increase of 0.15 cubic meters a day, which is a bit surprising. It seems that there is no basic standard for the growth of real space. That's right.

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