Time Traveler

Chapter 55: virus strikes

Li Yunfei woke up in a groggy day. I don't know why today I felt weak, dizzy, and had some chest tightness. I really wanted to cough. I just coughed a little, and immediately there was a rhythm that I couldn't stop. ... I worked hard to hold my breath for a long time before I stopped the urge to cough.

Cough, cough... cough, cough... I vaguely heard the sound of coughing one after another in the camp, which made Li Yunfei start to worry too.

"It won't be so unlucky! Could it be that a terrible infectious disease has broken out?" Suddenly someone screamed in the distance, and it sounded like Anna. Although his head was a little dizzy and his body was exhausted, he rushed out of the door quickly.

In the distance, a person with blood all over his face should be a night shift worker. He didn't know what was going on, but he had turned into a zombie and was walking towards Anna. Fortunately, that one hadn't bitten anyone yet.

"Bang!" A gunshot sounded the zombie's head, and just one shot made Li Yunfei's body sway, and he had to help the door frame.

I can be sure that I am indeed sick, and it seems that I am still very serious. I have been safe for more than two months. The most helpless and the most terrifying test is coming.

If it is an enemy, there is still a way to kill it, but when this virus strikes, it is really scary to think about it. The even more scary thing is that he is infected and becomes sick. Maybe there is no way to do it, it is completely a matter of life and death.

I thought that I was only in this world, and it was impossible for me to encounter such a terrible disease after staying for a year, but I didn't expect to encounter it so quickly.

Anna was frightened enough by the zombie just now. When she saw Li Yunfei, it was as if she saw Reliance. She ran over crying, hoping for some comfort.

"Anna, don't come here, I seem to be sick too!" Li Yunfei shouted, and quickly returned to the house, closing the door.

"Dear, let me in, I can take care of you." When Anna heard that Li Yunfei was also sick, she was nervous. She regarded Li Yunfei as her patron saint and was rescued from the brink of death. Then I thought so.

"Don't come in, this disease may be contagious, go and inform others, all those who are sick stay in the room for isolation, and go to James and Andrew to ask if they know what the disease is. In addition, you should try your best to Please stay in the room to reduce going out, and tell everyone that if you find someone and the death has become a zombie, you should eliminate it as soon as possible..." Li Yunfei instructed, but never let anyone in, it seems that Anna has not been infected, nor I don't know what the route of infection is, so it's better to avoid contact as much as possible.


The situation is quite serious. By noon, the number of infected people has soared to nearly one-sixth, and the more bad news is that this new mutated virus has never been seen before, and Dr. Jenner has nothing at all. The only way is to provide each person with antibiotics, hoping to play some role.

However, it is obvious that the effect is not good. By the evening, three people have died. This virus looks similar to the state of the zombie virus that just broke out.

Nearly one-fifth of the people in the camp have symptoms of varying degrees, and the isolation does not seem to have any effect. The only benefit is that if he dies and turns into a zombie, he will be trapped in the room, but he will come out and bite.

However, there is one thing that is gratifying, that is, everyone did not show any intention of running away, or driving out sick people, which is really rare in such a doomsday era.

Li Yunfei's condition did not show any signs of slowing down. His lungs seemed to be burning, so he could only forcibly endure it without daring to cough. Because I had a small cough earlier, I started coughing non-stop in an instant, as if I had to cough out my lungs.

In that case, it is very likely that the lungs and trachea will be coughed and injured directly. If the trachea is really damaged and there is a lot of bleeding, then you will be completely finished. The three people who died in the camp were choked to death by their own blood because of massive lung hemorrhage.

The only thing I can do now seems to be, through that meditation technique, relax yourself, calm down your anxious and tense state of mind, relax, relax again, let your body completely relax, and let yourself not feel so uncomfortable. There are some benefits.

"I won't die here, I will definitely live, I believe everything will be fine..." He kept on self-hypnosis to strengthen his confidence.

The sickness is the most helpless. No one can help him. The two doctors are helpless. No medicine can work. They can only hope that their immune system can be successfully upgraded.

Continuing to meditate, my consciousness becomes blurred, and I can only pause, but once I stop, my lungs will feel uncomfortable. As long as I cough a little, I can't stop.

This situation seems to be a bit unpredictable. If he just died of illness, maybe he is the most useless transmigrator who died... I don't know if he will go back if he hangs up or not.


As night fell, Anna, who had been busy all day, came to the door again. In fact, several people came to call the door today, hoping to help take care of it. Instead of opening the door, she just locked the door.

"Dear, just let me in, James and the others said, if the person who will be infected is already infected, and the person who hasn't become sick yet will not be infected, let me in!" Anna Try to keep your voice as calm as possible, because crying will only make the patient more uncomfortable, and the other party will not open the door.

Listening to Anna's voice outside the door, Li Yunfei hesitated for a long time, and finally stood up and opened the door. If he didn't get infected, he really didn't want to be alone. When he was seriously ill, he really wanted to have someone by his side. .

"...You take the gun Anna. If I really die, just shoot my head. Remember not to hesitate." Li Yunfei put a pistol in the other's hand, very serious Said, it looks like an account of the funeral, but his idea is very simple. If he really dies, it is best not to hurt others, let alone the people he likes.

"No, you will definitely get better. You are Mr. Fantastic who can create miracles!"

"Take it just in case, if I die, just shoot, otherwise you should go back and don't stay here..."

Under Li Yunfei's strong request~www.wuxiamtl.com~ finally accepted the pistol, looking at Li Yunfei's ill appearance, he couldn't help tearing up, but whenever Li Yunfei turned to look at her, he always forced a smile on his face. Means everything will be fine.

However, Li Yunfei couldn't see her expression anymore. From time to time, she would have a high fever, and she would feel dizzy and dizzy. There were anti-fever medicines, but after taking it, she would have a fever again, and the effect was really bad.

It seems that there are tens of thousands of ants crawling in my lungs, it really seems like I have a cough, but I still endure it firmly, and try my best to use the meditation technique to draw my attention away, forget the physical discomfort, and hope that the meditation technique really works. can play some role, dead horse as a living horse doctor.

Anna kept changing Li Yunfei's cold towel, and kept wiping her body, so that the temperature of his burning body was slightly lowered. I don't know if it would help, but now there is no other good way.

Antipyretics are ineffective, antibiotics are not good, and there are no other special medicines. Even if the two doctors are in charge, they still can't come up with a treatment plan, because this time the virus and the zombie virus have the same source, and they have upgraded and mutated. A little bit, there is really no way.

One after another, sometimes awake, sometimes in a coma, Li Yunfei has no idea how long he can hold on, but every time he wakes up, he can always see Anna's own hand. It seemed that he had gained the strength to persevere. Sometimes when I wake up and see her lying on the side of my bed, with a haggard face and tears in the corners of her eyes, I am really moved.

I swear that in my life, apart from my mother, there is no other woman who treats me like this. If I can survive, no matter what happens in the future, as long as I am still in this world, I will treat her well every day, and I will never make her sad...

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