Time Traveler

Chapter 54: strange arsenal

The basement is very ordinary, only more than three meters deep. With the strong light flashlight, I can see that it is not gold and silver treasures. It is full of weapons and ammunition. I even seem to see some artillery shells and grenades. It is like an arsenal.

I don't know what the owner was thinking. He put so much ammunition in the basement. If it accidentally exploded, wouldn't the villa be bombed to heaven?

Is it for temporary storage?

The set of Earth Warriors that I found yesterday was placed in the living room, and it was supposed to be moved into the basement. Something happened later, so the person who moved the things just dropped the things and ran away.

Basically, there are a lot of different types of guns and ammunition, and it looks more like a light weapons exhibition hall... No matter what it is, these things are all their own.

The open box placed in the most conspicuous position in the center is a heavy sniper. Li Yunfei, who is a game mystery, recognized this product at first sight. Although the number on the box is M107, the other name is even more serious. Loud, Barrett M82A3.

In many modern gunfighting games, this heavy sniper is like an artifact. Unexpectedly, I have actually seen the real thing. Of course, this thing will also become my own collection. As for whether it can be used or not, it is a good question. Learn this slowly by yourself.

In the box is a complete set of equipment. It is also equipped with a sight and a night vision goggles. Sometimes it is necessary to carry a condenser, a laser rangefinder, a barometer, etc., and even several magazines are accompanied.

In particular, this heavy sniper is also equipped with two boxes of special ammunition (500 rounds in one box), armor-piercing incendiary bombs, of course, the heavy sniper caliber is also 12.7 mm, which can be used for the same caliber of heavy machine gun ammunition, so I am not afraid of insufficient ammunition. use.

Anti-Material Sniper Rifle

Power: 30, the power of special ammunition is calculated separately...

Diameter: 12.7mm

Muzzle velocity: 853 m/s

Accurate and effective range: 1850 meters

Maximum range: 6800 meters

Magazine: 10/20 rounds

Weight: 14kg...

This is the simple data scanned by the flat panel, and the evaluation of power is really high.

The weapons in the basement are really comprehensive. After a preliminary inspection, there are nearly 200 types of firearms, with different lengths and calibers, and basically none of them are identical.

One of them was also found. The shell gun that is often seen in domestic film and television dramas is still brand new. This weapon collection is really comprehensive enough.

There is a box in the corner, RPG-7 rocket launcher and 5 rockets. This product can be said to be the most common type of rocket launcher, and it is also the easiest to use.

The entire small arsenal was swept away, and more than 200 firearms of various signals were obtained, and the bullets were in a mess of various specifications. This should be the owner of this magical power, who bought it specially for collection, but today it's all cheap.

After picking out a few guns that he liked, and leaving a dozen boxes of ammunition for himself, the rest of the weapons and ammunition were all put on the car, ready to be brought back for unified distribution and use.

It feels quite good to drive home with a half-cart of ammunition. The population in the camp is increasing, and many people do not have guns. They originally had guns. It was also lost. Now each person can be equipped with a gun and more than 100 rounds of ammunition. In case of any special situation, they can go into battle at any time. Of course, this must be assigned only by trusted people. ammunition.

I hummed a little song all the way home. If I encountered zombies on the way, I would still kill them. Although the reward for killing zombies is negligible now, no matter how small the mosquitoes are, it is also very good to accumulate less meat.


At 9:30 in the night, Amy brought herself a bowl of supper on time. It has become a habit for supper now. If this time comes, if you don't eat it, it will feel like something is missing.

"Li, why don't you eat fat all the time? How on earth do you do it?" Amy is very envious of Li Yunfei's good appetite every day and always eating without gaining weight.

"If you go out early and come back late every day, of course you won't get fat if you do so many things."

"In fact, there is no need to go out to find things now. The things stored in the camp are enough for a whole year."

"Hey, there's no way, I'm born to work hard... By the way, Amy, how about I teach you a meditation technique?"

"Meditation? I seem to know a little."

"I'm different, it's purely original!"

"Oh, then teach me!"

"Come here and lie down!" Li Yunfei patted the bed and said.

"...Oh!" Amy was stunned for a moment, but she walked over and lay down. What about teaching meditation? This guy's reason for lying to himself about uploading is really ridiculous, but this guy finally has some vision and chose himself. , not the big-breasted Anna, so the mood is still quite good.

"Now, please close your eyes!"

"It's so long-winded, come here!" Amy immediately stood Li Yunfei by the bed, pulled him to the bed, and turned over directly.

"Uh, that, Amy, you misunderstood..." Before he could finish speaking, Amy blocked his mouth, and even the little tongue had stuck into his own mouth. This was a completely reversed rhythm... …

Of course, Li Yunfei can easily stop everything from happening, but he feels that he chose one of them passively, which is pretty good to tell the truth. Anna... If I say this, I will definitely be scolded as a scumbag...

"Dong dong dong..." There was a knock on the door, but the door was opened. Anna stood at the door, looking at the two people rolling together in the room.

"Amy, is it a foul if you look like this?"

"Why did I foul? It was Li who put me in bed."

"I heard my dear just say that I want to teach you meditation."

"...You really just want to teach me meditation?" Seeing Li Yunfei's embarrassed look, Amy finally asked.

"This... Indeed, but how can you eavesdrop, Anna? It's not very good."

"I'm sorry, dear, I just overheard when I came to ask you to fix your computer."

"Anna, why does the computer at your house break every day?" Amy said very uncomfortable.

"Then why does your game always need the help of your dear to clear the level?" Anna retorted.

"You two calm down first, sit down and have a cup of tea first!" Li Yunfei hurriedly stopped the quarrel between the two girls, lest the people in the camp would see the jokes and make double the tea for the two of them~www.wuxiamtl .com~ Pulled the two and sat down.

I was also a little helpless. I really wanted to say just now that I took the initiative to take Amy to bed, and then the matter could be ended directly, but it seemed hard to say anything against my heart, especially when Anna heard it.

These two girls don't seem to give each other any chance. As long as the other girl takes a little longer to deliver supper, there will definitely be various reasons to come to find him, and then inadvertently destroy his "good thing".

After a cup of tea, everyone's emotions calmed down, and finally they talked about the cause of the matter, and about the meditation technique, and also told them about their unique meditation technique.

"Dear, you are really lazy. Does meditation pay attention to the environment, mood and posture?"

"Actually, I used this meditation technique to treat insomnia. However, after exercising for a long time, I found that I feel very good after getting up every day, so you can also try exercising for a few months to see... Maybe there are some other benefits."

"What's the benefit? Are you not fat?" Although Amy is not fat at all, she still cares about whether she is fat or not. She definitely wouldn't have thought about it two months ago. The problem of eating enough, but recently the farm has been reclaimed very well, and the breeding industry has also developed, so there is no need to worry about the food problem in the camp in the future.

"This, maybe it's possible!" The meditation technique that I practiced also seemed to consume a lot of calories, at least a lot more than the consumption of sleep, so in a sense it was really possible.

After Li Yunfei's words, the two girls suddenly became interested. After listening to Li Yunfei's introduction, they went back and tried to study. Only Li Yunfei, who was a little horny, was left to solve the problem by himself in the room. The teasing is a bit harsh.

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