Time Traveler

Chapter 53: Is this supernatural?

I don't have any scruples when I go out alone, and I don't sit idle in the car. I constantly practice the ability to retrieve objects from space.

This was originally a skill that did not require practice at all, but if you practiced it proficiently, it would have infinite benefits.

Others practiced the sword-drawing technique, but I practiced the object-taking technique. I was going to train the ability to take weapons from the storage space to the point where there was no need for mental locking at all. As long as the thought moved, the thing would appear directly in the hand. degree, there may be some unexpected benefits.

I passed by yesterday's monster clearing spot again, and I smelled the stench from a distance. This place can be regarded as a real 'mass grave'. Within a range of more than 100 meters, there are tens of thousands of corpses piled together like this. Just imagine how bad it is.

She quickly put on a gas mask and walked around the road from a distance. Fortunately, the location here is flat, and you can go around the main road without pressing over the piles of corpses, otherwise you will really be disgusted to death.

Tens of thousands of zombies, layer upon layer within a radius of more than 100 meters, look terrible.

After driving a long distance, I dared to take off the gas mask, but the airtightness of this big truck is really poor, and several flies actually got into the cab, flying around in the cab, when I think of where these flies come from' I brought it here from the vicinity of the mass grave, and I felt uncomfortable all over.

He hurriedly rolled down the car window and looked at a few flies flying in the cab. He was afraid that those things would land on his face, which would make him feel disgusting.

Suddenly, there was a very strange feeling. Those flies seemed to be flying too slowly. If one or two were like this, it would be normal, but if all seven or eight were flying slowly, it would be very strange. What's even more weird is that the speed at which he stretches out his hand is also a little slow.

A fly that flies slowly and really wants to stop on its face, it's simply despising itself, and it wants to stop my face when it flies so slowly. Is this the legendary slap in the face? It's easy to bully when my hands are sore, right?

He slapped it fiercely. It was a bit surprising that the fly did not speed up and fly away because of the approach of his slap, but was slapped directly out. It felt quite weird. The fly that was slapped out was still very slow, and then hit the glass and died directly.

"What the hell. With such a swipe, a fly is killed out of thin air?" Li Yunfei couldn't believe it was true when he looked at the flies that were 'sticked' on the glass with some deformation.

"No, this situation is very abnormal. I waved my hand very hard just now. Why does the speed feel so slow? Even if my hand is a little sore, it can't be so slow. Also, what kind of palm was there just now, I can feel a lot of wind pressure... Could it be bullet time...isn't the dynamic visual ability improved again?"

There was another fly that was not afraid of dying and wanted to stop on his face, but the speed was still very slow. This time, he looked very carefully, and could see the trajectory of the fly's wings...

This made Li Yunfei very excited. This is a very remarkable thing. You can see the trajectory of the wings of the fly. What is the concept? This is absolutely extremely fast dynamic vision, which should be more than ten times faster than normal human dynamic vision.

Once again, it was very laborious to kill a fly, and then turn to look at other flies. The dynamic vision is still effective. All eight flies in total were successfully killed or stunned...

Although a few flies were eliminated, it was more tiring than killing hundreds of zombies, and I even felt dizzy.

Although it is very tiring, it is undeniable that this magical 'power' is definitely useful, and it can definitely save lives at critical moments.

It is also certain that the appearance of this magical ability is inseparable from the meditation technique. Since the light spot between the eyebrows spread, some strange things have happened.

Maybe it's not just pure dynamic vision, because at that moment, when a fly flew from behind him, he also had some feeling. As for the unknown ability, the range of sensing distance is about 1.5 meters away from him. .

As long as it makes you feel uncomfortable, or when something threatening is approaching, you will feel it.

This is not from the experience of the flies today, but from the eradication of zombies a few days ago, because there is always a little feeling of zombies approaching from their backs. Although I didn't see or hear it, I could still feel that something was approaching me behind me. As long as I was within about 1.5 meters, I would feel it. It is unclear whether the range of this induction will expand in the future.

"...Then the meditation technique is getting more and more amazing. Did I accidentally create a super magic skill? Why don't I let Anna Amy and the others learn it when I go back?" Li Yunfei suddenly felt that he might be able to teach it. They also learn, and maybe they can learn some magical skills. Although this is unlikely, it seems that there is no harm in learning meditation. If there are some magical skills, it will not greatly improve their survival ability.

When I used to practice meditation by myself, I never insisted on it for several months. It was all three days of fishing and two days of netting, so even if it was a real magic, it would not have fart effects. If the two girls have been exercising seriously for a few months, some miraculous effects are also possible.

Although it is said that the two are not my own women in the true sense, but subconsciously, I have already regarded them as my own women. If someone stole them now, my mood will definitely be very bad. , the human heart is so strange.

After a delay of about ten minutes, I was no longer dizzy and then drove forward again, heading for the town I visited yesterday, because yesterday I moved a few houses, and the truck was full, and the last one that entered yesterday. The Earth Warrior combat system can be found in the villa, and maybe there are some other things, and it has to be carefully searched.

The old rules are driving the car in the town, honking the horn and walking slowly back and forth in the town, but only brought out a few dozen zombies. Great villa.

The combat system can be found in this villa. There should be some other good things in that kind of tall thing. This large villa has a total of more than ten rooms, and Li Yunfei searched carefully.

After searching for more than half an hour, I searched all the rooms, upstairs and downstairs, the kitchen and bathroom were not spared, but I didn't find anything good, and UU reading www.uukanshu.com did not find any secret rooms, and finally still Give up wasting time.

Originally, there was a secret room in this house, where I could find a lot of weapons and ammunition, but now it seems that I think too much... Maybe I can't find the secret room! Li Yunfei always thought that there were good things here, but he just couldn't find the secret place.

It's not my style after finding so many hands in the sky and returning it. There are still a lot of things in the home of this big local tyrant. The red wood shelf in the corner of the living room is very good. If you take it back and put it in the room, you should be able to Make your room look stylish.

After sorting out the storage space, a space of 1.8 meters in height, 1.2 meters in width and 0.5 meters in thickness was cleared, and the high-end bookshelf was locked, and the books inside were put into the storage space.

"Crack!" After a sound, the cabinet was forcibly cut in half, but the back was still built into the wall...

"Nima, is there really a secret room?" After the cabinet was damaged, it was discovered that there was a secret door hidden behind this thing, which was really surprising.

The cabinet was damaged, and the secret door mechanism was also damaged. With a slight push, the secret door slid to both sides, revealing an 80-centimeter-wide doorway. There is also a stairway down the back, mysterious, maybe there is something good.

Entering the unknown underground secret room, it felt like a treasure hunt, and I was always nervous.

However, there is no such thing as the imagined traps, that is, there are several sensors on the stairs, which should be used for the alarm system, but the power outage is completely useless for too long.

I don't know what good things will be hidden here. Will there be piles of gold?

When you find a secret room, you can't help but think of things like gold and silver treasures.

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