Time Traveler

Chapter 52: A little unexpected gain

This group of people escaped from a farm hundreds of kilometers away and was attacked by zombies. They wanted to find a suitable place to rebuild their homes, but they encountered an accident here.

After Li Yunfei communicated with a middle-aged leader of the group, the other party even took the initiative to hand over the weapons in order to show sincerity, and finally decided to bring the group back to the camp.

On the way home, I was in a pretty good mood. Although the shoulders were a little swollen from shooting too many bullets, but after killing so many zombies in one go, I gained a lot, so I didn't feel so uncomfortable.

It's just that Andrea is still in shock. Looking at the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood in the distance, her whole body is really bad, especially when she sees Li Yunfei who is in a good mood, she is really a little scared. is too crazy. I'm also considering whether to team up with this guy in the future, always playing like this will kill you sooner or later.

So many bullets were fired in one breath, and the entire shoulder and arm were quite numb. Today's good, but tomorrow will be very uncomfortable. Although the recoil of the M16 rifle is not large, it is continuous. The more than 8,000 rounds of bullets fired for a few hours are indeed stronger.

After taking a dozen people back to the camp to communicate with a few committee members in the camp, and after asking those people carefully, everyone successfully passed Li Yunfei's proposal to let that group of people join the camp.

Unconsciously, the population of the camp had once again expanded to 153 people. Fortunately, many of them lived in one room as a family, otherwise the hundred or so residential units would not be enough.


"How about Amy discussing something with you?" Andrea, who returned to the room, was finally ready to talk to her sister. Today, she was really a little scared, not only the scene of the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood, but also the box of grenades, which was placed directly under the seat of the car, that guy is really crazy.

"What's the matter?" Seeing the serious expression on the old lady's face, she thought there was something important, so she also sat down.

"Don't go looking for that Yunfei. Although he is a good man, he is really crazy. He even put seven or eight boxes of ammunition and grenades in the cab of the truck..."

"If there is no ammunition, how can he destroy those zombies, and how can he save those people? Everyone says he is a hero!" Amy said disapprovingly.

"It's true that he is a hero, but he is not suitable for you. That person is too crazy and too risky!"

"Having saved a dozen people, isn't it right to take some risks?"

"...Of course, I admire it too, but such a brave person is especially prone to accidents!"

"I don't care, the world is so dangerous anyway, who knows when I'll die of illness, I just like him..." Although he knew that his old sister only cared about himself, but after listening to the old sister's words, Still very unhappy.

Although it is about to enter autumn, the weather is a bit hotter, and it was not until the middle of the night that people began to go back to their rooms to sleep one after another. Anna is very kind to herself. Not only did she deliver supper to herself, but she also gave herself a massage. I heard that she killed tens of thousands of zombies and saved more than a dozen people today. She worshipped her to the core.

Of course, it is very good to be admired by beautiful women. Of course, it is very comfortable for beautiful women to massage themselves, but because it is so comfortable, I went to sleep directly after a long time. I am really tired today. Killing the headshots of tens of thousands of zombies in one's breath seems to be calm and clear, but it is actually an extremely exhausting thing.

Seeing that Li Yunfei was asleep, Anna just kissed her secretly and went back to her room to sleep. Although she really wanted to stay, she had agreed with Amy at the beginning, and the winner would be the one who took the initiative to choose to stay. Since everything has been agreed, don't break this rule. Life in the camp is very stable, everyone is very happy, and getting along in harmony is the most important thing.


Tian Wei Ming's biological clock automatically woke up Li Yunfei who was sleeping. The first thing he did when he woke up was to practice the meditation technique. I actually fell asleep last night and forgot to exercise meditation. This is not a good phenomenon. No matter what in the future, I have to insist on exercising for a while and then sleep. I must learn to persevere as a person. .

It is said that Wenrou Township is a hero's tomb. This is absolutely true. I was only massaged by Anna a few times last night, so I forgot about the practice of meditation. Shouldn't the exercise thing be completely forgotten?

After more than half an hour of meditation, I hurriedly scanned the storage space, but was stunned for a moment. It seemed that the growth was a lot more than expected. The number has become 9.95 cubic meters, which has almost grown overnight. 0.5 cubic meters.

"Could it be that yesterday's highly concentrated shooting exercised his mental power?" Li Yunfei instantly guessed the possibility, but this kind of thing is difficult to encounter, and it is also very uncomfortable. If you do this often, it may also damage your body. There will be some unknown damage. So the best way is to practice meditation once a day in the morning and evening. It is best to stay in the room to practice meditation. It is safe and comfortable, and it is even possible to exercise some special functions. Grow up happily, and also help your physical and mental health...it's just too good.

Although my body was a little sore and weak, I still went to exercise for more than half an hour, and the soreness on my arm was relieved a lot.

Yesterday, although I was tired and sore, and my bullets were consumed a bit, I was still very excited to see the huge gains. I took out the tablet again to appreciate it carefully, but a new message appeared under the tablet group. :

The task is doubled and the task reward is weakened. From 20,000 to 30,000, every 500 zombies will be rewarded with 1 point. Between 30,000 and 40,000 will be rewarded with 1 point for every 1,000 zombies killed. If more than 100,000 zombies are killed, 100,000 zombies will be rewarded with 1 point. integral.

"I wipe, isn't this too stingy?" Seeing the new information prompt, I was also a little depressed. I thought I found a good way to earn points, but now it seems that this road is not feasible, and only 1 point is given for 100,000. Even if you use nuclear missiles to hit, you won't get many points~www.wuxiamtl.com~ I continued to organize the items in the storage space once, but now there are only more than 7,000 rifle bullets left. This rifle Bullets, there is a chance to save more points. This rifle has at least 10,000 rounds of ammunition.

There are only a dozen or so grenades left, and now I am stockpiling 5,000 rounds of ammunition with two M2 heavy machine guns, and 20 rifles. More than 6,000 rounds of ammunition, more than 10,000 rounds of ammunition for 15 pistols, 5 shotguns and 1,000 rounds of shotguns, 6 rockets with a rocket launcher, and a single-soldier combat system is more powerful Of course, it is a bit unique to even dare to be called a land warrior, but I will not use it for the time being. I will study it later, but the information on the firearms and helmets has a high degree of collection, and there seem to be many data correction procedures. The probe can measure data such as wind speed and air pressure, and can also perform ballistic correction, which is very suitable for snipers. All weapons occupy nearly 3 cubic meters of storage space.

The construction in the camp is still going on. A new set of buildings similar to the Octagon has already begun to get the foundation. The reason why it is so soon to be built is that so many people can't be idle.

Also, the piles of cement that had been brought back from the construction site with great effort could no longer be placed there. If they were not used up in a few months, the cement would be completely hardened and discarded.

So after everyone discussed it for a while, building a similar building, the cement will be used up, and then only wood, stone and iron plates can be used for construction. Of course, such a building is far less durable than a cement building.

Andrea was also frightened by yesterday's madness, and did not dare to continue to follow her actions, so she just suggested a little. another team.

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