Time Traveler

Chapter 51: Killed thousands of zombies

Every time I look for something, I occasionally find some strange things. Today, in a luxurious mansion, I found a very interesting thing and placed it in a corner of the living room.

It is a set of individual combat systems destined to be "Earth Warriors". It is indeed a combat system. There are many things used together. The information integrates good accessories such as helmets, armors, weapons, etc. It is a big box, but it's a pity Bullets without weapons... But this firearm seems to be an improved version of the M16, and the bullets should be compatible and universal.

Of course, such a novel thing is kept for my own use. It should be a trial product in development, maybe it is similar to the legendary 'Land Warrior' combat system.

As for why there is such a set of things here, maybe the owner of the house is a high-ranking official, maybe what weapon design, trial personnel, etc., who knows what is going on.

"Captain, I just found a lot of miscellaneous items today. What's the use of being so happy?" Seeing Li Yunfei looking happy on the way home, Andrea, who was driving, couldn't help but ask.

"Those are all good things, and they're very expensive." The things on the car today are indeed very valuable.

"What's the use of being expensive, and it can't be eaten as food!"

"This person, after the food and clothing are settled, there is always a need to pursue something..."

"Pursuit? Wouldn't it be easier to find someone you like to do something you love?"

"This... there seems to be gunshots, be careful!" At first, he was going to talk about his height, but suddenly he heard gunshots in the distance.

The car carefully turned around a small hillside, and saw a large number of zombies gathered on the road from a distance, and the number was very large. About a kilometer ahead, there were several large trucks surrounded by a huge group of zombies on the road. The number may be in the thousands.

"What should we do, should we take a detour?" Seeing so many zombies gathered together, Andrea seemed very nervous, and her first reaction was to turn the car and leave.

"There are a lot of people trapped over there, I'll go on the roof to see what's going on!"

"Do you still want to save people?" Seeing the densely packed zombies, it would be too dangerous to save people.

"I'm talking on the roof to see what's going on!" He quickly climbed the roof of the car, took out his binoculars, and carefully observed the situation in the distance.

There were about a dozen people on the roofs of several large trucks, including the elderly and children. After carefully observing the surrounding situation, it may be worth taking the risk to save people. The chance to save people is rare, but how to save this is a very serious question.

Although there are tens of thousands of zombies, but my ammunition reserve is very large, and the rifle ammunition is more than 15,000, but if I fight so many zombies for so long, the corpses can fill up my truck, and then I can Must be finished.

Maybe let Andrea slowly drive the car to move the position, and kill herself like a kite on the roof of the car...

Thinking of this place, I quickly got off the roof of the car. The opportunity to save people is indeed rare, let alone a dozen or so, it is worth taking the risk.

"How's it going, shall we leave?" Andrea, who was waiting impatiently, couldn't wait to ask when she saw Li Yunfei coming down. She really doesn't want to take risks. What if her sister is going to have an accident?

"...You try to slow down and approach, and when the zombies come around, let's move the position a little bit, can we do it?"

"Do you really want to be saved?"

"It's not easy for everyone, since we've encountered it, please help if you can!"

"...Okay, I'll experience a slowdown!"

She thought she was just driving away the zombies so that the group of people had a chance to escape, and then speeding up to escape by herself, although it was dangerous to do so, she should not be trapped. If she knew that Li Yunfei was going to destroy these tens of thousands of zombies, she would definitely regard Li Yunfei as a lunatic.

"Well, get out of the car first, I'm going to take some things out from under the seat!" Li Yunfei asked her to get out of the car in order to avoid the origin of the ammunition later, and pretended to pull out seven or eight boxes from under the car seat. of ammunition.

"My God, why is there so much ammunition here, how much ammunition did you bring out?" Li Yunfei's actions really frightened Andrea, how could this person be so crazy and go out with such bullets? I used to think it was abnormal when I went out with 3,000 rounds, but now there are tens of thousands of rounds of bullets. What is the situation?

Especially when he saw a box of grenades pulled out from under his own seat, he was so frightened that his heart skipped a beat. Is this going to fight? And why is the seat of this car so low that it is fully loaded with ammunition, so I am not afraid of any accidental explosion?

She checked the car with fear and trepidation, and she was relieved that there were no grenades. If there was one left and it exploded unexpectedly, she would be shattered.

Li Yunfei got on the roof of the car. After Andrea carefully turned the front of the car, she carefully reversed towards the place where the zombies gathered.

Li Yunfei, who was lying on the roof of the car, saw that the distance was about the same, so he took out a grenade, and threw it out with all his strength.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, and a large number of zombies were blown to the ground, but more than half of the zombies climbed up again. This defensive grenade is really powerful, but the effect against zombies is not ideal. , maybe less than ten were actually killed.

The dozen people over there were also excited when they saw someone being rescued. Originally, some of them had already started aiming their guns at their heads, wanting to use the last bullet to end their lives. Now that there is new hope, of course, I started to pray, this time I can really save the day.

Although the movement of the grenade was great, not a large number of zombies were attracted, and it still surrounded the large trucks. It is not clear why. I think there is something in the truck that is more attractive to the zombies. , I was still grenades here, seduced for a long time, but only sparsely attracted a little, and easily eliminated it with a rifle!

Since this is the case, maybe it would be a good choice to slowly clear the monsters along the way.

The rifle nodded, and cleaned up zombies at an average rate of one per second. When the distance was more than 50 meters, let Andrea get a little closer.

Although she was really reluctant to get close to the zombie pile, she said it when she went out. When she really encountered a large group of zombies, she would listen to the captain, otherwise it would never be possible for her to follow, so she could only continue to go there. The group of zombies is approaching ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ The headshots are still going on. Now when the rifle is used at a distance of more than 50 meters, the success rate of headshots can basically be 100%. The situation, because the zombies are almost always next to each other, and the power of the rifle bullet after penetrating the head of one zombie, still has a strong lethality to shoot into the head of the next zombie.

Zombies have no IQ at all. He killed all the way behind the zombies, and the zombies were still surrounding the big trucks, constantly pushing forward. What was there in the trucks that attracted zombies so much? It stands to reason that I am also a big living person lying on the roof of the car, so I should also attract some, right?

But that's fine, let's clear it all the way, and try to wipe out all the tens of thousands of zombies.

The operation of eliminating zombies has not been interrupted since noon, and continued until the evening, more than four hours have passed. In the end, only the last hundred or so zombies were left, but they were chopped down by Li Yunfei with a knife, and about 8,000 bullets were consumed.

Of course, the number of zombies killed by oneself is definitely more than 8,000. Taking a quick glance at the data displayed on the tablet, the total number of zombies killed by oneself is already 20,295, and the number of zombies killed last time was only about 11,000. The points also increased by dozens of points to 95.

Those 16 people were rescued by themselves, and they completed more than ten percent of the rescue tasks at one time. This is really a day of great harvest. When you return to the camp at night, you can have a good celebration...

When I heard the animals in the trucks from a distance, I understood why the zombies were surrounding the large trucks. It turned out that there were more than a dozen piglets and a group of lambs inside. , there are even a lot of turkeys, no wonder it attracts so many zombies.

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