Time Traveler

Chapter 50: The legendary wildfire plan

This is only a small town with three or four hundred families, but it looks very wealthy, and the small villas are well built. There are not many zombies in the whole town. The car honked its horn and walked back and forth twice in the whole town. Those zombies who could walk were drawn out, and there were more than 100 in total.

For this amount, you don’t need to use a gun, you only need to move a knife. Although it feels quite weird when practicing the knife in the morning, you can be sure that your slashing technique has been greatly improved in speed, accuracy and strength. It looks like a swordsman. Thousands of times a day, and it persists for a long time, it can always make people's fighting skills greatly improve. Even if it is a blind practice of swordsmanship, it is more than enough to deal with these slow-moving zombies, and it does not require too much skill to chop wood stakes.

Every time the knife is swung, a zombie must fall down. It's just over a hundred zombies. It really doesn't take long. It was a little surprising that Andrea, who thought it was just a fuel bottle, actually cut a dozen zombies with a knife.

Andrea was very excited to have successfully eliminated more than a dozen zombies. In the past few times, she had always made a fool of herself, but today she finally raised her eyebrows.

"How is it? I didn't drag you down this time, right?" Seeing her own victory, Andrea was somewhat complacent. Not many people in the camp could do this with a knife.

"Well, it's really not a drag, but didn't I let you stay in the car and help me keep watch?"

"You really are a conscienceless guy. I just got out of the car to help when I saw a few zombies approaching your back."

"If I told you that I deliberately brought a few zombies here to practice the swinging slash in swordsmanship, would you believe it?" A rhetorical question left Andrea speechless for a moment.

"For the past two months, I have been walking among the zombies by myself. How could it happen? Several zombies are close to my back, but I don't know what happened. If I was so careless, I would have become one of those zombies. food!"

"Okay, I was wrong, so what should I do if the captain wants me to do it, are you still going to beat me up?"

"Okay, your performance was not bad just now, at least you have the basic guts. But be careful in the future, if you have agreed to help me keep the watch, then it will be fine, if you see a zombie approaching behind me, you shout. It's enough... In fact, what I'm afraid of is that someone will shoot my cold gun in the distance. That's terrible. Unless thousands of zombies come around, they'll just deliver food. Now you go to the car and send me a sentry, If there is a stranger approaching, shoot the police, this is a big help for me!" Li Yunfei said a lot of words, which really left the barrister speechless, and went back to the roof of the car to send a sentry. .

The things collected in the small town are not too many, at least not much food can be found, but in a tavern, a large amount of alcohol was found, including high-grade red wine, white wine, beer and so on. Although these things are not necessities of life, but since I found that it is a waste to keep, I will move them back first.

Not far away, there was a zombie swaying towards him. Li Yunfei also put down the box of wine he was holding, and also took out his knife and quickly walked towards the zombie.

However, when the zombie saw the knife, he suddenly raised his hands and knelt to the ground, which made Li Yunfei stunned for a moment. This guy turned out to be a big living person.

"My God, how long has it been since you took a bath?" The person was taken back to the car, and Andrea also screamed when she saw this wonderful creature. In fact, Li Yunfei couldn't believe that a person could be so dirty.

"I'm so sorry for scaring you, ma'am. In order to avoid the attacks of those undead, I did this as a helpless move!"

"Don't you think it makes you feel uncomfortable when you look like this?"

"It's good to get used to it. If I didn't do this, I would have died. This rotten smell effectively covered my smell, so that the zombies wouldn't bite me."

"...Well, what's your name?"

"Andrew... May I join your team?" Andrew hesitated and asked. He has been traveling alone for more than a month and really wanted to find a safe place where normal people can watch it. The two days before I came out had been very comfortable, otherwise how could I take care of myself so cleanly.

"What did you do in the past, why did you appear here, and how did you find out that you used this method to avoid the zombie attack? I need to know something about your past!" Li Yunfei asked a series of words.

"I used to be a researcher of cell engineering. Later, a brand new virus that had never appeared in the world was discovered in the world, so the government urgently launched the wildfire plan, and I was also recruited..."

"Wait, did you mean 'Wildfire Project'?" Hearing the name, Li Yunfei immediately thought of Dr. Jenner.

"Yes, the wildfire plan. At that time, many people were recruited to discuss and study the response to the virus. Unfortunately, the virus broke out too fast, the vaccine has not yet been developed, the epidemic has broken out all over the world, and our research institute has also fallen. , and some of the lucky ones who survived went their separate ways..."

"You came from the Alexandria CDC?"

"No, I came from the Washington Institute of Life Engineering."

"Well, you can get in the car, but after returning to the camp, you need to be checked by several people. If there is no problem, you can stay in our camp."

"thank you very much!"

"Andrea, you're tired after driving for a long time, let me drive!" Li Yunfei's reason was high-sounding, but in fact, he felt that the smell on Andrew's body was too strong, and it was a bit unbearable. , I just want to change positions. With Andrea in the middle, it will always be much better. If it weren't for the fact that the back of the truck was basically stuffed, it is very likely that someone would go directly to the back of the car.

"...I can't believe that you still care so much about me!" At a glance, he could see through the essence of Li Yunfei's desire to change positions, but he didn't say anything, he had to save some face for the captain.

On the way home, Andrea had almost her entire body attached to Li Yunfei's body. Although she said she would save face for the captain and change her position, a normal person still feels like a normal person who hasn't bathed for more than a month. The pressure was huge, so I tried to lean towards Li Yunfei as much as possible.

"Barrister, Andrew will be very embarrassed if you look like this, sit down and be polite to our new members!"

"It's okay, you guys continue, I'm not embarrassed. Although I haven't bathed for more than a month, I have deliberately made a lot of rotten meat. In fact, I am disgusted by myself, not to mention this lady, I am very sorry for you. ."

"Andrew, you don't have to be sorry, this guy is hypocritical. The people at www.uukanshu.com are actually pretty good." Andrea didn't mean to turn around and sit down, but stuck it tighter, taking advantage of him and disgusting him. Give your sister a breath, this guy dares to justify the pedal boat, it's really annoying...

Pulling back a large carload of wine and a small amount of food, the harvest is not bad, at least many people who are good at wine are very excited.

Dr. Jenner didn't know Andrew, but this Andrew did have real information. The two chatted for a long time. Li Yunfei didn't understand a word. , I don't know if the cooperation between the two will really have a chance to come up with a vaccine that overcomes the virus. If a vaccine can really be found, then you can be considered to have completed the ultimate task, right?

It's just that two people are still short of manpower, and the equipment in the camp is not professional after all. Of course, there is also good news that any virus must be very dangerous when it first strikes, but after continuous self-replication and spread, its power will be greatly reduced.

In addition, the virus this time is only for humans and is ineffective for other mammals, even primates and chimpanzees, so we can cut into the research from this aspect and maybe develop virus antibodies, which is what Andrew's research institute did. , in principle, a vaccine can be made, but the virus outbreak was too fast at that time, and the research institute fell too fast, and there was no time to verify all the results...

Looking at the two professionals, they were discussing the matter of getting the virus, and Li Yunfei was also looking forward to it. The mysterious reward of the ultimate mission must be very good. From this unknown system, he gave himself a storage space. Judging from the sword of Edman alloy, the mysterious reward must be very awesome...

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