Time Traveler

Chapter 49: real spy

Amy looked a little weird today, she seemed to be in a very bad mood, completely absent-minded. The supper I gave myself was really salty, I must have put two or three times the salt, so I put it down without taking a few bites. Amy didn't say anything at all, this was not like her usual, if she didn't finish her supper before, it would be impossible to finish her supper even if it was hard to eat.

"Amy, what's the matter with you today!" As a good friend, seeing that she was in a situation, of course she needed to be concerned.

"It's nothing!" Amy's mood seemed very low.

"...Then what gift do you want today?" Generally speaking, her eyes will light up when she talks about gifts. If she is in a bad mood today, she will give a big gift.

"Whatever!" It was a little surprising that she still looked absent-minded.

"Then I'll give you a hug, okay?" Seeing that the other party was in a low mood, he directly hugged him, which was considered comfort. Of course, it could also be said to be eating tofu or something. According to past experience, you will be scolded for being a cheapskate, and then the other party's mood will be much better.

But today, her body seemed very stiff, as if she was a little nervous.

"Amy, what's the matter with you today... um, why are you crying?" Li Yunfei was also a little baffled when he suddenly found out that the other party was in tears.

"...I'm sorry, I'm really, really sorry!" Amy kept apologizing, but tears couldn't stop coming out.

"What's the situation... Could it be that you are, no, you can't be, your sister has the opportunity to leave the camp, is it your sister? It seems impossible!"

"I'm sorry, it's me who put you in such great danger. It's all my fault."

"What is the situation, and how could it have anything to do with you?"

"... Twenty days ago, when I was bored, I helped Dale use the car's radio station to send messages to other people who might receive them..." Amy explained one after another.

To sum it up in one sentence, she is too simple, and she was fooled by the Governor's eloquence for telling the dead. In the past 20 days, she has inadvertently leaked countless information, including who has the highest prestige in the camp and who is the most important. , those people often go out. As well as some living habits, etc., she completely regarded the Governor as a person who could chat, a person who could be trusted. She has been kept in the dark until today when she found out that Rick was looking for a spy, she only discovered the truth...

"That's it, okay, don't cry, it's alright!" After listening to Amy's story, I finally figured out the ins and outs of the matter. Seeing that Amy has already blamed herself so much, it's not easy to scold her, she can only comfort her.

"...Amy, you must not disclose the information in the camp to others in the future. This time it was considered a near miss, but next time you must pay attention." After seeing Amy's mood stabilized, he said a word.

"I won't, thank you for being able to forgive me."

"Well, you're welcome, don't tell others about this. I'll go to Rick to explain the misunderstanding, so that he won't have to worry about the traitor until dawn." After comforting Amy.

Immediately, he found Rick, who was having a headache, and explained everything clearly. Several people in the camp gathered, discussed for a long time, and finally decided. In the future, try not to broadcast the information of the camp to the outside, so as not to attract some forces with ulterior motives.

After the camp is ready to deal with all crises, it will be better to do something to help others proactively. They also discussed how to deal with other forces in the future if they really encountered other forces.


Every morning, no matter what the weather is, Li Yunfei insists on exercising for half an hour. Just like it was raining heavily today, he still went to exercise for more than half an hour. The next time I concentrate on looking at something, the speed of that thing seems to slow down a bit. It is not clear whether this is an illusion.

Every time I concentrate on looking at the raindrops, I will find that the speed of the raindrops is much slower. With a swing of a knife, the raindrops I like can often be split from the raindrops. This is not pure coincidence. The drop of water in it was split open.

It feels very magical, and it has a kind of martial arts style. I think that I have achieved some results by practicing the sword for more than two months. At the same time, my reflection ability and dynamic visual tracking ability have improved a lot. I doubt that dynamic visual ability. The improvement is due to the additional effects of the meditation technique that I constantly exercise, and of course it may also be one of the improvement of spiritual power.

This time, the practice was a bit self-absorbed. You forgot the time. You didn't stop the practice until the rain stopped. Almost an hour passed without time.

Due to yesterday's fright, when he was about to go out again, he was fully armed, with bulletproof vests, helmets, explosion-proof glasses and other equipment. A little more precaution is also excellent.

"Uh, Andrea, why are you in my car?"

"Everyone thinks that you are not safe alone, so I and your team can at least help you guard the car and keep watch by the way. If there is an accident, I can remind you." I heard that it was my sister last night. She was also very angry that the person who almost killed her had an accident, but she could only comfort her when she saw that the ignorant sister was crying. At the same time, I decided to remedy the mistake in the future, so I decided to go on a mission with Li Yunfei.

"No need, I've been alone for so long, haven't I been fine!"

"Is there really nothing wrong?"

"It's dangerous for Andrea to follow me, and it's not appropriate for you to follow me, otherwise Daryl or Glenn..."

"...After all, you still discriminate against women!"

"You really don't know what's wrong, how can I discriminate against women? Forget it, do whatever you want!" Since the other party insists on following her, you can leave her alone. In fact, someone drives her, so she can really relax.


Basically, in the current situation of the camp, as long as it is not robbed by other forces, it will be completely self-sufficient after more than a year. I don't know if I will encounter the Salvation Army during my time here. I could meet the Governor before, and it is possible to meet Negan.

This guy is definitely an unsafe factor. He plays cards completely out of common sense. It is extremely dangerous. If he really encounters it, he will attack him first if he has a chance!

"Glen! You guys go to the city to collect more supplies for the winter, and I'll go to the nearby farm to go around~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Although those food reserves seem to be a lot now, there are always people in the camp who come to defect, and I don't know. How many people will there be in winter!" At the foot of the mountain, the two teams moved separately.

"Okay then, you two should be careful too."

"With my skills, zombies will come and destroy a group!"

"I believe this, but it's hard to say if there are just a few gunmen. Don't look at your body armor, you'll still hang up after a headshot."

"Are you a curse?"

"You also believe in curses?"

"Of course, it sounds nice!"

"Gong Xi Fa Cai, great luck!"

"Well, yes, let's go!" Andrea waved goodbye, but Andrea didn't say a word. Now that the farewell was over, the truck started to rush as soon as she stepped on the accelerator.

"Barrister, can you drive slower, and if you're not in a hurry, why are you driving so fast?"

"It's less than 80, soon?"

"This is a truck, not a sports car!"

"Alright then!" After thinking about it, he still reduced the speed of the car to fifty.

There are still many towns, villages and farms near Atlanta, which may be able to get food, especially seeds. Open the map and check it carefully, keep going along the road, and after more than ten kilometers, there will be a fork in the road, from there, there will be a small town, maybe you can get a lot of useful things.

"Andrea, let's go to this town to see how things are going?" Li Yunfei asked, pointing to the map.

"Okay, go wherever you want to go, now you are my head." Andrea said indifferently.

"Then go here... But since you want to go out together, you should give more advice. No matter what, you are more familiar with this place than me!"

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