Time Traveler

Chapter 4: met a living person

Sitting on a sofa cushion, eating potato chips and drinking soda, thinking about future plans by the way, I have been in this world for most of the day, except for the five zombies I encountered at the beginning, I have never encountered any new ones. Zombies, it seems that there are not as many zombies in this world as imagined.

Of course, it may also be because this road is originally a relatively remote place and there are no cities and towns nearby, so it is normal for no zombies to move here. I have not encountered a village or town after walking for a long time, and there are very few cars. Described as sparsely populated...

He vaguely heard a slight sound of horse hooves coming from a distance, Li Yunfei quickly packed up all his things, and carefully hid in the grass by the roadside.

From a distance, I saw a horse jogging in small steps, but the pace already seemed very vain, as if it was a little out of strength, it must have been running for a long time.

"Are you going to give me a mount?" Li Yunfei was also excited when he saw that the horse even had a saddle and reins. In such a world, horses are really good as a means of transportation. Fuel consumption…

This horse must be kept in captivity, and even the reins are still there. If you grab it and feed it well, it can become your own mount. Although you say that you have never ridden a horse before, it shouldn't be difficult to learn, right?

Just as he was about to step forward to stop the horse, he suddenly saw dozens of zombies farther away, swaying towards this side, not knowing where he was attracted by the horse, the number was definitely more than 30. Above, I quickly lowered my body again, and my heart became nervous. I thought there were very few zombies, but I didn't expect that there would be so many. If it is only ten or eight, it can be done with a single heart, but if there are more than thirty, I really have no experience. If I get bitten, if I catch a little, it will be finished, so I can only hide.

Looking around, looking for a safe place to hide, but there is a wasteland nearby, there is really nowhere to hide, the grass is too short, lying here is very likely to be found by those zombies, hiding in the grass is still very good Danger.

Of course it's okay to turn around and run away, but it seems that the best way for me is to find a way to kill the group of zombies. I can be sure that this world is full of zombies. If I encounter a zombie, it is not the way to escape, I still need to be able to meet.

The number of zombies was about thirty-five. After a careful observation, no more came after him. This made Li Yunfei feel more at ease. As long as it didn't come continuously, there was still a way to do it. After dropping those zombies, we still have a lot of things.

If you prepare well and set up a trap, you should be able to handle it. Even if you can't handle it, you can still escape. The speed of zombies is very slow. As long as they are not completely surrounded, even a child can easily escape.

"Yes, using fire attack is a good choice. If there are only a few fish that slip through the net, then use the treasure knife to solve it." Looking at the things in the storage space, I saw dozens of incendiary bottles, as well as those collected earlier. Those flammable items suddenly had an idea.

Thinking of taking action immediately, before the horse and the zombies arrived, I quickly littered the road with other items. In a blink of an eye, most of the unused things in the storage space were cleaned out. What kind of cushions? Clothes, big bags, and small bags were almost thrown out, and gasoline was spilled on those burning objects, and half a barrel of gasoline was spilled.

It's a pity that the horse recognized his life, and when he saw someone in front of him, he immediately turned his head and ran to the side of the road. Most of the zombies were also led away, but there were still more than a dozen zombies wandering towards him. close.

Although there were only a dozen or so zombies, Li Yunfei still didn't dare to cut directly with a knife, for fear that if he was accidentally caught or bitten, he would be finished. Safety first.

Hiding at a distance of about ten meters behind the burning object, those zombies really have no intelligence.

"Boom! Boom! Boom..." He threw nearly ten gasoline bottles in one breath, and the flames engulfed the dozen or so zombies in an instant.

The gasoline was also burning quite violently. The zombies didn't know how to walk out of the flame zone. It burned for more than two minutes. More than a dozen zombies were completely burned and fell to the ground, unable to shake.

Although he was not completely dead yet, he had lost any ability to move. When the flames completely receded, Li Yunfei pinched his nose and held back the stench. Such a strange life... As for the horse, he didn't know where it went, and the plan to subdue the mount ended in failure, so he could only continue to walk on his legs.

The sun is about to go down, and Li Yunfei still has not found a place to live temporarily. Once night falls, if he is still wandering in the wild, it will be very dangerous, so he must find a safer temporary base as soon as possible.

This old beautiful site is indeed a vast land and sparsely populated. It took nearly six hours and more than twenty kilometers to travel along the road, but I didn't encounter a single house...

However, I saw another car on the road ahead. It looked like a new car. It was at least 80% new, and I didn't find anything. It just parked silently on the side of the road. Maybe the car could still be used, even if it couldn't be used. You can also provide yourself with a place to live temporarily. Li Yunfei was in a very good mood when he discovered this RV, and finally found a place to live temporarily.

Approaching cautiously, I could smell a stench from a distance, and I found three zombies moving from the car window, which should be a family of three. After carefully observing the surrounding situation, no other zombies were found. There are only three zombies, so he can still easily deal with it, no matter how the sword in his hand is not made of wood.

Speaking of which, Li Yunfei discovered the zombies, and of course the zombies also discovered Li Yunfei's existence, and the family of three swayed and got out of the car. The male host didn't have any wounds on his body. It was very likely that he died of the disease. The hostess had a large piece of flesh off her neck. It looked quite terrifying. Maybe she was bitten to death by the male host. There was also a little girl, too. It has changed beyond recognition and looked quite terrifying.

Although there were only three zombies approaching, Li Yunfei was still a little nervous in his heart. UU reading www.uukanshu.com couldn't help but feel a little dry. This time was different from the previous one. That time, he used fire to hide himself. It's far away, this time I'm going to cut it directly with a knife, which is really a terrible thing.

The alloy long knife in his hand trembled slightly, but it was just three zombies. If you can't handle it like this, you will not be able to live in this world in the future, so this kind of thing must be faced, this world will deal with it. What a zombie needs is not a high level of combat power, it only needs courage. Any ordinary person can hold a knife. If you see a dozen or twenty, the courage must be trained, otherwise, you will never survive in this world.

"Pfft, pfft, pfft..." After a while of slashing, he slashed more than a dozen times in a row, and all three zombies were chopped into several sections. Seeing those colorful intestines spilling on the ground, Li Yunfei couldn't hold back after all. All of a sudden he vomited.

"Next time, be sure to pay attention, only chop the heads of zombies, never do other useless work..." Li Yunfei warned himself secretly.

This is the first time that I have personally killed a zombie in the true sense. It really honed my heart to kill with a knife. I put away the alloy war knife and sat on the ground for a long time. Purely disgusting.

Suddenly, I felt that a shadow appeared and blocked the sunset. This time it was true. Li Yunfei was almost scared out of his heart. The first reaction was that the zombies approached him. according to the surrounding situation.

It turned out that there were no zombies appearing beside him, but a man on horseback appeared in the wilderness forty or fifty years away. It should be a big living person. Just now, it was because the sunset was blocked, so there was a species. The illusion of things appearing in my own side.

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