Time Traveler

Chapter 48: Death of the Governor

There were no other people present nearby. If he took the opportunity to take out the pistol to kill the opponent, then hid behind the truck and took out the heavy weapon, it would definitely not be a problem to destroy the other people.

Looking at the situation around me, I kept thinking about whether I should strike first or not, and my forehead was sweating a little. In the end, it is quite stressful for the real first to kill people, but this guy can really save money when he dies. a lot of trouble...

"Dude, you look nervous!"

"Yes, you and I don't seem to know each other. Why did you suddenly arrest me? If it's just for those supplies, you can just take them!" Li Yunfei pretended to be a little scared and said, of course, the other party couldn't be for what? Medicines and medical equipment are also quite curious, how did they offend this person.

"...The construction of that mountaintop camp of yours took up a lot of our resources!" The Governor thought about it and said straight to the point.

"Dude, just kidding, what does the construction of the camp have to do with you?" Hearing the Governor's words, you can already tell what the other party wants. The fortress-style building with a strong defensive nature is really attractive!

"Because we also need to build a camp, and we also need resources in the city of Atlanta... But now we're not going to continue building. Your camp is very good. If you let us use it..."

"Why did we give you the camp we built? Do you think that if you catch me, you can blackmail the entire camp?" Li Yunfei was already standing in front of the Governor less than a meter away, and at the same time he had locked the usual Whether or not to fire a loaded pistol first depends on the opponent's choice.

"Well, you seem to have a strong defense, but in fact some of our people got in. I just don't want my new home to be destroyed, so please let them out!" The governor said calmly, but the spy he said was It made Li Yunfei believe a little, because it was impossible for him to be kidnapped in an ambush by such a coincidence. Originally, he wanted to use the name of the spy, but the other party didn't give him a chance to continue the cliché, because his hand had reached his waist, and it looked like he was about to use a gun.

"You guys are so shameless, what if I don't agree?" Li Yunfei raised his hand, as if blaming the other party.

"That's a pity, I..." The Governor wanted to take out his pistol.

"Sorry!" But Li Yunfei was faster, and a loaded pistol suddenly appeared in his hand.

"Bang!" The bullet directly penetrated the Governor's head. His eyes were completely disbelieving and shocked. How could a pistol appear when he was empty-handed?

Until then, several people in the car exclaimed and took out their pistols in panic, but Li Yunfei had already hid behind the truck, the rope in his hand was quickly slashed by a knife, and then a heavy machine gun was taken out. All of Li Yunfei's weapons in the space are usually loaded with bullets before they are put into the space, the magazines and chains are full, and they can be used immediately after they are taken out.

"Da da da..." After the sound of a series of machine guns, the few people who just got off the bus were directly beaten to pieces. The power of the 12.7 caliber bullet is too great. Broken down.

After firing more than 100 rounds of bullets, I stopped shooting. I sat on the ground and gasped, not tired, but disgusted. It was a bit uncomfortable for a living person to be beaten into sections by bullets. Zombies are a little different, at least they feel completely different.

I don't know how far it is from their camp here. Will the sound of heavy machine guns be heard by the people in their camp, so it's better to leave as soon as possible.

He hurriedly put away his weapons, and even packed and took away some of the ammunition and weapons on the truck driven by the Governor.

There is actually an undercover agent of the Governor in the camp. This matter is absolutely serious, but now that the Governor is dead, will the undercover agent still cause trouble? If it is a very die-hard member who knows that the Governor has died in his own hands and wants to avenge himself, he will not dare to think about the consequences. The cold shot is the most terrible thing.

Then should I leave the camp to avoid the limelight? The nearby villain BOSS has died. I think it will be safer to come to the camp. I will find a deserted ravine and hide for a while, and come back to check the situation later?

But when I think of the just-installed fortress building, my comfortable room, the computer and the bathroom, and the fact that I can eat supper every night, and I can do some touching things with the two beauties, I am really reluctant. Such an easy life.

But for the sake of my own safety, it seems that going out to avoid the limelight is the best choice, but I have to remind Rick first, lest he hang up unexpectedly, causing his mission to fail, and then something terrible punishment.

Although I was covered with my head when I drove, but I drove back on the original road, it was not a big problem, it was only a few dozen kilometers. After more than an hour, I saw the familiar mountain road back to the camp.

"Maybe let Rick try to see if he can lead out the undercover agent. If he can lead it out, then everything will be fine. Maybe when you go back, you can pay attention to everyone's expressions, and you can see some situations..." Driving On the way back to the camp, I kept thinking about how to deal with the undercover thing, and suddenly felt that maybe I could go back safely, and I might see the changes in the eyes of some people. The woman who just went back is unlikely to be an undercover, and the original camp members are also unlikely to be undercover, and the Dr. James Herschel family is also unlikely... Maybe after careful investigation, someone can really be found. .


I was a little surprised. When I returned to the camp, the most suspicious people didn't show any abnormal appearance. They were very happy to come back with a carload of medicines and medical equipment.

The two girls also seemed very enthusiastic today, and greeted themselves to have a big meal, because others had already eaten dinner, and the two of them left a lot for themselves. Feeding them full seems to be their favorite. Things to do.

I really can't bear to leave the camp. If I leave there, I can eat hot meals, and there are beauties watching, and I can even hug and hug.

"Rick, there may be people from other forces lurking in our camp, and there may be people against me, so I need to go out and avoid it for a while, you should be careful. But their leader has been killed by me, so it should not be possible for us What threat does this camp pose?" After struggling for a long time, Li Yunfei finally found Rick to explain the situation, and was ready to go out to avoid the limelight.

"What force, how did you know the news, is it reliable?"

"...I can't be 100% sure~www.wuxiamtl.com~ But today I was ambushed by a group of people, the information must have been leaked intentionally or unintentionally in the camp, otherwise there would be no such a coincidence, five Someone happened to be ambushing me at the door of the hospital, which is really abnormal... Be more careful recently, I will come back after going out for a while."

"Why do you have to leave? We can think of another way. We should be able to find out the spies. How about leaving this to me? Don't leave until you find out. If you leave, in case you encounter a problem on the road. If there is an ambush, it will be even more dangerous!" Rick persuaded Li Yunfei, in fact, what he said made sense, if there is such an undercover, if you see yourself leaving, if there is an ambush or something, it is really dangerous, and the risk factor seems to be a little bit. No worse than being in camp.

"...Well, okay, then I'll trouble you, Rick!"

"Don't worry, we will be able to catch the spies. You should rest in the camp for a few days and talk. Don't go out until things are clear." Rick is really worried about Li Yunfei's accident. This is the best cooperation. Buddy, the most important member of the camp, the loss is definitely an extremely serious loss.

In the end, whether to leave without saying goodbye, Li Yunfei thought about it for a long time in the room, and finally chose to believe that Rick could handle this matter, and stayed to wait and see. In fact, if you leave alone, if you are unlucky, you may die even if you hide in the ravine, such as death from illness, such as accidentally bitten to death by some poisonous snake, or something unexpected happens on the way before you reach the ravine. dead, so it all depends on luck.

Well, in fact, all the reasons are that they don't want to give up the comfortable life in the camp, especially two girls take turns delivering supper to themselves every day, compared to hiding in a ravine and being a savage by themselves, it is simply The difference between heaven and earth.

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